1.2.0 Patch Notes - Forsaken Masters

The Deep Dweller has been reworked. He now has two new skills - in his first form he can disturb the ground, calling Sand Spitters to emerge and assist him. He also has an additional skill in his second form where he will fire a spray of projectiles at enemies. He no longer has the slowing aura.

Got 1 shotted in melee range(1k hp) on cruel difficulty when he switched to 2nd form, I guess it was that projectile attack, had instant healing flask but there was no chance to react when hp dropped instantly. Time to reroll to ranged class again and wait for monsters to be tunned.

Edit: tryed to replicate death on standard but unsuccessfully, 10 other monsters+boss couldn't kill that fast as I died in Beyond to just boss+2monsters. o_O
Playing with 70-80ms ping, which is causing long loading between zones,
resulting in 2-4 minutes disadvantage in 1 hour races.
(I was wrong, it wasn't a ping issue but something else on GGG side)
Last edited by kefirhl#1282 on Aug 21, 2014, 1:51:09 AM
With this new patch and after nerf Arc,Anger and Wrath...from 17000 dps,now i have 14000,and now i observed almost mobs have damage increased.F..k thats creepy.Good job GGG
I love it all
tulen vasta tänään testi uus päivitys
So... where are the ups for the summoner ?

No more snapshotting, auras nerf, and curses nerfed...

Is the added damage on skeletons and the 2000 life on the montregul's grasp supposed to compensate for all this ? That's a joke...

Guess what gggeniuses.... I tried to revive my first corrupted corpse for catarina. Animation took forever to initiate and by the time it started I saw the death screen. Another great job putting instant dangers/ambushes in a game based on desync.. Marvelous job.

Let me add that I play poe in lowest possible gfx options just to avoid even more such suprises. Still. You keep thinking poe clients can take more. Jezus..
Last edited by Falcyon#4703 on Aug 21, 2014, 6:20:13 AM
Chris wrote:

It looks like the following note was missed in the preparation of the patch notes:
  • Quality on armour is now additive with other bonuses. Previously armour quality was multiplicative with final values. This is now consistent with how weapons work.

I dont believe you guys when you say you forgot. You buffed es on the tree cause u were nerfing our gear, then didnt tell us and let everyone believe they were being buffed.

Great way to ruin release day, cheers for fucking over all my gear and reminding me why not to trust you or put any faith in the time i spend in your game.

I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I play solo. I have a guild-buddy I rarely play with (because he rarely plays).
Recently, I made a buzzsaw (up to L76 to match summoner buddy - was hoping for some synergy.)
Oh, what a mistake that turned out to be... the buzzsaw is fucked, and summoning hardly seems to have been enhanced. Meh.

You KILLED -most- of my characters (as in I can no longer face higher level maps - as in they cannot level up anymore) - and I do not know how to fix them (and do not want to 'buy' them into functionality).
What do you expect me to do? Mmmm? Sing a song?

I am not happy. I was actually at first, given how much smoother the game seems to run, but not anymore.
I put a LOT into my little characters, and for what?

2 examples:

My CI-arc scion is DEAD: damage is way down, but whatever. But what drives me up the wall is the loss of armor: I was almost wiped out by some... little... shit. Dodging the big-bads, of course... but the little shits??
The ONLY way I could now level up would be to play in a group.
(...or wait until some other expansion, to use the skill-reset... with other equipment, most likely...)
I don't know any groups.
I like playing on my own.
So now what? Mmm? Should I just fuck off, then?

I asked about buzzsaw, and was told it would be 'slightly' nerfed:
1 less aura (and increased effect is down too?)
loss of increasing the resists caps (which looks to really fuck the lightning coil setup... AND really screw survivability for solo-play in general - oh, unless you buy super-expensive L21 gems - silly me, missed that...)
...and the f-ing armor, of course. Mustn't forget about the armor.

Perhaps we view what 'slightly' means in a completely different way. My buzzsaw is not using very expensive equipment (oh, except for the coil...), so its DPS was, I think, about 8~9k. What would it be now? Which is less of an issue than... being a LOT less survivable.
I'll have to wait and see if someone comes up with something before I'll start assigning skill-points - which means I cannot use that character.
Thanks for that. Really not.

I have completely lost the urge to look at what has happened to the rest of my characters.
"all the higher maps are now slightly more difficult".
'Slightly', again? Really?

It seems that this essence of this update was to place a hard limiter on solo-play.
If that is so, then I am done with this game.

Ah, but I am only some silly barely-not-a-noob (get it? heh...), with a crappy understanding of game-mechanics, and lack a proper and deep understanding of all the 'possibilities'... so I guess I don't matter?
I am a Conqueror and Master supporter: does that make me matter? Or not?

IGN: AngelicWitchy - CET+2
Chris wrote:

It looks like the following note was missed in the preparation of the patch notes:
  • Quality on armour is now additive with other bonuses. Previously armour quality was multiplicative with final values. This is now consistent with how weapons work.

This would have been fine if you didnt nerf the ES passives on the tree. And as for anyone who says you can get 300%+ ES on the tree, WHAT KIND OF FKNG BUILD ONLY TAKES ES PASSIVES?
IGN SilverShotel
Sorry if this was already discussed, but did excisting bows get buffed? Seems like my pdps on my bow is higher than before. Are there any new bows in the new patch?

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