[2.0] Crit Mjölner - Stupidly Expensive and Fun. **UBER DOWN**
Argh! Game feels boring lately. Would want to roll a ranger, but i hate leveling a new character. Maybe i need to find another witch build :(
IGN: Reoxy
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Sorry, but noob Mechanics question, why do you have discharge socketed on the weapon? does it go off when Arc procs? or do you have to manually cast it?
"Ultimately, I confess I still don't get the appeal of dungeon crawlers. Seems like I could recreate the essential experience by opening Microsoft Excel, scrolling down ten thousand pages with the down cursor key, and then typing "The Most Splendid Trousers of Them All!" -Yahtzee Last edited by EtherBunny66#3451 on Oct 26, 2014, 9:58:23 PM
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Read what the weapon says. Its like cast on crit gem, but without crit and the spells must be on the weapon to proc. IGN: Reoxy
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" You should invest in a headhunter.. I felt like it was getting boring too but now its so fucking fun! If a headhunter cost 1000 ex, I'de still buy one. It's so good. I changed my tree yet again. You need 320str on the tree to use headhunter. Imo this is my best tree modification yet. Good amount of extra DPS. I don't even bother to switch to molten strike at atziri anymore. I was messing around with empower and picking up the 2 extra 4% reduced mana nodes. We can actually empower our PoL for more max res and even run another 40% aura. I chose not to, but it's possible. Last edited by Starzee#4582 on Oct 27, 2014, 8:51:42 AM
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Last edited by patrickcampbe21#5377 on Oct 30, 2014, 1:51:05 PM
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Last edited by patrickcampbe21#5377 on Oct 30, 2014, 1:50:36 PM
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Sry for mulitple post..dont post much on forum and hit quote instead of edit. T_T
" I like how you went for overall spell power instead of lightning dmg. Was totally gonna go for the lightning dmg half-circle all the way up top of the witch. Need some help myself...Currently lv80 and not sure if I should start working on the power nodes near Scion or start getting the spell critical ctrike chance/multiplier nodes. With my current tree how would you guys progress the next 10 lvls? Current Skill Nodes Dont mind the point in Fire Walker...with my current build it helps me get my fire resist to 80%. Current Gear and Gem Setup. Took me forever to get helmet and boots with decent ES and some str/dex on them, so not sure if I can upgrade them anytime soon
Also if I do go for Critical chance/dmg multiplier over Scion flat spell dmg during the next 10 lvls. What critical nodes should I work on first. I never really understood critical spell chance/multiplier in dmg calculations vs. rare spell dmg increase. And which out of the four critical dmg nodes (Cruelty, Doom Cast, Throat Seeker and Annihilation), would benefit most to least as I level? And any thought on the two 6% increase effect of auras nodes? Would they be decent to take up? ..Oh yeah, I do have a pair rainbowstrides boots and some other better resist ones,
....And my witch was a ShatterChuck build so I have +1 power charge from bandit quests. Should I keep it or change it to plus one skill point? Sry for long post. XD Last edited by patrickcampbe21#5377 on Oct 30, 2014, 2:28:06 PM
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Jesus fuck :D, where to start
It's really hard for me to tell you what to do and where to go without playing the character myself and seeing stats, What I would say is go with crit nodes untill you hit about 30% crit chance with discharge, This will ensure you leech back enough ES with acuitys. Crit multi vs spell dmg is a hard one, Imo I feel spell dmg / ele dmg just about beats crit multi in terms of dps. I would probably take this tree if I wanted high dps within the next 10 levels, I'm not sure what you want though, I assume you want more Dps but I could be wrong.
Your question about 6% aura nodes, I would keep the ones you have, But don't pick up anymore or drop any. Your gem setups needs changing :P, You need to get that shavs to RRBBGG and use faster attacks, multistrike, lightning strike / Molten strike, eleweakness, curse on hit and gmp. Without curse on hit + ele weakness linked to your proc'ing skill (Lightning strike or molten) you're losing a lot of dps. I recently discovered that you can completely drop vitality and still be able to sustain your skill cost. Your hp will degen faster than regen if you stand there and spam forever but while mapping / bossing like normal, I have never had a problem with running out of hp for attacks. there are many issues with your setups and too much to explain with them. I would suggest you copy my setup as best as you can(tinyurl.com/CowMjolner) You really need to drop that doryani's belt and pick up a belt with 74str (My old one is linked in the link above). That way you will gain enough str and res to wear your rainbowstrides and drop the crappy firewalker node. Rainbowstrides are rather important when it comes to Reflect. Like I said, Try and copy everything I have and yes (I had to get 4 off colours on helm due to corrupt rainbowstride colours, you can just siwtch stuff around and make it work).To answer the earlier question, yes respec that power charge node. I also feel like wasting nodes on arcane vision is pointless. For me personally. I really don't need it and can see fine without it, I'de rather spend the points on dps. Tinyurl.com/CowMjolner If i missed any question, feel free to post them again. I was in a rush when I did this :P EDIT: Keep lightning strike and molten strike at lvl 1, they are not used to do damage. We only use them to proc discharge and arc on our mjolner so lvl 1 keeps the mana cost down. Also light pen in your mjolner isnt worth it, If you want to go full dps in a mjolner then use Iron will but I suggest you use life leech. My tree does a fuck ton more damage to compensate for this. It also does a fuck ton more than the original tree here. EDIT 2: My version also rapes atziri just as fast as most shatterchucks, Apart from tom (with mirrored everything) But you as a shatterchuck player probably know that its actually rather hard to get amazing dps anywhere near toms level with shatterchuck. Last edited by Starzee#4582 on Oct 30, 2014, 4:20:33 PM
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Fucking double post.
Last edited by Starzee#4582 on Oct 30, 2014, 4:10:52 PM
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Yeah I'm still trying to work on that but after using all of my orbs trying to get GGRRBB.
....I researched some and noticed with some differences with non-acuity builds and alternatives to none RRBBGG. The lightning penetration is suppose to replace elemental weakness since I cant get the colors and in the since of dmg weakening monsters. And the cwdt and warlords parks suppose to take place of life leech gem for the time being with my belt 1% covering the rest for the time being. ....Yeah I have a level 1 lightning strike and Molten Strike, just using some leveled ones since I'm using vitality (for the time being) and can infinitely spam them, also good for for killing small mobs faster. If I can get GGRRBB will probably replace with either a Empower or Tempest Shield. ....Oh no I took Arcane Vision, tried using it but was too small of visibility for me. lol ....So wait, you cant add str to belt with any master? So have to just find one with double str >_< Last edited by patrickcampbe21#5377 on Oct 30, 2014, 5:46:04 PM
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