More Forsaken Masters Information
" Gods! That would suck arse. I've recently used a crapload of orbs re-speccing my Physical ST Ranger to be an Ele Buzzsaw. The (own spec) phys build didn't prove to be very good so, after finding a Lightning Coil I 6S / 5L it (used ~1,000 fusings trying for 6L) and bought an Alpha's. Then I spent a month+ levelling the required gems. They're all around lvl 19 now and I'm starting to do level 70+ maps and can farm Dominus (trying for more fusings) only dying once per 5 runs. I've tried Atziri once and it was a miserable failure so since then I've been leveling three more each of the aura gems to try corrupting them to a higher level. That's taken three weeks so far (2 - 3 hours a day) and they're level 18 and 19 so far. If auras are nerfed just as I get to where I'm working towards (just as UE spectres were the week after I'd levelled a summoner) I'll be gutted. And broke, having used my 18 months worth of orbs on building this Buzzsaw. I now know I could get rich quite quickly if I traded instead of playing but I want to play dammit! I canned D3 due to the need to trade to do well. :-/ ~DemiDemon~
Playing almost every day since Beta version 0.9.1 in 2011. |
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" I've bolded your replies that I feel merit a response, but you should make more effort in how you write posts to make it easier to differentiate your responses from what you are responding to. Here we go (numbers correspond to numbers I added to the bolded sections): 1. GGG has stated they consider it one. End of story. 2. Most trades are not item for item, they are item for currency. With the recipes, getting chaos orbs is easy. If it is not easy, you don't need to be worrying about trading, you need to be worrying about playing the game better (be it how to build, where to farm, hwo to recognize strengths and weaknesses of opponents, whatever). 3. You said yourself that the 6th link in a Tab Rasa was not worth the stats you get from a regular chest piece with mods. Therefore, having that 6th link is a luxury. Getting a 5-link is not that hard at all, and will be even easier once 1.2 is released. 4. This is incredibly short sighted and shows your lack of perspective/experience/whatever. If poor accounts are favored to help "catch them up", all people will do in this free-to-play game where the devs have said multi accounts are okay in most instances is cause people to make a new account to get that bonus and then transfer to their main account. 5. It's supply and demand. GGG has nothing to do with item pricing, it's all about what sellers think they can get for items and what buyers are willing to pay. To impose ideas like "fairness" upon it is a complete waste of time and effort. 6. Again, this has nothing to do with GGG, aside from the rarity assigned to Mirrors. That rarity is a must, or epic item proliferation would be even worse than it is now. The expense of copying items is once again an interaction between players. The person with the item wants to get as much from the person with the mirror as possible. When you have something somebody else wants you decide how much you are willing to sell that for, and the buyer decides how much he is willing to pay (yes, this is basically a repeat of 5). 7a. 100% of players with half a brain or more. Anyone that does not know by now that wikis exist for everything under the sun is beyond help. 7b. The definition of good would just move. An item with 50 life is only good when you're used to items with 30 life. When 50 becomes the norm, you look for 70. Repeat ad nauseum. Support a free Hong Kong.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. -Galileo Galilei |
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" I think what is being referred to is the ability of quality to boost the chance of getting more sockets or links (I'm not positive, but was thinking it doubled the chance for a 6L at 20%? This would make a plain white item cost only 4 armor orbs/weapon shards, while a rare or unique would cost 20 such per fusing/socketing attempt. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" The game is designed so that you don't need 6 linked skills or even 5 linked skills to be able to complete end game content. The developers have said that the game is set up so that players need 4 link items to be able to get through it all. Think of it this way - if you wanted to compete at the Indianapolis 500, you would need a really fast car - that's the four link. You wouldn't need a jet engine on the car - that's the 5 link. You certainly wouldn't need anti-gravity - that's the 6 link. Of the half dozen end game characters I have had (one was at 200 on the ladder), only one of them uses a 5 link, and none a 6 link. My main skills for that character are on 4 links. I've tried the 5 link for the main skill, and the extra damage versus mana costs really don't make it worthwhile. Furthermore, I don't need the extra damage from the 5 link. If a mediocre player like myself with so-so gear, main skills on four links, and a non-optimized skill tree can get through level 75-78 maps then anybody willing to put forth the effort to learn about the game and their character can do it. I've even thought of ditching the 5 link armor for a 4 link with better stats, but so far I haven't found one with the defense/Life/chaos resists that the particular character needs to run end game content. The easiest way to figure out what a particular character needs is to build that character up and adjust the gear according to where the character struggles. When you do this, it is easy to see that your character isn't struggling because of a lack of 5 or six links. When someone rushes a new character using twink items and then allocates skills according to a build guide there is a good chance they don't really understand the strengths and weaknesses of that build. I'll say it again Strengths and Weaknesses. Path of Exile isn't meant to be all strength and no weakness. That's part of the reason the developers balance using nerfs and buffs - both to players and monsters. If 6 linked items were easily obtainable, and super stats required only a week or two to get, then the game would be one of pure strength characters stomping the living daylights out of anything that dared to appear on their screen. The game would become so boring that even bots would quit. That's why these things are a luxury. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis PoE Origins - Piety's story Last edited by DalaiLama#6738 on Aug 5, 2014, 1:02:09 AM
