ShatterBolt [1.3 Viable end game Self substainable Herlad of Thunder/Ice build]
thanks for sharing this build!
what do you think about getting triple curses!? Instead of increased aoe put in an other curse in the "Ice Nova + Curse on Hit + Ele weakness" combo and skill like this (get the whisper of doom node): |
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" you could try triple curse, Conductivity might be good, instead of Inc AoE |
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" With Three Dragons Helm you would actually lose that 30% inherent chance to freeze on Cold snap. Since cold damage now does Fire damage because of Pyre then Fire damage shocks instead of freezes. It could still freeze because of HoT added flat lightning damage to spells but the freeze won't last very long since herald of Lightning added damage isn't super high even with Cold snap's 100% damage effectiveness |
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I noticed nobody is questioning the use of the lightning variation of Doryani's belt. Would it not be more beneficial to use a fire variant since 2/3rds(3/4ths even) of your damage sources are fire and the explosion which does the most spike damage is also fire?
edit: upon further consideration it makes sense in regards to more reliable freezes, but the overall damage would be higher with a fire belt I feel. Last edited by Soupremme#0709 on Nov 2, 2014, 4:25:07 PM
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How do you get herald of lightning to strike so fast and so many times?
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" I believe it naturally strike that fast, I have very little cast speed, none on the tree and only a little by using 2 doryanni catalyst. |
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I started playing a build based on that because i really love the idea. At the moment i'm lvl 78 - i play it as low life (more auras, can use herald of thunder without red mana -> an additional support gem, spell block and +1gems voidbringers). Haven't played high lvl Maps yet though.
I have some questions regarding your build. 1) Why do you use temporal chains instead of Conductivity? Temp chains is better against bosses (because of longer freeze/shock) but Conductivity should increase your killspeed against groups. 2) Kaoms is a bad choice in my opinion - why don't you use Carcass jack? Herald of thunder has amazing supports (faster casting, 20% qual added cold, empower, lighning penetration) - you should use it in a 5/6L if possible. 3) Using a Lighning spell like Ball Lighning to curse your enemys (i support it with faster projectiles) may increase your killspeed too - because you are able to freeze enemys with it and don't rely on herald of thunder to freeze but only to kill. 4) Do you know if ligtning / fire penetration works with herald of thunder/ice (it should - but haven't found any GGG statement yet)? Thx in advance. Last edited by Thirion#4157 on Nov 4, 2014, 3:43:13 AM
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This build looked fun so playing it at the moment. Currently level 59 and keep dying the ele reflect. It would be solved when I get my gear up and when I can duel weird for elemental leach but its slowed me down a bit.
Leveling the build up to this point has been easy and fun, really good build man, I think I'll grab some more life then you did though, especially since I don't have Kaoms and will use carcass jack. Very fun to play and I like exploiting mechanics like this You tend to use incinerate more while leveling unless you take another leveling ability. I used incinerate and just used a couple -5 to mana cost rings to make it cost 0 from elron. Not needed but means you can use the gems of the build pretty early. Also you can level incinerate to level 2 without increasing the mana cost for that slight fraction of increased damage that gives " number 1 seems a preference thing, I'm not running temp chains but seems like a fine option. 2 and 3 are both because you are blood magic low life. People who are not going low life (possibly because they cannot afford the gear) will not be able to add any new good supports to the hearalds without overcapping their reserved mana and a skill like ball lightning with supports would use more mana per second then a mana version of this build could sustain. Last edited by WaffleT#6054 on Nov 4, 2014, 11:05:28 AM
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" reply: 1. You could, conductivity would be a good choice for a 2nd curse. Also I was actually planning to for tri curse in this build(you could corrupt elemental weakness on gloves, so I was planning for Elemental weakness + Conductivity + temporal chain on a Asenath's Gentle Touch, no luck corrupting gloves so far :( 2. kaom's just gives you a lot more Hp preventing a lot of possible one shots, not a bad choice since you don't need anything more then a 4link in this build. I did also state in the guide that carcass jack would be a really good choice also for the AoE and socket/links. Also you porbably can't support a 5-6link herald, unless u grab a lot of "reduce mana reservation" on the tree and use a reduce mana gem. *lets say you support your Herald with what you listed. (25% * 1.2 * 1.3 * 1.25 * 1.5) = 73% mana reservation + 25% for herald of ice. This reserved your mana pool by 98% leaving you 2% percent of your mana pool. You probably want Inc AoE on your Herald of Ice, it drastically helps create those screen size chain explosions. Also Remember you still need some sort of single target spell, working off 2% mana will be tough even with EB ( if you choose to go that route). 3. I'm usings Ice nova at lvl 1 because of mana issues, as you can see this build has almost no mana regen on a tiny mana pool. Which is fine, since most of the time we aren't using any mana or just using a tiny bit. Ice nova also allows us to curse everything on the screen more effortlessly. Also im guessing you would level up your ball lightning and support it with (faster projective + gmp??) this would again cause mana issues for this build. 4.Pentration support gems does work with heralds, atleast it shows up on the toolbar/tooltip when linked. Hope I answered everything, best of luck on your build! Edited: for grammar errors Last edited by StrangeCloud#4772 on Nov 4, 2014, 11:07:47 AM
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Hi, congratz for the build.
As i will use Carcass jack, wich gems do you recomend (if CWDT, wich lvl of gems)? Thx in advance. |