IncGamers and OnRPG reveal Vagan, Weaponmaster

That's nice, it will help a lot of the melee characters to have a smoother transitions into the late game.
Gambito121 wrote:
I don't know if that was suggested before, but I'd really like it if the crafted mods prevented an item from being mirrored, especially for jewellry.

Superb idea +1.
Just got back from holiday with Mrs and offspring cant wait for next week.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Tanakeah wrote:

What is this 'facerolling' definition you are using? What are you basing it off of? Level 69-72 maps with blue mods? Level 74+ maps with full prefixes/suffixes including things like -max resists, amongst others? Palace with -max resists, double boss, turbo mods, etc? How fast are you clearing the maps you are putting into your definition of 'faceroll'? I'm not trying to be snarky here, I'm trying to first understand where you're coming from when you use this word because it's so overused along with saying this game is 'easy peasy' that I take these terms with a grain of salt.

Also, you're using daggers, which you know as well as I do are very unbalanced compared to most weapons in the game, and that they have very powerful nodes that boost them far better than almost anything else in the game. I can guarantee that the base crit chance and the wildly out of control critical hit damage that one can get will outweigh the need for higher base damage and will overcome needing Physical% Damage mods. Using them as a reason to hold back everything else that I mentioned is not a smart idea, and hopefully in this coming patch (or soon after) daggers, CHD, and what not are going to get a nice balance passover...seems that daggers are already going to have some of their power nodes taken away from initial passive tree analyzing, which leads some credit (and hope) to GGG reigning daggers in.

BUT, I am not just thinking about daggers, I am thinking about other weapons that do not have such high base crits, nor access to nicely clustered crit nodes and use CHD. Also, I am thinking about those who would want to spec into Resolute Technique, sacrificing any chance to use that juicy crit and therefore will need to rely much more heavily on higher weapon damage rolls. If they are unable to feel that they are getting value from leveling up their crafting masters and putting in the time and effort to do so to reap the benefits, then that's not a good thing. It's not about 'facerolling' to me, it's about making sure the offered values are where they should believe they are too powerful, and I believe you are incorrect given what you've said.

With all due respect, snorkle, I don't think you're looking at this from the correct perspective and you've zeroed in on daggers far too much that you're blinded by how unbalanced they are. If daggers in their current state are going to be a major factor in this, if Critical Hit and Critical Hit Damage, are going to be a factor in this and holds crafting back from where it could and likely should be, then I say the real issue is with the unbalanced things and those things should be addressed. And as far as you saying 'making the game pathetically easy' know...for as much as I hear people saying this, why is it that I do not see and hear this more often? More often than not (and not just here on the forums) I hear people saying that they cannot find solid gear, they have trouble with higher maps and tougher mods, and when they actually do progress, it's because they end up using a FOTM build, or rely on the extremely OP crit and crit damage combo.

As far as the economy is concerned...GGG has said it themselves that they want an economy in this game and they take it into account all the time, so it does and will be a factor in how crafting is done and it will have influence on the final numbers. I'm just hoping that it isn't going to be the thing that kills it off and wrecks their hype train that they have going.

slightly ot on daggers, feel free to ignore tl:dr etc...


by facerolling I mean just walking through any mobs in any map. If your build can take certain map mods and bosses is more about your choice of defenses and Im not sure is entirely relevant. By faceroll I mean any situation that one can realistically expect a given builds defense to handle the weapons can do steamroll damage, like I take off my binos, put on that dragon hunger and there isnt a single thing I can do now that I couldnt have done before, I just do it slightly faster.

I hear what you are saying about daggers, but I dont feel like theyre that unbalanced. Reason I use them as an example is because my two melee attack builds are dagger builds, daggers are what I have to show as an example and when I come in and talk about issues like this I want to talk from personal experience and link items that show what Im talking about.

I posted this already in another topic regarding unbalance of daggers and I feel is relevant. My life based melee dagger ranger who was built to use that Binos has all these 'op' dagger nodes, nightstalker, from the shadows, adders touch etc. Im not sure if you know what honour etcher/loath bane are, theyre almost perfect mirrored Ambusher daggers. I borrowed my mates one and used a tabula to try a quick spectral throw gem linkup with it out of curiosity. The result with this over 200 exalt, perfect mirrored dagger was about 16k dps spec throw using ST, LMP and then 4 damage supports when all my power charges and frenzy charges were up. Another friend I have uses a 15 exalt ele Jewelled Foil, resolute technique buzzsaw spec using ST, LMP, Bloodmagic, Lifeleech and 2 damage supports, he has 16k dps...

Same guy respecced slightly and switched to molten strike near the end of ambush, resolute technique, same 15ex sword, he had over 40k tooltip dps and was blatantly doing twice that with point blank and the balls going everywhere etc. Using that mirrored, nearly perfect dragon hunger melee dagger I get like 48k dps double strike splash. Take away the shavs, the coe, the low life bloodrage, the pain attenument etc and I think youll find daggers are fine. People are blaming daggers, but daggers havent changed since the start of open beta, what changed is that Crown Of Eyes was released, I didnt hear any complaining about daggers before that. That item in combination with shavs are where the problem is.