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" So, just to be clear; Are you saying that you have a half-dozen characters who can defeat Atziri? Uber Atziri? (after all, that's current end-game and where the ultimate gear is found). And that only one of these uses more than a 4L and that's a 5L? Oh, and I mean solo. Not partied with someone with a 6L and 250 Exalteds worth of uber-gear. ;) Cheers, ~DemiDemon~
Playing almost every day since Beta version 0.9.1 in 2011. |
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" What exactly does low roll of important mods mean ?? how low is low? and does the low - turn to high when the favor with master levels up? Domine Non Es Dignus
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" I wish! I mentioned 75-78 maps, as I consider high level maps and the highest normal game areas to be the end game. IMO, Atziri is more of a challenge area, requiring the collection of semi-rare items to attempt. It is obviously part of the game, so I can't argue strenuously against anyone who does think of it as end game. Atziri is definitely a gear check and build check. "The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story |
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" Actually, that's not the case in PoE. Time played, means absolutely jack, once you meet the minimum threshold of time played to get to say.... level 66. Once you are there, there are only a few items that are out of your reach, without doing more. Those, being the uniques gated in the highest maps (and Atziri / uber atz). Other than the gated uniques, any unique can drop. 5L's have had a chance to drop for 30 levels, 6L's, for more than 10. And that's just items. There is absolutely zero gating on orbs. The last Exalt that dropped for me? within the first 10 mobs I killed on my way to down Hillock. I hadn't even hit level 2 yet. But, back to my point. Once you hit 66, the only thing you can't get is T1 mods on an armor. But, you can still roll pretty awesome pieces. You can still get 90+ % of the uniques in the game. You can still see 6L's drop. And there is no play time investment from that point on. It's all about the RNG Gods smiling upon when you kill that baddie, and he/she/it craps loot. I could run: And get amazing loot. Or. I could get nothing. I could log in, and decide that I want to go farm Library / Archives, and end up with a 150+ Ex Unique Weapon (Soul Taker). Or I could get nothing. There is no way to guarantee that you are... "doing it right", and making playtime count, once you have gotten past the initial playtime threshold required to see the drops. You could go run that unique temple map, and those 11 rare shields that it's slated to drop from Piety? They could, in theory, all be level 1 shields. They could all be just absolute garbage, that you would pick up on your way to kill hillock for the very first time. Play time doesn't matter. Stop thinking that it makes any difference. Last edited by shoju#1134 on Aug 5, 2014, 10:45:09 AM
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" Why, in the name of god, would one even think about buffing the mana cost of 90% of the skills in this game? Attacks are cheap enough already, and the majority of the spells in the game have mana costs that are easy to justify. Some exceptions, such as Ball Lightning or Glacial Cascade seriously shouldnt make you overhaul the entire system. If anything attacks should get nerfed in terms of cost. Last edited by nynyny#3398 on Aug 5, 2014, 12:28:19 PM
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" You are using the terms "attacks," "skills," and "spells" interchangeably here, and it's confusing me a little. Are you saying that Attack skill costs should be raised, and Spell skill costs should remain the same? Or that everything is too cheap already? I must say, you're in the minority on both of those positions. I can tell you from experience that pretty much every single build that isn't abusing Eldritch Battery has real mana problems. Blood Magic is one of the most sought-after support gems for this exact reason, because the vast majority of skills simply cannot be sustained on mana alone. Being effectively forced to shoehorn a specific gem into basically every multi-link setup you'll ever run is a significant limitation on build diversity and efficiency, and holds the game back. I am personally very excited at the prospect of not having INT be completely irrelevant to my Ranger, for example. I've always wanted to try ES as a defense on those builds, but in the past it was a noobtrap to try and use mana (on a Ranger) for anything other than Aura reservations. Now I can not only run my skill off mana, I can take advantage of all the benefits that INT stacking offers. ES is exactly the kind of defense that glass-cannon ranged classes want, and by decreasing opportunity costs for this they are making that build setup not only possible but perfectly reasonable. This is a good thing for the game and its players. Thank you, Chris, and all your staff at GGG for making this minor but very important change. |
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