1.3 ✮ The Crit DoT Chin Sol build ✮ Puncture Trap / Ice Shot (Build of the Week S3E3)

kptgaren wrote:
Can someone make a video killing Atziri with budget version? Is it possible? I have everything except
Voll's devotion and quality gems. I have 5l/5l. My puncture tooltip is around 8k. Do you think thats enough?
Btw,your build is incredible,gz :)

I managed to kill Atziri yesterday with this gear at level 82. Puncture was about 5.6k and ice shot about 10k. Health was at 2.3k (lol). Atziri one shot me 4 times but I managed to kill her so whatever


level 79 shadow ATZIRI DOWN


OPOPOP build
Thanks again for the build!! I am rolling through maps up to lvl 70. If you guys can advise me on the gears, I would greatly appreciative. Please let me know if I can move up to the big leagues :) or need to farm some more?



Thanks, Andy

p.s. I am still trying figure the best gems :)
RGVsUrTexas wrote:
Thanks again for the build!! I am rolling through maps up to lvl 70. If you guys can advise me on the gears, I would greatly appreciative. Please let me know if I can move up to the big leagues :) or need to farm some more?



Thanks, Andy

p.s. I am still trying figure the best gems :)

it seems you didnt run hatred or herald of ash, both of this aura increased DPS pretty much unless you going to play it safe

Thanks for addressing my question earlier.

I wanted to ask another one in regards to Temporal Chains and Power Charges. I was thinking about if you decided to go with Chains, would dropping one of the optional gems on Ice Shot, such as Added Fire for Power Charge on Crit be better than running Assassin's Mark all together? Also, taking the Power Charge from Alria instead of the Endurance Charge from Oak, and grabbing the PC in the Shadow area. I actually took the Skill point from Merc Bandits as I never in all my characters ever saw 4 Endurance Charges on a proc of CWDT, most times it's 1 or 2. Just my opinion but I don't think it's worth it.

Thing is I don't have a 5 link yet so I can't test it, was wondering if you could give it a whirl and see how PCoC works with Temporal Chains, or your opinion on the idea. Thanks again!
PCoC is an interesting idea, would be nice to see if the straight tooltip dps boost with 4 power charges (there is an extra one 1 point away) is higher than the added fire gem.

I personally have not tested but I doubt it will be higher dps than added fire. Plus you wouldn't get the benefit of extra shock from added fire damage. But PCoC would allow you to use a different curse and likely have a better chance of puncture trap criting. However, Using power charge on Crit with romiras ring is pointless because you would lose all charges, would only work with the budget version of the build.
Last edited by link1313#3590 on Sep 10, 2014, 1:52:01 PM
How do you guys deal with reflect maps? It's too sketchy when I crit in them, physical and/or elemental maps. I have no real problems with single rare guys with reflect, just puncture and move on, but the maps are a real pain.

I have so many level 77/78 maps that rolled really good, but I can't really do them because of reflect :(.

Also, have you ever done a vaal temple? I honestly have no idea how this map compares to apex/uber apex, but I have one laying around that I really wanna do!
Last edited by DRASTICK#7355 on Sep 10, 2014, 2:02:08 PM

Yeah with that ring it wouldn't work. I don't really intend on getting them, broke as a joke currently, probably just going rare jewelry. I just figuring running around with 5 PC (if you get Alria and the Shadow tree one) you would crit much more often and get those big hits on traps.

I just watch the first budget build Atziri run and on the first split he had to drop like 6 or so traps to take it out. The next one was 2 traps and it was insta-dead due to 1-2 crits. The crit is where its at. Tooltip DPS is great and all but its not a real representation of true DPS.

With Assassin's Mark there is no way to generate PC's unless you kill something so its useless on longer boss fights such as Atziri/Uber. This was something Foxtactic's was discussing on his stream with his "Pledge of Arc" build where he is using Assassin's Mark, and said he would probably go for PCoC once he gets a 6 link, and drop Assassin's Mark altogether and go Conductivity instead. This was a last week he was talking about it on his stream, not sure if he has changed his mind on it though.

At any rate I feel the same process could work here. Assassin's Mark is great for trash not so much for big bosses. Though from what I have seen most bosses don't last long anyway. Just a thought I figured I would pass along.

Would this contend against Chin Sol?
Great build, my only problem with it is ele reflect. I one shotted myself 3 times today and my ice shot is only 11k. But when you shoot in pack of reflect golems at point blank range with crit curse on them there's not much else that can happen :).

My tree is a little bit different but still cruising through everything :).


I need to swap that doryani belt for physical one though.

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