August Expansion Teaser Screenshot #2

Don't really like it.
The "shop" button shouldn't be there, it's sticking out too much and doesn't fit with the current UI.
Not sure what's going on with the statues, I'm guessing this was the result of a bunch of feminists crying about it.
Menacetech wrote:
Mana/Life orb chained women need to return, and that shop button sticks out like a sore thumb

The shop button is obnoxious and just cheapens the UI.

And the orbs. You have got to be kidding me. Count me disgusted by the change.
Last edited by WraeclastianWine#6997 on Jul 28, 2014, 10:07:12 PM
that menu interface looks awful , do not change it.
Erik wrote:
Thanks for the feedback on this version! We are experimenting with changes to make the shop and arrow button look like they belong better with the rest of the HUD. The statues will also get a second look. That the the left statue could be seen as male sure was a surprise to me!

This is why GGG are the best!

If anything I would suggest giving some attention to the flasks slots, the outline/indentation effect doesn't look that good - I like that it lessens the screen realestate of the flasks section but It could do with being much more subtle.

The new menu consolidation is great, I think it makes a huge difference. It could be possible to move the shop button directly under the menu button and making it more vibrant to stand out, you would have to make the menu 'arrow' button more compact but as it looks too elongated to begin with it would be a good change, maybe even incorporate the 'menu' text into the button to bring it in-line with the shop button, I don't see why the text and button need to be distinct.

Also I prefer the old statues but that's not a major issue.

Also, making the menu overlay use the decals from the hover menu on the forums would be nice, those decals at the top and bottom of the #dropDown div add a lot to the prominence of that element and would likely achieve a similar result in game.
Last edited by bitV#5969 on Jul 28, 2014, 10:16:13 PM
new one look so terrible , that "shop" icon so anonoying BIG and where's those chain girls :(
but i like that smaller and cleaner layout tho
Erik wrote:
Thanks for the feedback on this version! We are experimenting with changes to make the shop and arrow button look like they belong better with the rest of the HUD. The statues will also get a second look. That the the left statue could be seen as male sure was a surprise to me!

Please change the colour back, the flat grey looks just kinda not great, especially compared to the rest of the UI.
IGN: Asser, AssDelver, Assphobic, AnointedAss, BetrayedByMyAss, CrackedAss, FracturedAss, FulcrumedUpMyAss, ImpaledAss, IncursionOfTheAss, WarForTheAss, UnleashTheAss, ScreamingAsshole, SwampAssKing, Yui
chromafunk wrote:
IF you are an UI developer you should have noticed that the whole thing is fully photoshopped ( and very bad done in purpose )

IF? Buddy, using photoshop to quickly design changes of this nature is commonplace, simply because they've designed the UI there to save time doesn't mean the design isn't legitimate work. And what do you mean 'done very bad in purpose'? Are you referring to the health globe or the menu overlay? Because they're the only two things that stand out as being technically flawed, the rest is merely a design decision and in any case it serves it's purpose irrespective of those issues, the idea is to demonstrate the new concept.

The only thing I really dislike is the flasks section and I think the position of the shop button would be better placed under the menu button, with the menu button being reworked to remove the disparate text and the button it's self reworked to be thematically similar to the shop button - then the shop button would simply need brighter colors so as to not too like it's lacking saturation relative to the very bright menu button.
"Shop" button PLS NOT
Really GGG? Why must be fat ladies instead of sexy girls?
the feminazis strike again

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