News Archive
Incursion Upgradable Uniques
May 21, 2018, 9:01:39 PM
The temple of Atzoatl holds many secrets, some of which can only be accessed by upgrading a room to its maximum tier. In the Apex of Ascension, the top-tier room of the Sacrifice sequence, players gain access to the Altar of Sacrifice. The unique items found exclusively throughout Atzoatl can be placed upon this altar in order to be transformed. Today we're looking at a few of those items.
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Tencent has Invested in Grinding Gear Games
May 20, 2018, 9:12:07 PM
Tencent has Invested in Grinding Gear Games
Our Chinese publisher, Tencent, has acquired a majority stake in Grinding Gear Games. We will remain an independent company and there won't be any big changes to how we operate. We want to reassure the community that this will not affect the development and operations of Path of Exile, so we have prepared answers to some questions you may have about this investment. Read More.
Super Stash Sale
May 18, 2018, 12:00:16 AM
This weekend we're holding a sale on every tab of stash tab. Click here to check out the discounts. Have a great weekend!
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May 17, 2018, 9:42:40 PM
We've recently been considering the idea of running a Path of Exile convention in New Zealand late next year, as a great opportunity to meet our fans and to announce 4.0.0. As these events take a long time to plan, we wanted to find out how many of our players would be interested in flying to New Zealand to attend a convention like this.
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Skill Reveal: Seismic Trap
May 16, 2018, 8:45:22 PM
Earlier this week, we revealed one of the five new trap skills we're adding alongside the Incursion league. Today we're showing off another: Seismic Trap is sure to make your foes quake in their boots! Read More.
Upcoming Unique Items with 3D Art
May 15, 2018, 8:34:07 PM
In Content Update 3.3.0 we're adding 3D art to many unique items so that their appearance on your character matches the look of their 2D icon. They're just another way to look fabulous while you slay your way through Wraeclast. Today's news post shares a preview of a selection of new 3D art. Read More.
Skill Reveal: Siphoning Trap
May 14, 2018, 9:47:00 PM
As part of our ongoing effort to revamp some existing skills alongside the Incursion release, we've announced some changes to how several traps will work. In addition to reworking existing trap skills, we're also adding five new trap skill gems! Today we're showing more detail of just one: Siphoning Trap. Read More.
Incursion League FAQ
May 13, 2018, 11:01:12 PM
At the end of last week we announced our upcoming Incursion League and more details of Content Update 3.3.0. Since the announcement we've noticed a few common questions coming up so we wanted to take a moment to answer a few of these. Read More.
Announcing Path of Exile: Incursion
May 10, 2018, 5:01:54 PM
We're proud to announce the Incursion League which allows players to travel back in time to discover the location of the ancient Vaal treasure temple of Atzoatl and change its history to craft their own perfect temple to run. This update features a new NPC, giant temple with over 75 modular rooms, many new bosses, dozens of new unique items and divination cards, 12 new gems, a massive revamp to over 20 iconic skills and more! Please read the announcement page, watch the trailer and check out the new supporter packs!
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The Bestiary Supporter Packs End Tomorrow
May 9, 2018, 8:24:34 PM
The team is currently putting the finishing touches on tomorrow's announcement of Content Update 3.3.0 and its challenge league. We can't wait to see your reactions! This also means that today is your last chance to grab the Bestiary Supporter Packs before they leave the store forever and are replaced by our new supporter packs!
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Skill Revamps - Part 5
May 8, 2018, 10:12:39 PM
This week we're going over a broad selection of experimental skill reworks that we're currently trying out. This Skill Revamp post includes of a varied mix of skills, from an all-new Incinerate to a reworked Vaal Righteous Fire. Read More.
Development Manifesto: Bestiary as a Core Game Mechanic
May 7, 2018, 7:46:01 PM
In a few weeks, the Bestiary League will conclude and your characters and items will migrate to their parent leagues. That begs the question: what will happen to Bestiary as a mechanic once the league is over? The team has written a Development Manifesto that outlines our plans. Read More.
3D Art for Existing Unique Items
May 6, 2018, 9:20:08 PM
At the end of this week we will announce the full details of Content Update 3.3.0 and its companion Challenge League! In addition to a new league, new skills, skill revamps, new items and more, we'll also be adding 3D art for a selection of existing unique items. Today we'd like to share a preview of the new 3D art for the Mark of the Red Covenant and the long-awaited Anticipation and Surrender.
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The 50 Point Sale
May 4, 2018, 12:00:26 AM
This weekend we're discounting a huge assortment of microtransactions by holding the 50 Point Sale! There are more than 150 microtransactions available for only 50 points or less, including Skill Effects, Helmets, Pets, Weapon Effects, Hideout Decorations and much more! Check out the full list of specials here.
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Build of the Week: Friends with Benefits
May 2, 2018, 9:14:45 PM
We're wrapping up Season Eight of Build of the Week by featuring a Deadeye build that takes many of the mechanics we've covered in earlier episodes of this season and combines them to generate up to fifty clones of yourself which absolutely melt bosses. Check out the full episode for more information about this build and how it works.
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Skill Revamps - Part 4
May 1, 2018, 9:28:11 PM
In Content Update 3.3.0, we're reworking the core mechanic of Vaal Skills. We've done this to improve some of the problems that most Vaal skills have. Vaal Skills were always intended to be super-skills that can be used at pivotal moments for a big burst of power, so we're making various changes to help them better achieve this goal. Read More.
The Dark Immortal Call Effect
May 1, 2018, 12:01:18 AM
We've just introduced the Dark Immortal Call Effect which you may have noticed in a recent Build of the Week episode. This microtransaction replaces the normal Immortal Call Skill effect with feathers and a black mist. Check out the video or get yours here.
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Supporter Pack Badges
Apr 30, 2018, 10:07:44 PM
At the end of next week we will announce the full details of the next challenge league and introduce its new supporter packs! Many of you have supported us so much over the years that you're now running out of space to show off all of your supporter titles on the forum. We've created a new badge system that will launch alongside these supporter packs and allow you to show off more of your titles at once! Read More.
The Goatman Pet
Apr 29, 2018, 10:56:39 PM
There's a new Goatman Pet in the store which will be more than happy to become a part of your pet collection. This cute little Goatman will look good as your travel buddy and as a hideout dweller. Check out the video or get yours here.
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The Bestiary Supporter Packs End in Two Weeks!
Apr 29, 2018, 9:15:44 PM
On Thursday May 10th (PST) we will be announcing the full details of Content Update 3.3.0 and its new Challenge League. At that time we will be introducing a new set of league supporter packs which will mean that the Bestiary Supporter Packs will leave the store. If you're interested in purchasing one of the Bestiary Supporter Packs but you're not sure you'll be able to get one in time, check out this news post to learn more about your options.
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