ShatterBolt [1.3 Viable end game Self substainable Herlad of Thunder/Ice build]
![]() Gameplay video(HD video Available):
Lvl 78 Courtyard Prolif makes boss fight Easy mode :D Lvl 74 George Run Lvl 70 Underground Sea(was in my early 70s when I made this. Lower level Herald gems. Self Substainable Herald of Lightning and Herald of Ice Highlight of the build: ~end game map viable effortlessly run 77-78 maps ~Fast Clear Speed! ~effortless CC ~Relatively cheap ~optional setup only require 4 links on gears! ~Best AFK Eleron Defend build kill even ranged mobs at the edge of screen ~Best Pot Breaking Build! Required Uniques: Everything else is optional and exchangable depending on your playstyle. Gem Setup and Optional set of gear(currently what I am using):
required unique required unique life resist amulet life resist ring more damage and leech/ replace with rare belt with life resist if you don't wish to use this. dual wield for more dps (Best in Slot piece)Gives huge boost in elemental damage and elemental leech. (not too explensive 1-2ex mid- late league applies temp chain to all mobs for dual curse Can be replaced with a Carcass jack(use CWDT setup) Passive Tree (currently 86, build pretty much finished at 85)
Quick Explaination of the passive tree: We start out by grabing a few Elemetal Damage node( Avoid certain 1 type elemental node because we do both lightning and cold(fire after conversion]). Focus on getting ALL of the chance to freeze and chance to Shock Nodes. Then move over left side to grab the increased duration + life cluster in Templar area and below scion area. Finish out by getting as much AoE as possible. Leveling Tree 20pt 40pt 60pt 80pt 106pt Bandit Reward Help oaks normal(+40 hp) Kill all cruel Kill all Merciless BUILD MECHANICS In order for this build to work you need the Three Dragons mask which allows your Herald of Thunder to Freeze enemy. Once frozen; upon killing a frozen enemy your Herald of Ice(which does Fire damage instead of ice because of the pyre ring) will cause shattered enemy to expload dealing high AoE damage to surrounding mobs and also shocking them(fire damage can shock with Three Dragons Mask which once they die Herald of Thunder duration will refresh. This build has very good AoE/ pack killing potential. AoE DPS comes mainly from Herald of Ice explosion, which is hard to calculate the actual dps, but the more mobs there are the bigger the BOOM! . Generally when one mob in the pack is slain by Herald of Thunder the entire pack or even screen explodes because of the domino effect. DPS of Herald of Thunder and Herald of Ice:
Herald of Ice(Level 20) ![]() Herald of Thunder(Level 19) ![]() For single target we use a LVL 1 The reason we keep this at level one is because of mana issues. We have a very small mana pool thus very little mana regen. However our single target DPS with a 4-link incinerate is still over 25k DPS(shotgun)!! We only ever use incinerate to mow down super resistant rares, and high life unique bosses. Also has enough Lightning DPS to Perma freeze certain map bosses.
![]() Overall DPS is increased because we are also using Elemental Weakness with Ice nova + Curse on Hit(covers the entire screen)Again keep this at level one for lower mana cost. Not an actually DPS skill in this build.
![]() Vaal Gem We have space in this build play around with Vaal gems! I'm using Vaal Storm call which is great because we have all the increased skill duration on the tree + increased duration gem, making the skill last almost 8 full seconds! gem setup: DPS with lvl 18 vaal stormcall:
![]() Other Vaal gems you could try: Vaal Spark + Fork Little Cerification of Herald gems: Both Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder are NOT spells. Thus increase or more Spell damage does not affect our damage. We only want Elemental Damage, Lightning, cold, fire damage. =================================================================================== Thank You For Reading! Give this post a bump if you like the build, so others can see :D If you got any question about this build, pm me in game or post questions here. IGN: Sith_Lord_Of_Nipples =================================================================================== My other Build guides:
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nothing at the moment check out past projects: UPDATES: ==================================================================================== Updated Skill Tree for 1.3 ==================================================================================== Last edited by StrangeCloud#4772 on Sep 11, 2015, 12:44:59 AM Last bumped on Jun 28, 2016, 1:49:43 AM
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update: Going to add Courtyard map soon (ADDED) Last edited by StrangeCloud#4772 on Oct 29, 2014, 1:15:40 AM
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looks interesting gonna give it a go
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I may just be confused here but if all cold damage is converted to fire damage through Pyre wouldn't the extra fire damage nodes increase the cold spells damage, not the cold damage nodes you have allocated?
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i still dont understand how this build deals so much damage but it looks pretty cool! sick theory craft bro gj!
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" good question, Increased Cold damage does increase our damage because Conversion is calculated last. lets say our skill does: 1000 cold damage with 10% cold damage node the game takes the base damage; then increase it by the percent increase; then convert total cold damage into fire damage. That fire damage will then be increased by any increased fire damage we might have. Thus with conversion we basically gets bonus from both type of elemental damage. -edited for grammar errors Last edited by StrangeCloud#4772 on Oct 28, 2014, 7:07:14 PM
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" He starts by killing a mob with incinerate. A shocked mob dies thus HoT starts. He Uses ice nova to apply curses on large aoe. Lightning from HoT hits a mob. It freezes. Due to being socketed in DC it is supported by 20 level proliferation - making the whole pack frozen. A mob dies. Due to being frozen from proliferation he triggers HoI. HoI kills a mob which in trun kills another mob and vice versa causing a domino effect. Something something shock proliferating as well. IGN: Smegacore
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I like the build, but the survivability doesn't seem too good for 77/78 maps. (sometimes, the freeze won't be enough) What do you think about replacing vaal storm call with a manual enduring cry/IC setup? (EC+Echo, IC+Inc Duration) You seem to run around quite a lot waiting for packs to die, so you should always have time to use enduring cry. Even with just 4 charges, the IC will last around 10 seconds with quality gems, so it seems stronger than the vaal storm call to me for harder maps.
Old april 2012 account got stolen Last edited by Freeslana#1251 on Oct 28, 2014, 7:59:23 PM
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" you could do that, but the freeze is pretty reliable, the speed in which Herald of thunder strike is pretty good and only 1 bolt need to freeze for the entire pack to freeze solid. and the freeze will last a long time due to temp chains. I'll post some 77-78 maps runs later once I figure out what's causing my fraps to drop my fps down to 10 while its on :( |
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what happens against reflect packs?