I personally would not like a PvP centered leagues, i mean i wouldnt mind if they are separate from the PvE ones. Because personally i dont enjoy PvP in POE , but i can see the reasons why some people do. Ofcourse i too sometimes jump on the Sarn Arena action when im bored but thats pretty much it.
Posted byVin4enco#6212on Oct 16, 2014, 12:55:20 PM
So I assume a skill tree reset will only happen when they release 1.3.0 in december and not any time sooner, right?
A bit off-topic I know, but it's just that I need a skill tree reset so bad lol
Posted byHúrin#2481on Oct 16, 2014, 2:49:42 PM
Mullah was right, i hardly can do 300+ atziri runs on my 1!!! main PVP char ;)
But i think real PVP is HL , and LL PVP is only for fun.
100lvl mele pvp QUIT
Last edited by Jedi_blr#7847 on Oct 16, 2014, 3:57:48 PM
Posted byJedi_blr#7847on Oct 16, 2014, 3:53:41 PM
Improving pvp is a good idea since GGG really doesn't know anything about pvp. I hope the advice they got was good advice.
What about the other area that GGG doesn't know anything about. Guild management is still a joke. We NEED a guild stash log, plus guild masters NEED to be able to see when a member last logged into the game. These 2 issues are far more important than improving pvp.
Posted byMoonbreaker1#0131on Oct 16, 2014, 5:18:37 PM
Since there is no game out there that is as unbalanced as poe I don't give a .... about the pvp update but it is very nice to hear something from act four! ;)
gieeeef 1.40
"Yes, it is perfectly fair. It just sucks ass."
posted by Thaelyn on 12. August 2013 17:33
Posted by666tnt666#2734on Oct 16, 2014, 5:40:21 PM
I think it will be also good if GGG will promote guild war in the next update.
Posted bychico9955#3428on Oct 16, 2014, 10:10:03 PM
Moonbreaker1 wrote:
We NEED a guild stash log
who is "we"? the majority of guild leaders probably has better things to do than seeing through pages over pages of logs someone created to hide the one item he really took and aferwards going to the long process of trying o convince that guy to give back the item.
if you put something in your guild stash it's basically free to take for everybody who has access. for direct transfers there is a trading option. easy as this.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Posted byvio#1992on Oct 17, 2014, 1:54:58 AMAlpha Member
I have a lil thing more to mention!
A SELF-HYPER-BOOST for pvp would be the simple way to make a "BET STACK PVP" both players put the items they want to bet on a stack's window then they both agree that the winner takes it all.... the dual ends, ppl get rewards, ppl get swag, streamers get swag, losers get salty, PVP GROW.... i really hope it won't mean to hard to make a feature like that
Posted byLast_Key#4944on Oct 17, 2014, 2:32:26 AM
MosesXIII wrote:
Iluvatar_gr wrote:
MosesXIII wrote:
Dear god, this is the most massive waste of GGG time and money I've ever seen. It really, truly, honestly makes me sad to see the game taken in this futile direction.
There is a reason PVP was popular in D2 and will never be popular in PoE. That reason is IMO one of PoE's greatest strengths: It is HARDER than D2 ever was. In D2 you could build the best PVP characters, and still take them through endgame content (minus Uber Trist, but like Atziri in PoE, Uber Trist could only be cleared by a specific set of builds). In PoE, you would run into clear speed issues at the very least, and impassable walls at the most.
Look at LLD -- In D2 LLD was the niche, a pauper style of PVP. You could GET expensive LLD gear, but the difference was much more negligible than endgame. Anyway, in PoE, LLD seems to be the more popular PVP. Why? Because it takes less time to make the character. Because you're not forced to try and hit endgame content with a gimped character.
Yes. There are diehards. They are posting in this thread. Who are they, though, really? My guess is that they're either A: The players who have to PVP in EVERY multiplayer game, B: The players who PVP'd in D2 and are blind to the differences between the two games or C: Players who are poor, and see LLD as something they can finally get into with their meager wealth.
Please, GGG. I know you've obviously committed already, but please stop working on this futile endeavor ASAP. As an alt art collector and skin buyer, I love the idea of new alt art items, but as a lover of this game I hate to see it receive massive updates that ultimately will go nowhere.
What on earth are you even talking about... Many people will OBVIOUSLY try the new leagues and will enjoy them.. Who cares if you can't do the game's content with a pvp character? It will be just another character anyway. You either get alternative gear or you just don't play him except for PvP. I do not care much for PvP in arpgs either but this doesn't mean I don't care for it to be good..It is funny that you mention that POE is not D2 but still you are thinking and reasoning based on D2s PvP dynamics. GGG is doing the right thing (as usual) and you are absolutely confused.
Unless GGG implements a PVP system where there are rewards for day to day PVP (not just race-styled seasons with time restricted events), then there is much less incentive to PVP than there is to join a new league. You can't log onto your PVP character and farm Dom, or maps, or anything, really. If GGG does that, though, that's even MORE time and effort that could be better spent on new content, balance, QoL shit, anything else.
As for comparing this game to D2, if you turn a blind eye to the influence D2 has had on both this game AND its players then that's on you. However we both know the facts: PoE was made by D2 players and largely for D2 players.
PVP will never succeed outside of the niche category in which it currently exists. Not in the long term, anyway. Maybe there's a spike in popularity with the novelty of the first few tournaments, but it will absolutely fail in the end.
You can predict failure and doom for pvp and you might be right too but it is still your opinion and I don't agree with it. I find this update a nice change. Your posts are similar to these that say that hideouts are bad and should never been added. The logic of these kinds of posts is beyond my understanding.New content=better overall experience..
Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.
Posted byIluvatar_gr#3795on Oct 17, 2014, 2:39:26 AM