I see doublestrike sword builds getting around 26kdps non crit on streams using swords with similar dps to the binos. Nodes like nightstalker, yes crit, and then 16% phys damage, from the shadows 18% phys damage, compared to sword nodes like wicked blade 24% phys + 6% attack speed, by the blade 28% phys damage, the fact that RT means you dont need to spec accuracy and you dont need to spec crit so if you invest the same points a dagger build is investing in just out and out increased phys you can get a lot of deeps.

Daggers you need like 4 or 5 stats before they really perform, an rt weapon needs 3, I feel like this sort of 1 mod crafting is going to be more beneficial and op for rt style builds than daggers. You can literally get 2 big rolls with alts and augs, regal it and who cares what you get then craft on a mid range roll of the 3rd needed stat. You feel like you need 145%? Fine, get it with an alt then craft a mid tier flat or vice versa. You want tier 2 on flat, % and speed? Go pay 5 exalts or whatever that ridiculous weapon costs on the market. You certainly dont need it, thats pure want.

Where Im coming from is that for every viable map destroying weapon I find Im vendoring tons that would be on that level if you could add one mod from the list in the vid.

Trust me Im not unsympathetic to what large numbers of players are going through. I made a massive post in the feedback/suggestions forum about how rare weapons that are in any way map viable are. How things like Binos and Lioneyes were talked about by the devs as if they were stepping stone items, when in truth they are extreme endgame weapons and you virtually never, ever FIND a weapon that comes anywhere close to them. I feel like theres a real need for a way for players to get a hold of viable endgame weapons because finding them rarely happens even for the most ridiculous of time sinkers amoung us.

But that is what crafting like this should do, provide a way to cheaply and easily make a viable weapon out of borderline vendor stuff without having to gamble significant currency. In my opinion you dont need 119% phys damage on the list to do this. Youre finding weapons with over 119% phys pretty regularly, so add the flat damage, or the attack speed, whatever didnt roll that it needed to be usable. With high enough flat damage + attack speed 90% phys is fine. You can go over 200 top end phys on a corsair sword with under 100% ipd. Thats enough to take on merciless dominus and get well into maps, and I feel thats what this crafting should be doing.

Heres 2 cheap little corsair swords from my stash

in the past Ive used swords worse than these to clear out lower level maps, but theyre not amazing endgame weapons that would rival a Binos dagger. One has under 100% ipd, one has the 118% but a seriously shabby flat damage roll. How often am I finding swords like this? Maybe once every 2-3 weeks? How many times am I finding swords that could be like this with 90-100% ipd or 12-24 flat phys? Multiple times a day. Thats a huge leap in item availability, and thats awesome man, thats exactly what struggling players need. Do we need to be finding weapons that can rival a binos every other day? I dont think so man, and I feel like letting people get tier 3 ipd for a few chaos is starting to approach that line. Tier 4 is fine for both % and flat when its only costing a few chaos. If tier 3 is on there and it costs a lot, like 20 chaos+ then maybe ya thats somewhat balanced as it involves some kind of commitment beyond throw away small change. A couple of chaos for a roll that could turn vendor trash into a 3 exalt weapon just doesnt seem right, not in terms of economy, in terms of trivializing the effort needed to reach that gear stage. Certainly not T1 and T2, youre in the ballpark of mirror worthy gear there that is so far beyond what you need that its gratuitous.

I know what its like to play with tier 4 weapons, and tier 3, and t1, and that last jump up from 3 to 1, you barely notice the difference against anything but a boss, you really dont need it, and if you trivialise it you just suck all the life out of the gear progression and item grind.

imo, of you disagree then fair play man, thats just my take on it.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Isn't Kripp also Vagan?
Snorkle_uk wrote:

Heres 2 cheap little corsair swords from my stash

in the past Ive used swords worse than these to clear out lower level maps, but theyre not amazing endgame weapons that would rival a Binos dagger. One has under 100% ipd, one has the 118% but a seriously shabby flat damage roll. How often am I finding swords like this? Maybe once every 2-3 weeks? How many times am I finding swords that could be like this with 90-100% ipd or 12-24 flat phys? Multiple times a day. Thats a huge leap in item availability, and thats awesome man, thats exactly what struggling players need.

...Are you joking?
Your corsair swords are "one meh useful stat and 2 low but also useful ones". They are already multiple times a day items or close to it (not on the same base, of course), and if you try to sell them they'll be as such.

A couple of chaos for a roll that could turn vendor trash into a 3 exalt weapon just doesnt seem right, not in terms of economy, in terms of trivializing the effort needed to reach that gear stage. Certainly not T1 and T2, youre in the ballpark of mirror worthy gear there that is so far beyond what you need that its gratuitous.
Vendor trash into 3 Exalts mean you already have already 3 useful stats at high power... It means your weapon /already/ is worth an exalt.

imo, of you disagree then fair play man, thats just my take on it.

