[1.2] $BIG$BALL$LIGHTNING$ dual totem MFer$ Cheap and end game ! ACHIEVED + VIDEO

Fri3dchick3m wrote:
Zero dps? Lol.. Take my Grave Intentions build and remove all my points in dps, and it's still twice as good as this with more MF.

Good luck anyone who follows this.

Thank you for comming and saying SHIT about my build ! Do you poo sometimes ?

What's the differences between your build and mine ?

-> You gad no armor, no physical DMG reduction. You meet some Physical DMG projectiles bitch, your dead. I don't, I reach 70+ physical dmg reduction w/o charges.

-> Your totems have got a lower range from mines. So you gotta be closer sometimes. GG oneshot from physical !

-> you got LESS aura than i do

-> You don't regen your energy shield as i do

-> I cull often that you !

-> Unlike what you said, you don't have more MF as I do. Yes, on your Shav' version, you use the MF shield, the only MF stuff you gad that I don't use. I could do the same, with Shav. But way to expensive for a new league.
And Even with this Shav version, you gad LESS MF than I do, because you try to deal some poor DPS (<20K is poor, yeah) and use some gear slots for it.

I play with my guild, each player has a 40K + DPS. Oyeah, I could come full stuff and deal that amazing LOW dps, which will be useless as they One Shot most of the mob encountered.
Even rares ones. What about doing just a build for maximizing the culling chances ? Take mine, not yours.

So, even if you remove many points, your build will ALWAYS be lower than mine on a tanky way.
BTW, you play full IIR. Don't you know that IIQ is stronger ? You shall learn playing your MFer role before vomit on someone else thread.

But ty for your participation to this thread !
Last edited by Kikoyou#3396 on Oct 6, 2014, 11:32:56 AM
Kikoyou wrote:
Fri3dchick3m wrote:
Zero dps? Lol.. Take my Grave Intentions build and remove all my points in dps, and it's still twice as good as this with more MF.

Good luck anyone who follows this.

Thank you for comming and saying SHIT about my build ! Do you poo sometimes ?

What's the differences between your build and mine ?

-> You gad no armor, no physical DMG reduction. You meet some Physical DMG projectiles bitch, your dead. I don't, I reach 70+ physical dmg reduction w/o charges.

-> Your totems have got a lower range from mines. So you gotta be closer sometimes. GG oneshot from physical !

-> you got LESS aura than i do

-> You don't regen your energy shield as i do

-> I cull often that you !

-> Unlike what you said, you don't have more MF as I do. Yes, on your Shav' version, you use the MF shield, the only MF stuff you gad that I don't use. I could do the same, with Shav. But way to expensive for a new league.
And Even with this Shav version, you gad LESS MF than I do, because you try to deal some poor DPS (<20K is poor, yeah) and use some gear slots for it.

I play with my guild, each player has a 40K + DPS. Oyeah, I could come full stuff and deal that amazing LOW dps, which will be useless as they One Shot most of the mob encountered.
Even rares ones. What about doing just a build for maximizing the culling chances ? Take mine, not yours.

So, even if you remove many points, your build will ALWAYS be lower than mine on a tanky way.
BTW, you play full IIR. Don't you know that IIQ is stronger ? You shall learn playing your MFer role before vomit on someone else thread.

But ty for your participation to this thread !

Ignore this tard man, no one gives a shit about dps in MF... you need to do one thing - to cull.
I think your build is very nice, and to "give up" your dps to keep yourself alive is
a very good idea since, as MF, your dps is shit anyway.
I'm currently lvl 69 doing "Exfm's dual flame totems" build and it's fun to level with
but depressing as i approach "end game" since the dps isn't that good and to survive
i have to give up all my IIR and IIQ for ES until i reach the end of the build.

do you have any videos showing your build in action?
a very good idea since, as MF, your dps is shit anyway.

lol.. beeing ignorant doesnt help much.

