Live preparation of 1.2.0 patch notes

Chris wrote:
Block Penetration: The amount of penetration has been reduced by a flat 10% at all levels.

I didn't even know about this support gem, nor does the wiki, is it new or have I missed it ?
OMG I am typing this with only one hand now...
Kagari wrote:

I propose this then : Atziri can be fought when tyhe cartographer master is level 8 for somethingg like 3-5 chaos...

I dunno but 1 thing is for sure:

That carto CHICK will join my hideout!!!

Hope that lowers the cost of them 77+ maps
+carto boxes again...

Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]
Renahud wrote:
Chris wrote:
Block Penetration: The amount of penetration has been reduced by a flat 10% at all levels.

I didn't even know about this support gem, nor does the wiki, is it new or have I missed it ?

It's a PvP gem obtainable through a recipe. It's actually called Block Chance Reduction.
Have you made a cool build using The Coming Calamity? Let me know!
Renahud wrote:
Chris wrote:
Block Penetration: The amount of penetration has been reduced by a flat 10% at all levels.

I didn't even know about this support gem, nor does the wiki, is it new or have I missed it ?

Vendor recipe gem, released several patches ago, don't remember the recipe offhand. Something to do with Puncture.

"Nothing happened." - CharanJaydemyr, TheWretch

Sayya's Item Filter (updated for Ritual!) -
darkmark009 wrote:

thank you ! must have forget about it since i don't pvp :)
Deadpeng wrote:
OMG I am typing this with only one hand now...

Could only mean the worst...
Vorici can shove his fuse up his [removed]
Mark_GGG wrote:
You know I'm the one with the most (and weirdest tasting) candy here.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm in an abusive relationship with life. It keeps beating the hell out of me and I'm too cowardly to leave it.


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