Path of Exile's December PvP Update

Derpey wrote:
Morgoth2356 wrote:
It's still nothing compared to HL PvP. And yes gear will matter, it's still an aRPG, but making it level 28 is a very good way to make the wealth and gear way less significant. If you can't even acknowledge that, you're just blind. And if you want no difference between people with currency and people without currency, pure skills and knowledge based PvP, just grab your arcade fighting stick and go play Street Fighter 4 in tournaments.

6L is still nothing.
Holy shit my sides.

You're simply blinded by wealth right now.
PvP in ARPGs will literally always be a giant letdown because it's only people with wealth who can fully enjoy it.

A way this could be avoided was let people put their wanted character into Void league, when PvP Season starts, they get access to literally whatever the fuck they want to use, including 6L and GG-crafted Rares.
There, now you can say it's based around Skills and build-efficiency, instead of Wealth.

- When the fuck did I EVER bring up HLD? I said PvP in general according to the patch, which IMO is only talking to people who have the wealth to enjoy it.

absolutely ridiculous

have you watched any of the low level dueling tournaments host ed by greendude and willywonka ?

it was skill and ideas that made them interesting and enjoyable, not wealth

Morgoth2356 wrote:
Derpey wrote:
Morgoth2356 wrote:
I can't wait to see 100+ Exalts down the drain GG-Craft for Lv 28 PvP.

PvP will literally always be a huge mistake in ARPGs, due to the fact that it's only rich people that can actually enjoy it to the fullest.

Lvl 28 PvP will never ask you to spend hundreds of Exalts, since at level 28 there are no unique that is super rare and the differences between rare items themselves (since you can't go higher than level 28) are really small. The only thing that can make a difference in terms of wealth is corrupted uniques (temporal chains gloves, +1 gem tabula,...), and it's still nothing compared to what you would have to spend in HL PvP. You also have to keep in mind that the game is a PvE based game, so if people sell GG <lvl 28 gear, it will most of the time be quite cheap.

Yeah.. Too bad Rare Rings/Amys can roll a lot of different stuff.
Too bad 6L can be done for a Lv 28 Armour.

But hey, nice try defending another rich man event.

It's an hack n slash so pvp is gear base, it's just a cool feature it will never be competitiv.
If you want pvp skill base you will not find that in an hack n slash
And it's dead for new player they can do nothing vs ppl with full mirrored gear + inventory full legacy unique for switch
It will be pretty retarded for high lvl pvp all inique and rare legacy
Last edited by keta#3989 on Oct 16, 2014, 6:48:56 AM
jamesl wrote:
absolutely ridiculous

have you watched any of the low level dueling tournaments host ed by greendude and willywonka ?

it was skill and ideas that made them interesting and enjoyable, not wealth

And the really original Summoners pretending to PvP?

Also saw my share of why Conversion Trap should be banned from PvP in LLD.

keta wrote:
It's an hack n slash so pvp is gear base, it's just a cool feature it will never be competitiv.
If you want pvp skill base you will not find that in an hack n slash
And it's dead for new player they can do nothing vs ppl with full mirrored gear + inventory full legacy unique for switch
It will be pretty retarded for high lvl pvp all inique and rare legacy

I find it amusing that you quickly edited it out with the tournament part when you figured out how wrong you were.

Simple, if they make a tournament, and provide prizes, then it should be accessible for literally everybody, my Void League Idea would serve that purpose, making it something for the wealthy people is shooting yourself in the foot on so many levels.

"Hack 'N Slash"

This is an ARPG, if you want an example of what a Hack 'N Slash truly is, go loook up Sacred 3.

The difference might not be big for the blind eye, but it's there.
Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar:
Last edited by Derpey#6519 on Oct 16, 2014, 6:58:38 AM
Derpey wrote:
jamesl wrote:
absolutely ridiculous

have you watched any of the low level dueling tournaments host ed by greendude and willywonka ?

it was skill and ideas that made them interesting and enjoyable, not wealth

And the really original Summoners pretending to PvP?

Also saw my share of why Conversion Trap should be banned from PvP in LLD.

keta wrote:
It's an hack n slash so pvp is gear base, it's just a cool feature it will never be competitiv.
If you want pvp skill base you will not find that in an hack n slash
And it's dead for new player they can do nothing vs ppl with full mirrored gear + inventory full legacy unique for switch
It will be pretty retarded for high lvl pvp all inique and rare legacy

I find it amusing that you quickly edited it out with the tournament part when you figured out how wrong you were.

Simple, if they make a tournament, and provide prizes, then it should be accessible for literally everybody, my Void League Idea would serve that purpose, making it something for the wealthy people is shooting yourself in the foot on so many levels.

Stop say shit !
What I removed its a quote from someone because it was bug (more than 5 quote)!!!
It's an hack n slash like diablo ... Sacred 3 is shit it's not even an hack n slash

Anyway your void league is good idea. I will say what they should do its same as descent I champion a chest with cool item you can choose before your matc, it will be more balance and all player can participate with a system like that
Last edited by keta#3989 on Oct 16, 2014, 7:18:00 AM
Derpey wrote:
Morgoth2356 wrote:
It's still nothing compared to HL PvP. And yes gear will matter, it's still an aRPG, but making it level 28 is a very good way to make the wealth and gear way less significant. If you can't even acknowledge that, you're just blind. And if you want no difference between people with currency and people without currency, pure skills and knowledge based PvP, just grab your arcade fighting stick and go play Street Fighter 4 in tournaments.

6L is still nothing.
Holy shit my sides.

You're simply blinded by wealth right now.
PvP in ARPGs will literally always be a giant letdown because it's only people with wealth who can fully enjoy it.

