1.3 Life Based "Shatter Chuck Lite" Barrage - CoC build (updated the tree)
Edit: I have not had much time to update the guide, sorry, I'll post my updated Skill tree, everything remains mostly the same. I tried it out for a few mins the other day and it worked just fine.
Idea behind the build
I've always loved CoC builds. Ever since the gem was released I've been doing some form of cast on crit or another, first it was daggers with discharge and now with wands and projectile spells. When the Rampage league started I played a pretty standard block flameblast build to level, I felt like CoC was going to be hard to do safely with the change of the tree. I saw Tom94's guide after 1.2 came out and figured I could adapt my previous playstyle of dagger CoC discharge from old leagues and make a wand version work. My old CoC discharge builds had great AoE clear ability, but never quite enough single target to deal with Uber-Atziri quickly enough to make things safe. I used quite a few regret orbs to test out various versions of the build and I'm now pretty happy with how things turned out. The build is a Cast on Crit Barrage build, it uses GMP to support both barrage and projectile spells. With full power charges generated from Voll's our barrage crit chance is nearly cap (92% for me) and because we attack fairly quickly, we generate roughly 10 spells per second of firing. The build supports herald of ice and all three elemental purities to shore up its defenses. I am currently running 92% to all resist and 10k armor with flasks up. With surgeons and our high number of crits our flasks are always on. The "Lite" part of this build comes from the fact that it doesn't require Acuity and Shavs plus mirrored gear to pull off. I'm sure everyone wants those items, but they don't just fall from the sky, and this build gives you a taste of the build before spending all that currency on it. Now it still takes at least a 5L voll's protector, and works best with a 6L, but its much more attainable than the full Shatter Chuck item list. The build is very different from Shatter Chuck, and if you were to go from my build to his, it would take 100 regrets at least. However, it was inspired by Tom's build so I'll pay homage to it in the title. So why play this build?
This build is for those who are either not wealthy enough, or want to try a different take on Tom94's Shatter Chuck build. It has a strong clear speed, combined with a high single target damage capability. It combines the defense of permanent resist and armor flasks plus triple purities with the offense of Cast on crit. It does not do as much damage as the real shatter chuck build, nor does it have the versatility but it does enough to get a toehold on most of the content and let you build up wealth. Reflect is no joke when you get a decent amount of spell-damage and crit-multi. If you lapse on having flasks up you can kill yourself very, very fast. I've done every type of map so far this league with this build, and done every boss with every mod. Some are horrible (dominus with -max +damage) and some are not a big deal(Courtyard/dom bosses with extra damage and curses) but everything is doable with some work. Blood magic is probably our deadliest mod due to not being able to run our resist auras. It is doable however, since you can keep your flasks up, but you are extremely vulnerable when they are down in such a situation. Uber-Atziri is doable as well, and I have a video of me killing her below, however twitch ate my past broadcasts so I'll have to make some more videos in the future. She is not easy, and the trio is very sketchy, but I have done it without dying before. Is this build as easy as the fotm Ice-shot prolif build? No. Nor is it as powerful as a full on Shatter Chuck build, but it gets the job done. The passive tree Base build for Uber-Atziri, and what I would run most of the time. (Updated for 1.3)
The tree I'm using now for general mapping with a party(updated for 1.3)
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMBAx4EBwVCBiMHHgixDkgOXA-rEZYWvxmKGo8fQSaVKgsqOCpNLJwtHy2DMgk1kjY9Olg64T8nP_xBlkSrRX5GcUlRSshMs03jUDBRTFHZUzVVS1WuVcZb9F3yYeJirGNDakNq-msXbEZsjG6qb55wUnDVcmx3B3gNfVt9dX_GghCCHoMJg9uHE4nTjAuMNo-mlSCVLpcGm7WcpJ2qoqOmV6lurEeus7CStAy1SLXyuXy747zqwFTB88M6xKLKStD1037YvdsL217fit-w44ToZuyw8NXz6vba-wn-j_66_5M= Early dual wield setup
This was something I tried early on, when your wand has enough crit you do not need wand crit nodes so I dumped them
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMBAx4EBwVCBiMHHgixCaAOSA5cD6sRlhSwFr8ZihqPH0EmlSoLKjgqTSycLR8yCTWSNj06WDrhPyc_cz_8QZZEq0V-RnFJUUrITLNN41AwUUxR2VM1VUtVrlXGW_Rd8mHiYqxjQ2pDavprF2xGbIxs526qb55wUnDVcmx3B3gNfVt_xoIQgh6DCYPbhxOJ04wLjDaPppUglS6aYZu1nKSdqqKjplepbqxHrrOwkrQMtUi18rl8vOq-7sBUwfPDOsfKyUTKSs5w0PXYvdsL217fit-w44ToZuyw8NXz6vba-wn-j_-T You can do this build as a Scion or Shadow as well, you just have to adjust the starting point. You could do it as a ranger as well, but I would not recommend other classes, as you spend too many points trying to get to the meat of the build. The Important nodes are: The Power charges, the flask effect nodes near witch, the crit in the shadow area, the crit and hp near scion, and Vaal Pact. Charisma is not needed, it's just luxury to run Herald of Ice all the time. Bandits
