1.3 Life Based "Shatter Chuck Lite" Barrage - CoC build (updated the tree)

I am currently lv 62 in bloodline and barely managed to gear my character up since it is my first character in this league.
I found that my crit chance is extremely low (A bit below 50%) with all my gears on.
I would think that with barrage insane attack speed, CoC will proc crazy even with 50% crit chance.
However, it is taking forever (at least 4-5 full barrage) for my CoC to proc.
What should I swap out for higher crit chance? Can it also be my passive skill tree?


Skill Tree
Last edited by BleedTillDry#3062 on Dec 31, 2014, 1:18:25 PM
Just went uber. Got to atziri, got to last mirror phase but ripped at every mirror phase. The spears destroy me, what level was your cwdt and ic when you tried it?

Edit: just saw that you were 12. Weird, im 13.. i got hit by like every spear..
Last edited by xNomadx#5788 on Jan 2, 2015, 10:42:32 AM
BleedTillDry wrote:
I am currently lv 62 in bloodline and barely managed to gear my character up since it is my first character in this league.
I found that my crit chance is extremely low (A bit below 50%) with all my gears on.
I would think that with barrage insane attack speed, CoC will proc crazy even with 50% crit chance.
However, it is taking forever (at least 4-5 full barrage) for my CoC to proc.
What should I swap out for higher crit chance? Can it also be my passive skill tree?


Skill Tree

Wand and Necklace.
Try to get 10+ better 11+% crit chance on wand.
Global crit + crit multi on necklace
U can also try to use Ungil's Harmony for a while, till u get some better crit chance gear.
Last edited by jaksna#7376 on Jan 2, 2015, 12:57:42 PM
Does that 0.5% more crit chance on wand make a big difference?
BleedTillDry wrote:
Does that 0.5% more crit chance on wand make a big difference?

i had a 10.65% crit chance wand before i changed it into a 11.73% crit chance, after the change of those my critical strike chance rose for over 6% , its crazy
exiledmule wrote:
I really like this build, thanks so much for sharing it. I also like how many people have made their own adaptions. I'm firmly in that camp as I had a level85 Shadow with a full respec after 1.3 and decided to use him instead of the witch.

My passive tree at level90 is as follows..

My current gear is as follows (getting better as I level gems etc)..

As you can see from my tree and gear I have deviated quite a bit from the original build. I am concentrating on cold damage with Ice Spear and Arctic Breath being cast on critical strike. Right now I have a 23% chance to freeze enemies (if they are cursed with Frostbite) and I am now really liking freezelocking those pesky exiles like the flameblast guy, and exploding minion bimbo.

The auras I use are Haste, Herald of Ice, and Herald of Thunder.

I am using Windscream boots so my Herald of Thunder is linked to Curse on Hit, Frostbite, and Enfeeble. This seems to work pretty well and I am thinking of replacing Enfeeble with Poachers Mark at some stage for Frenzy charges and life/mana on hit.

I am using 2 Elreon -8 mana items (1 ring and my amulet) so the total cost of my main attack is 2 mana. This has allowed me to drop all mana regen nodes and EB. My unreserved mana is 45 so I never run out of mana.

I took Alira bandit in Merciless so I have a total of 7 power charges. I would really love to try a Void Battery and see how that works for me DpS wise.

I've got a Discharge gem for manual cast but don;t use it often. I also have the Reckoning counterAttack gem but that doesn't trigger much due to my low block chance (25% (12% spell block))

If I level more I think I will most likely head toward the wand wheel at the top of the tree.

As always, if anybody sees any improvements on my particular build, please share them, I'd love to see.

NOTE: I have no idea what kind of damage I am doing because I totally failed 5th form maths but everything is dying pretty good, even in 6 man parties (though some moan when I pull out my wonderCoC heheh).

I've never been able to venture into the Apex of Sacrifice myself and had a guy run a few sets for me a long time ago. Now I feel that I have the character that will finally allow me to conquer Atziri, thanks to Killmour. Many thanks again for an AWESOME (and really flexible build). Also thanks to Tom for the original Shatter chuck!