A way this could be avoided was let people put their wanted character into Void league, when PvP Season starts, they get access to literally whatever the fuck they want to use, including 6L and GG-crafted Rares.
There, now you can say it's based around Skills and build-efficiency, instead of Wealth.

And who says it has to be 100% based around skills and build-efficiency ? LLD is just a mean to be closer than that compared to HL PvP. PvP in aRPG's can't be fully competitive and skills based, pointing that as a "bad point" is stupid since it's not SUPPOSED to be like that. Just as I said, if you want truly skills based PvP, just play something else instead of playing Captain Obvious on the forums.
IGN : @Morgoth
Dear god, this is the most massive waste of GGG time and money I've ever seen. It really, truly, honestly makes me sad to see the game taken in this futile direction.

There is a reason PVP was popular in D2 and will never be popular in PoE. That reason is IMO one of PoE's greatest strengths: It is HARDER than D2 ever was. In D2 you could build the best PVP characters, and still take them through endgame content (minus Uber Trist, but like Atziri in PoE, Uber Trist could only be cleared by a specific set of builds). In PoE, you would run into clear speed issues at the very least, and impassable walls at the most.

Look at LLD -- In D2 LLD was the niche, a pauper style of PVP. You could GET expensive LLD gear, but the difference was much more negligible than endgame. Anyway, in PoE, LLD seems to be the more popular PVP. Why? Because it takes less time to make the character. Because you're not forced to try and hit endgame content with a gimped character.

Yes. There are diehards. They are posting in this thread. Who are they, though, really? My guess is that they're either A: The players who have to PVP in EVERY multiplayer game, B: The players who PVP'd in D2 and are blind to the differences between the two games or C: Players who are poor, and see LLD as something they can finally get into with their meager wealth.

Please, GGG. I know you've obviously committed already, but please stop working on this futile endeavor ASAP. As an alt art collector and skin buyer, I love the idea of new alt art items, but as a lover of this game I hate to see it receive massive updates that ultimately will go nowhere.

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KoTao wrote:
Racing has a negligible barrier to entry (watch a couple top racer vids, do a few practice runs) and still has a tiny percentage of the active player base participating in any given season.

Dueling (in its current form) has a considerably higher barrier to entry at best, and a ridiculous barrier to entry at worst, especially for hld. Its hard to see dueling seasons having higher than ghost town levels of participation if there arent a considerable amount of events similar to races, where the players all start out on roughly equal footing and results are determined primarily by skill.

Id suggest that there be two sections to dueling leagues: A bring your own pre-geared character format, aka what we have now, and a from-scratch format where players create a temporary event character that starts at lvl28 (lld) or lvl100 (hld), skill it then gear it from a set of predetemined items that are equally available to everyone, with roughly equal amounts of events in both formats.

Although I am not a dueler in most games, I am happy to see GGG taking a big step towards integrating PvP support and balancing.

I really like your suggestion. Descent style chests could be set up with some uniques that only exist in those matches so players couldn't test them outside the events.

I'm looking forward to this, despite the fact that I know I will get thrashed.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
beside separate pvp leagues, i would like to have some more pvp elements in the main game.

that way players aren't shocked anymore when a bandits quest goes wrong which currently catches most newbies totally by surprise because it's just that single pvp element in the main story line of the game.
MosesXIII wrote:
Dear god, this is the most massive waste of GGG time and money I've ever seen. It really, truly, honestly makes me sad to see the game taken in this futile direction.

There is a reason PVP was popular in D2 and will never be popular in PoE. That reason is IMO one of PoE's greatest strengths: It is HARDER than D2 ever was. In D2 you could build the best PVP characters, and still take them through endgame content (minus Uber Trist, but like Atziri in PoE, Uber Trist could only be cleared by a specific set of builds). In PoE, you would run into clear speed issues at the very least, and impassable walls at the most.

Look at LLD -- In D2 LLD was the niche, a pauper style of PVP. You could GET expensive LLD gear, but the difference was much more negligible than endgame. Anyway, in PoE, LLD seems to be the more popular PVP. Why? Because it takes less time to make the character. Because you're not forced to try and hit endgame content with a gimped character.

Yes. There are diehards. They are posting in this thread. Who are they, though, really? My guess is that they're either A: The players who have to PVP in EVERY multiplayer game, B: The players who PVP'd in D2 and are blind to the differences between the two games or C: Players who are poor, and see LLD as something they can finally get into with their meager wealth.

Please, GGG. I know you've obviously committed already, but please stop working on this futile endeavor ASAP. As an alt art collector and skin buyer, I love the idea of new alt art items, but as a lover of this game I hate to see it receive massive updates that ultimately will go nowhere.

What on earth are you even talking about... Many people will OBVIOUSLY try the new leagues and will enjoy them.. Who cares if you can't do the game's content with a pvp character? It will be just another character anyway. You either get alternative gear or you just don't play him except for PvP. I do not care much for PvP in arpgs either but this doesn't mean I don't care for it to be good..It is funny that you mention that POE is not D2 but still you are thinking and reasoning based on D2s PvP dynamics. GGG is doing the right thing (as usual) and you are absolutely confused.
Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.


I hope PvP is going to work well... but as some ppl say, the problem is gonna be either gear for low level pvp or pvp builds dynamics. I'd not say that this major update is futile, because it is not. One of the greatest reasons that make ppl enjoy multiplayer games is the question of PvP. I'm not a fan of PvP on ARPGs anyway, but i think there's a good chance for this to work out. GGG you guys should make a huge difference between PvE gear and PvP gear, only by doing this ppl wont complain about wealth men which have sick rare items (even for lower levels).

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