Currently I am using Oak/point/power charge. I could swap the cruel reward to attack speed, but its a fairly minor gain. The build is pretty point hungry while leveling so I would go with the point first, and swap later if you feel like it. My current gear
Your normal Resist flasks and granite with surgeons. These are a large part of your survivability. Hp flask flask for countering Righteous fire, or healing after/during a fight. I swap to the Hybrid for half or no regen maps. Weapon
At bare minimum you need a wand with Local crit, and spell damage. Ideally you want a wand with local crit, spell-damage, spellcrit/attackspeed, crit multi/ and one of the leeches crafted on. You can dual wield, or use a wand and a shield. For a shield, you want max health, maybe some resists and some spell-damage. Rathpith globe can work. If reflect is a pain, or you are doing a minus max map, you can try using Saffel's Frame. My ideal gear ideas
Ideally you want HP/resist on every non unique. Spell-damage, global crit and multi are very nice to have. Attack speed is good. Accuracy is important! Do not forget about it! When you roll a crit in PoE the game re-rolls your accuracy to confirm your critical roll, having more accuracy equals more crits. Try and get a little bit of mana leech or mana regen on something if you can, makes things a bit smoother while mapping. Gem setup
Main Attack
Barrage(1-5) - Cast on Crit(20/20) - Greater Multiple Projectiles(20/20) - Life Leech(20) - Arc/-Arctic Breath(20+) - Ice Spear(20+) Bread and butter for attacking. Many spells are interchangeable. Arc is good for clearing maps, but not that great for Single targeting Atziri or her buddies. Ice spear and Arctic Breath are nearly the same in damage, Ice spear wins out in damage for me due to the higher crit chance as well as piercing close, but Arctic breath brings the utility of the ground ice. Fireball does fine damage, but does not have any utility. You can use aoe spells like discharge or firestorm, but I've mostly just tested them out, it seems to me like arc/projectile is best for map clearing, and double projectiles is best for a single target.
Reduced Mana(20) - Purity of Fire(20/20) - Purity of Lightning(20/20) - Purity of Ice(20/20) How we can support our gear and defend against reflect.
Reduced Mana(20) - Herald of Ice(20/20) Increased Duration(20/20) - Enfeeble(20/20) - Vaal Haste(10+ Whatever your dex allows) Reduced Duration(20/20) - Lightning Warp(20/20) Basic support gems, don't over-level your vaal haste. Herald of Ice is only something I was able to run when I got the Charisma cluster for map clearing. For Atziri runs you can turn aura's on and off (purity of ice) to make room for herald of ice. Put enfeeble on scary stuff if you can, mostly only needed in a party since you kill so quickly.
Cast when Damage Taken(12) - Enduring Cry(12) - Immortal Call(12) - Increased Duration(20/20) My Cwdt setup is leveled a little bit so that if I take a giant hit from Uber-Atziri or the like the immortal call will last long enough to protect me from subsequent spears or whatever other horrible thing is hitting me. Righteous fire
I get a lot of question's about Righteous fire. The Idea behind using it is to buff your damage a ton for certain situations. I carry a health flask to counteract the effect in between mobs or phases. with flasks up your resists will be in the low 90s so your health will go down slowly. As long as you are leeching or have a flask running your health will be stable. Be careful using this, it's overkill to run all the time, and not necessary especially while soloing unless you really need to bring something down quickly (Uber-Atziri, Vaal Temple Trio). Damage
Barrage with 6 charges
Ice Spear
Ice Spear with 6 charges and RF
Arc with 6 charges and RF
Arctic breath
Arctic breath with 6 charges and RF
![]() As you can see, the damage is pretty fair, even without righteous fire on. Napkin math puts my shotgun damage without RF around 350k on a shocked target with Arc + Spear. With Spear + Arctic Breath and RF it's around 700k on a non-shocked target. If you somehow managed to have acuity and perfect shatter chuck stuff otherwise, you could run Spear + Arctic + Fireball/Arc and do absurd damage. Reflect might be scary, and you would need a leech belt and on your weapon(s) but it would be interesting to see. Uber-Atziri
Doing Uber is pretty straight forward. Everything hurts badly in the map, so make sure to kill all the trash far from you. For the Vaal Duo, spawn one first. Use Arc+Spell. Pop righteous fire and vaal haste and kill the first one, then the second. You should be able to do this before either goes down below. For the Trio use two of the three projectile spells(Arctic Breath/Ice Spear/Fireball), I recommend killing the dual strike mob first. The fire shield really hurts fast attacking builds when he is empowered. Other than that, you can do either the bleed guy or the tentacle bitch last, I've done it both ways. Both are dangerous, but I think random spine deaths are more common with the tentacle bitch. I think the safest route is to go dual striker, tentacle, then bleed, since you have unlimited bleed removal and you can range down the bleed guy if necessary. For Atziri herself make sure you have at least 4.4k hp if not more. In my kills I continually dip sub 500hp with 