Anyway the truth is that any MF'er solo would be a lot more rewarded than a MF bot in party play.
If you do care about grind efficiency, you need to play a MF build that is able to clean content fast, not a aura_MF_bot that rely on a party and share the very few valuable loot with it.
IGN TylordRampage
Malone wrote:
a very good idea since, as MF, your dps is shit anyway.

lol.. beeing ignorant doesnt help much.

Anyway the truth is that any MF'er solo would be a lot more rewarded than a MF bot in party play.
If you do care about grind efficiency, you need to play a MF build that is able to clean content fast, not a aura_MF_bot that rely on a party and share the very few valuable loot with it.

Few valuable loot ? lol

If you wanna chain farming docks, his build is cool.

As I said at the begining of my post, this build is made form farming with my guildies.

If you wanna dominus run
Chain lvl 78 meeps with a full group all day long

My build is way better.
Again you are fully wrong.
You don't have significantly more valuable loot in a party compared to solo ( even more true since party quantity has been nerfed and diminishing return on rarity has been increased ), so yes, solo > party for MF grinding.

If your objectiv is to wealth-carry your guildmate, yes it's usefull ( for them ). But if it's all about your wealth, you are completely in the wrong direction.

IGN TylordRampage
Last edited by Malone#6946 on Oct 9, 2014, 11:44:05 AM
You keep saying yours is better, blah, blah, blah...

But at the end of the day, only one thing matters - how much loot you walk away with. Not your guildies or PUGs. People here aren't stupid, which is why you have to self-bump this thread. Know what clears faster than an Aura-bot doing zero DPS? A Dual Flame Totem build that does 40k dual shotgun dps with 454/100.

Let's say you actually get a Mjölner or exalt to drop? You are only giving yourself a 1-in-6 opportunity (and we all know how RNG is).

So, not only are you not able to do any damage, but your loot is split 6-ways and then you probably have to watch 3-4 Mjölner, Shavs, Atziri Acuities to drop before you get one.

You can crap on my build all you want, and say it's only good for chaining docks. (I actually do temple piety/Residence Dom wearing a solaris lorica with an effective 3-link Flame totem). I have never been "one-shot" as you say lol. Phys projectile attacks are covered in my totem strategy section.

Feel free to educate yourself and actually reading all the Q&A in my thread. There is over 100 people who have responded and many of them thanking me for helping them find wealth.

What do people get when they come here?
Kikoyou wrote:
Do you poo sometimes ?.

Nice of you to thread-crap on my thread. I've been nothing but honest with you and you act like a spoiled child having his doll taken away.
IGN: Grave_Intentions
$$$ Grave Intentions Flame Totem MFarmer: I'm Cheap 'n' Easy $$$
Last edited by Fri3dchick3m#5883 on Oct 10, 2014, 11:17:00 AM
+1 Fri3dchick3m.
IGN TylordRampage

week's drop above

I'll ask my mates to link what they drop with me.

Let's say i actually get a Mjolner or exalt to drop ? I only giving myself a 6-6 opportunity, because as I said, I only map in guild.

And by the way, the big difference between ur post and mine is 1 month.
In a 3 month league, it matters

And btw an other thing that matters. Ur only 85 in rampage league. Why, because you often die ? Because your char is boring ? I got twice your exp, and I think I go much faster than you for map cleaning with my teameates.

I would have done your build if I had no friend. Hopefully, i've got many. I don't need to farm solo. Get yourself a woman and stop let off steam on other's people build.
Last edited by Kikoyou#3396 on Oct 11, 2014, 1:10:06 PM

That s what we get with our mfer.
I don t care to know who have biggest template, best way to play if mfer.
I just read what you wrote. I think, you are on another vision of mfer. We ask our friend to play like that and play with his guild. His construction is for his guild, not for going alone trying to make money with solo loot. We have more quantity to play 6 players instead of only one. So he makes his mfer procs on more item than you. But it seems it s not your way to play and we can understand that.

Regardless of your différent vision of the game, what kikoyou done is good for us and we can said that his build make what he haves to do.

That s why, if another player, that make team play, want to be mfer, i think he can read this thread and use some idea that kikoyou explain to you.

Have a good day.

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