ShatterBolt [1.3 Viable end game Self substainable Herlad of Thunder/Ice build]

StrangeCloud wrote:


1. You could, conductivity would be a good choice for a 2nd curse. Also I was actually planning to for tri curse in this build(you could corrupt elemental weakness on gloves, so I was planning for Elemental weakness + Conductivity + temporal chain on a Asenath's Gentle Touch, no luck corrupting gloves so far :(

2. kaom's just gives you a lot more Hp preventing a lot of possible one shots, not a bad choice since you don't need anything more then a 4link in this build. I did also state in the guide that carcass jack would be a really good choice also for the AoE and socket/links. Also you porbably can't support a 5-6link herald, unless u grab a lot of "reduce mana reservation" on the tree and use a reduce mana gem.

*lets say you support your Herald with what you listed. (25% * 1.2 * 1.3 * 1.25 * 1.5) = 73% mana reservation + 25% for herald of ice.

This reserved your mana pool by 98% leaving you 2% percent of your mana pool. You probably want Inc AoE on your Herald of Ice, it drastically helps create those screen size chain explosions. Also Remember you still need some sort of single target spell, working off 2% mana will be tough even with EB ( if you choose to go that route).

3. I'm usings Ice nova at lvl 1 because of mana issues, as you can see this build has almost no mana regen on a tiny mana pool. Which is fine, since most of the time we aren't using any mana or just using a tiny bit. Ice nova also allows us to curse everything on the screen more effortlessly. Also im guessing you would level up your ball lightning and support it with (faster projective + gmp??) this would again cause mana issues for this build.

4.Pentration support gems does work with heralds, atleast it shows up on the toolbar/tooltip when linked.

Hope I answered everything, best of luck on your build!

Edited: for grammar errors

1. Ok i think we kind of agree here. I still feel it would be better for you to use Conductivity instead of Incr AOE in your Ice Nova and better defensives gloves.

2. I would always use a reduced Mana in a 5L - using 3 support gems for herald of thunder. I think is better though to increase the damage on the herald of thunder and even get some red mana nodes instead of going dual wield doryanis and not using a shield.

For example Herald of Thunder + Qual Added cold / Lighning Pen (not sure whats better here) + Ele Prolif + Empower (+ Red Mana) and Herald of Ice + Increased AoE + Fire Penetration + Reduced Mana should be possible to use and is a damage increase on both heralds compared to your setup.

3. Ice nova takes really long to cast though and you need to be inside the mob group - Ball lighning is better there in my opinion. Of course i would only level the skill if i have enough mana to play it. I use Bereks grip (insane powerful ring for this build) which solves my mana problems.

I played the build till lvl 79 - then realized that CI is a way better choice than low life (because you waste a lot of passives to get to Blood Magic without really getting anything) and that Scion as start to get the Incr AOE nodes is a bad choice. Now leveling a CI version which should work out better.
vrez wrote:
Hi, congratz for the build.
As i will use Carcass jack, wich gems do you recomend (if CWDT, wich lvl of gems)?

Thx in advance.

Since you got so much + duration on the tree with this build CWDT can be very effective at just lvl 1.
Last edited by StrangeCloud#4772 on Nov 4, 2014, 10:19:32 PM
StrangeCloud wrote:
UmbralForce wrote:
Levelling this but as a HC witch at the moment. Planning to try using Romira's Cold Snap instead of Incinerate, so as to take advantage of Cold Snap's inherent 30% chance to freeze. Will be Doryani's Catalyst + Rathpith rather than dual Doryani's though. Thoughts?

With Three Dragons Helm you would actually lose that 30% inherent chance to freeze on Cold snap. Since cold damage now does Fire damage because of Pyre then Fire damage shocks instead of freezes. It could still freeze because of HoT added flat lightning damage to spells but the freeze won't last very long since herald of Lightning added damage isn't super high even with Cold snap's 100% damage effectiveness

I found that Cold Snap was still freezing regularly and relatively well, but chose to drop it and move back to incinerate simply because the mix of cold snap + heralds didn't quite feel right for me - and using Romira's instead of a ring with HP was a bit of a downfall, when the helm and 3Dragons already have no HP. Tree felt a bit clunky as well. It worked, just not viably enough for my taste.
For the other ring slot, would you consider the taming as a very good option?
Also, do you think the fire damage on new kaom is better than the extra 500hp on legacy kaom?
Last edited by bahamut6c19#1296 on Nov 5, 2014, 11:44:48 AM
Im currently lvl 83 with this build with some changes:
1. Using carcass jack (4L for now).
2. Using CwDT(lvl1)+EC+IC+IncDur = this can give me like 4s of phys immunity!
3. Using cold snap to start the chain reaction on packs or to finish rares - it does huge damage with conc effect, penetration and echo. And I dont really need or have mana to cast it constantly so I can wait the 2s cooldown.
4. Using Ice Nova (1/20) without inc area but with 2 curses - thinking about adding third one.
5. Using Vaal Pact because the build don't benefit much from standard leech (fast small hits) and to help counter the reflect.
6. Using rare gloves.

I also tried ball lightning but it's too slow w/o faster projectiles - and I would need 6L for it if I ever wanted to use the build with 3 curses. Running inside packs with Ice Nova is fine because everything is frozen anyway.

The build gives a lot of fun - the clear speed is great on lower level maps and it's fine on higher ones.
IGN: Drusek
Last edited by Drusek#0960 on Nov 5, 2014, 1:48:56 PM
bahamut6c19 wrote:
For the other ring slot, would you consider the taming as a very good option?
Also, do you think the fire damage on new kaom is better than the extra 500hp on legacy kaom?

The Taming or Berek's Grip would both be very good option for rings. I am playing on rampage so legacy gear are impossible to get and league specific gear are very hard to come by.

Legacy kaom would be better then 500 hp kaom's even with a perfect 40% fire damage, another 500 hp is just too valuable.

EDITED for grammar errors
Last edited by StrangeCloud#4772 on Nov 6, 2014, 2:18:14 AM
thanks for the kind reply.
i am going to invest in a taming if the build goes well
this is one of the most creative build ive ever seen ^^
Last edited by bahamut6c19#1296 on Nov 6, 2014, 8:01:13 PM
currently 89 but started as a witch :D still works great
its a really fun and interesting build !
BTW how do you get Dex to use LMP / 20lv herald of ice?
also, i think i will switch LMP to faster projectile for safer incinerate distance
bahamut6c19 wrote:
BTW how do you get Dex to use LMP / 20lv herald of ice?
also, i think i will switch LMP to faster projectile for safer incinerate distance

Lvl 21 LMP only requires 111 Dex (or 108dex for lvl 20), The tree I presented is a bit short of the dex requirement, that is why you need to get some dex on your amulet and 1 ring.

As for switching out LMP for faster projectile; LMP has more DPS because you can stand point blank and shotgun mobs which is generally pretty safe since they are most likely frozen, even bosses can be freezed for a long duration because of prolif(check out the CourtYard video, trio ware almost perma freezed for the entire fight, pretty easy mode.Remeber that Incinerate is only really used to kill high Resist/HP bosses. Everything else is dealt with by your heralds, and Vaal Stormcall.
Last edited by StrangeCloud#4772 on Nov 7, 2014, 11:35:02 PM

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