4700ish health. Don't use arc, unless you need help aoeing in the zombie phase. If your CWDT is leveled enough, and you have enough damage you should be able to take a spear and be immune to the next two in her split phases. You can stand in flameblasts and storm calls as long as your resists are 93+ but I would avoid that if you can. Assuming your damage is high enough she pushes almost instantly if you are shotgunning her anyway. Avoid the large double flameblast, it will kill you. Running righteous fire is important on this since we need all the damage we can get, however its very important to keep your health balanced and your resist flasks on during transitions. You need to be near full when she appears so you don't die to something stupid. If you do it right, you will have your flasks up the whole fight and while you will get low, you should not die to anything as she pushes between phases very quickly. Make sure to have unwavering for this, a bad stun from a spear can kill you. If you don't mind wasting a portal and exp, then you can just go with heart of oak or nothing. Videos
Q: Do I have to use Voll's Protector? A: No, You can drop a spell for Power Charge on Critical, but it will lower your damage Significantly. I would not recommend going below a 6L without Voll's otherwise you will have to drop Life-leech as well. While this is do-able it's dangerous. Q: Do you need Vaal Pact? A: Not until you see reflect. Reflect will kill you very quickly if you do not have Vaal Pact or Atziri's Acuity. The idea behind this build is not spending 100+ ex so we go for Vaal Pact. Vaal pact works out to quite a bit of survivability once our damage ramps up as well since we basically have to get one shot to die due to instant healing. Q: Why do you get Eldritch Battery? A: Voll's poops on your mana. Even though my Barrage only uses 18 mana, you still are reserving most of your mana with the Purities. And having an auto attack randomly sucks. Q: Do I need a 6l Voll's? Or can I get away with a 5L or less? A: You can make the build work with a 5L or even a 4L, but I would not recommend doing serious high maps without at least a 5L, and a 6L for Uber-Atziri. Regular Atziri is very simple for even a 5L version of the build. I think you can probably kill Uber with a 5L, but it's really not worth the frag's to bother in my opinion. Q: Why no Throatseeker or Doom Cast? A: Both of these are good options for increasing dps I just have not retaken them, I've tested them out, and gone back to more hp most of the time. Q: Is this build hardcore viable? A: I'd say its doable, but not recommended. It's a bit too glass cannon for my taste in hardcore. It could be done however. Thanks for checking out the build, and let me know if you have any questions. Thanks to my guild for putting up with my CoC addiction. Thanks to Tom94 for his Shatter Chuck guide and thanks to Pabrt for his guide for inspiring me back in the early CoC days of Domination. ign: Killmour Last edited by Killmour#6333 on Dec 27, 2014, 11:53:56 PM
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Sweet build. Thanks for posting.
IGN: NNQQ, Sporkay, Rands_
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Nice face tanking her. Try flame surge. It's like 4x the dps of those other spells because you are running RF. I mean if you're in her face anyway (burning) might as well.
Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Oct 6, 2014, 11:14:17 PM
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" Gmp on those spells puts flame surge in the trashcan. Just the same as the normal shatter chuck build. If Flame Surge was a projectile then it would be great, too bad its not though. ign: Killmour
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You had me at "I've always loved CoC..."
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" It's not a projectile but shits all over those other spells by itself if you are in her face like that. Try it may change your mind. Git R Dun! Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Oct 6, 2014, 11:28:48 PM
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" Ice spear by itself is doing 5320 damage times 5 projectiles times 11 procs per second. Thats 292k dps. Flame Surge is does about 8k times 11 procs per second, thats around 90k dps. Not really comparable. ign: Killmour
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I love how you were able to make this not just playable but pretty powerful even without the really high cost of the original shatterchuck (will still cost a pretty penny). IF I had a void battery lying around would it's bonuses make it a better choice over most rare wands or do I definitely want a rare wand?
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" I'm not really sure if a void battery would be that great or not. I haven't ever used one. I feel like without the auras of low life and blood rage it would be a bit slow in terms of attack speed. It might work, but I feel like a rare wand is just easier to use. ign: Killmour Last edited by Killmour#6333 on Oct 6, 2014, 11:49:05 PM
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Hey there,
You are not really saying what makes your shatter chuck a shatter chuck lite in the first 2 spoilers, i think. Greets! |
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