I really like your build -- utilizing the -mana cost item to save all the mana regen nodes.

After seeing your build, I started comparing my build against it. I followed the original shatter chuck lite and had a little deviation from it. Right now I am running 4 auras - Purity of fire, herald of thunder & ice and Haste. I feel like my build is more geared towards doing Atziri since when I fight her I switch on a Rise of the Phoenix, pop my enhanced ruby flask (enhanced by flask passive) and with the added max fire resistance from purity of fire I have 99% fire resistance. That allows me to face tank her and just shotgun her all day.

Hi all,

Wanted to share my version of the build with some big changes ☺ let me know what do you think about it. The main differences:
- Focus on high evasion rating (through Grace aura)
- Focus on Dodge (Acro / Ondar)

Run 4 auras :
- Purity of lightning
- Purity of fire
- Herald of ice
- Grace

Pros :
- 7 power charges
- 26% reduced mana reserved
- High evasion : Grace will give you an aditional about 4000 evasion (2000 from aura + 100% evasion from nodes)
- 16% Increased aura effect : about 700 more evasion from Grace and +1% max Ele Resists
- 169% increased life
- 30% chance to avoid stun
- 30% stun recovery
- 40% chance to dodge attacks from Acrobatics
- 30% chance to dodge spells from Phase Acrobatics
- 100% more chance to dodge projectiles from Ondar’s Guile
- Acrobatics allows you to deal with reflect maps

Cons :
- No Purity of Ice : You will have to max cold resist without it (75%) : You have to rely on solid gear
- -50% mana from Voll’s and -50% energy shield from Acrobatics, so you will have about 500/600 mana
- No Vaal Pact
- You can be stunned without « Unwavering stance »

The build :

Alternate version, more damage oriented with the big elemental Celestial nodes:

Mana reservation calculator based on 600 mana (78mana left : more than enough) :

IGN: SjeveN
Last edited by drymagon#4240 on Jan 3, 2015, 2:53:52 PM
While I do love acro/phase acro this patch (I have 2 characters utilizing evasion as primary defense in torment), the loss of vaal pact to this build is IMO unacceptable.

Even on only a 5L volls atm, vaal pact regen (via discharge and cold snap linked to a life leech and high level cwdt) is a huge loss to the build, and with the huge amount of rapidly dealt damage that needs to be leeched, vaal pact is simply too valuable to sacrifice, Plus you are losing a nice chunk of spell crit/spell crit damage/spell damage going that way.

Those problems aside, especially on only a 5L without life leech linked to the main attack, you are gaining significant survivability at the expense of overall damage. However, on a 6L volls with leech linked, the instant leech will keep you alive more easily than acro/phase/ondars imo.

Note the 7th power charge is really not necessary, as we can relatively easily cap the crit rate with only 6 under the original build; I am already at 92% critical rate with 6 charges at 74 with good but cheap gear on torment.

I am using my own variant of the build that does not dip as far into the ranger area though, in exchange for more %life, crit rate/dmg, and accurracy at the expense of some projectile speed/damage/move speed.
Thanks for the input,

If you really feel like Vaal pact is necessary, you can go for this version still allowing you to run grace + 2 purity + herald of ice:
Vaal Pact Version:

However, your life will drop to 150% and you will loose +100% evasion rating to get it.

Damage wise, i dont feel this build is weaker to the original one:
- You gain 50% crit chance and 25% crit multi from Heartseeker in the ranger section (the 25% crit multi is a big deal)
- You gain a power charge : 50% more crit chance (replacing the 32% crit chance lost from Eagle eye nodes)

Indeed you will loose spell crit chance from Witch area, but i personnaly dont like it as it applies only to spell and not to barrage trigger.

As for attack speed: Prferably dont stack it now, with the 1.3 Coc nerf. Coordination and Harrier nodes will easily get you to the 2.3 optimal APS.
IGN: SjeveN
Optimal APS is 2.2 if you want a max of 8 procs. If you go to 2.3, you will drop to 4 max per Barrage. The breakpoint is somewhere between.

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