I just don't think you realize the actual difficulty of self found compared to trading. Yes, this will basically mean we can turn any 2 stats weapon into a 3 stat one (or 3 stats into 4 one) for stats that you can get from the end of Cruel. That's a huge boost of power even for top tier weapons, as you can take off the mod for just a augmentation and as such you can pay a chaos to just put anything your weapon is lacking.

It, however, won't make Facerolling that easily, especially as i can't recall +crit nodes, which means an awful lot of the important of the Dagger stats won't be there, so you probably can only use this for 3 to 4 Stats if you are /really/ lucky on the stats you have on your weapon, which makes sense.
Last edited by Tomark#0066 on Aug 13, 2014, 9:49:52 PM
ggnorekthx wrote:

First off, I do agree with you. 180% is obviously far too high. But do you honestly think 100% is too high?

no not at all, I think thats about right. I think getting into tier 3 is too much because it feels to me like t1 and 2 only exist for gratuitous show gear, you never need these tiers to clear any level of maps.

ggnorekthx wrote:

Only on that one specific item did you show a case where a weapon was great with 69%, and I'll clue you in about something: Without the 69% it has four essential mods to making the dagger so strong. Without one or two of those mods it would be hardly fit for maps. So do you honestly feel that people will be finding weapons with four essential mods consistently?

no, not at all. I feel like they never find them. I play about 4 times as much as any sane person could be expected to play and I find them so rarely it might as well be never. I didnt find that one, I bought it for over 3 exalts and then yoloed the crit multi long after near the end of the league. Without the crit multi it still absolutely obliterated every level of maps.

But how often do I find a dagger with 3 of those 4 stats but is missing an important one and hence virtually vendor trash worth maybe 2-5 chaos at best? All the time man, multiple per week. That dagger is far from common, and it should never be a common thing.

ggnorekthx wrote:

So even if I can craft 100% IPD, it's not going to make the game pathetically easy. If it does, then the game is ALREADY pathetically easy because I can buy a 250 dps weapon for next to nothing. Even a week or two into a new league they are usually cheap.

ya, well you could argue that to a certain extent, because you know what you are doing and you are trading. Not everyone trades, not everyone knows what they are doing. Ive argued a lot that its a game of knowledge and not actually that hard when you understand it. But look at all the complaints about gear walls, and a lot of them come from self found players, the game has to work self found. 100% is alright, thats a t4 stat, its good enough to play endgame with and low enough to give you something to play endgame in order to upgrade. Its just getting into t3 for a few chaos I feel is unrealistic.

I wouldnt have said anything if Chris didnt mention it wasnt going in and then the reactions followed, but when I saw it I thought 119% was too much. If it was up to 109% maybe Id have said meh, fair play. Im not saying this new crafting is bad, Im excited, Ive been one of the people calling for it, Im just saying if they cap it at 100% thats absolutely not going to stop you using it and running maps with it, thats a really powerful option that anyone struggling with attack builds should be hyped about.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Tomark wrote:

I just don't think you realize the actual difficulty of self found compared to trading. Yes, this will basically mean we can turn any 2 stats weapon into a 3 stat one (or 3 stats into 4 one) for stats that you can get from the end of Cruel. That's a huge boost of power even for top tier weapons, as you can take off the mod for just a augmentation and as such you can pay a chaos to just put anything your weapon is lacking.

isnt that sort of what I was saying? 100% is powerful enough.

Tomark wrote:
Vendor trash into 3 Exalts mean you already have already 3 useful stats at high power... It means your weapon /already/ is worth an exalt.

no necessarily, if its still not worth exaltING then its not worth much at all, and exalting weapons is pursuit of rich men and fools 99% of the time.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Route1 wrote:
Add 100-119% more physical damage for ONE chaos? Uhhhhh amazing.

I don't know if I don't understand available mods or if people are "speculating" wrong. But it appears to me you aren't gonna be able to add another 100-119% if the item already has a %phy roll. If you look at the sword he is modding, there is no flat phy or %phy on it(hence why it is an available mod). Other have posted images of dagger with 69% or talking about a wep they have currently with a certain% thinking they are gonna be able to add another 100-119%. I think if it has the mod already it probably isn't gonna be available to add again. As they say it will allow players to add mods that aren't present or normally available on that particular item.

Route1 wrote:
Can't wait to add more physical damage to my main weapon for my molten strike build:

This is another one, I don't believe you are gonna be able to add more phy% or flat damage to it, due to already having the rolls.
Last edited by Srcmedic1978#4368 on Aug 14, 2014, 12:51:41 AM
Srcmedic1978 wrote:
Route1 wrote:
Can't wait to add more physical damage to my main weapon for my molten strike build:

This is another one, I don't believe you are gonna be able to add more phy% or flat damage to it, due to already having the rolls.

There has to be a low point where some people stop complaining because it's just not worth it, and I have yet to see it. - Squeakypaw, 2013
EDIT: erase post. See next one in the next page.
Last edited by Serge91#5363 on Aug 14, 2014, 2:33:24 AM

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