[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds

Just a quick question for someone leveling a summoner as a summoner but how do people deal with Kaom's raging spirits that don't seem to have a duration but need to be killed (if you can't kill him before they summon)? Minions won't target them and I've found them to be a pain as a result. Thanks.
Yazilliclick wrote:
Just a quick question for someone leveling a summoner as a summoner but how do people deal with Kaom's raging spirits that don't seem to have a duration but need to be killed (if you can't kill him before they summon)? Minions won't target them and I've found them to be a pain as a result. Thanks.

Raging spirits can't be directly targeted, whether they're yours or Kaom's. The only way to kill them is with projectiles that happen to hit them or with AoE damage.

I played my Scion as a summoner all the way through, and I beat Kaom on Merciless a few days ago. I didn't notice his raging spirits being a particular problem--might need more resistances to tank them, maybe?
I have an alt account, CanuckMoney, which is used for sales and trading.
Hey Ghazzy! Or whoever else wants to give input... Could you take a quick look at what I have and tell me what you would recommend as the next step as far as upgrading to be an even more brutal killing machine? Love it so far, and I'm saving for a 6L pledge and maybe a lvl 3 or 4 empower. Would a level 3 empower beat the 20/20 Multistrike?

My resists are 75/74/75/60, life is 3k shield is 4.2k. Thanks in advance!!!

Edit: I actually usually wear Meginords but still have the Blazon on from some MF experimentation, so I usually have a bit more life. I still cannot figure out how people maintain good resists with MF gear setups, but wish I knew :P

Edit2: I actually just picked up a level 3 Empower for 1EX for the hell of it and replaced Multistrike and it feels stronger I think, can't really tell if my mind is just playing tricks though hahaha
Last edited by WeaponizedSP#6769 on Sep 15, 2015, 10:55:00 PM
Sooo yeah... heres a wall of text! I have a TON to do at my extra work (to pay my bills...) so have been even more limited in time this week. I hope the answers will suffice, if not, hit me up again!

Teevox wrote:
Hi Ghazzy!
Loving the build and been chatting with you on your stream chat.
1. I'm looking for advice on gear and what I need to upgrade next.

2. Spectres are reaaally hard to maintain, they keep dying :(. Maybe I just need higher lvl gems but still.. I still have the possibility to link spectres with something, do you know if any support gem can help me with this?
Edit: I take this back, been running maps with less stuff like desecrated gound etc and now my spectres have no trouble surviving.
Are there any map mods you recommend / dislike?

3. Also, I can't equip Haste aura yet, but I guess I just need to get the maximum mana nodes from "dreamer" node.
Edit: After getting the rest of aura nodes I can finally run all auras.

4. In merciless my resistances are:
Fire: 75 (98%)
Cold: 75 (94%)
Lightning: 75 (76%)
Chaos: 60 (60)
Are these resists enough? Do you recommend 75+ chaos? Or maybe I need more of the others to counter ele weakness etc in maps?

I plan to map and run atziri (never done atziri before). Atziri maybe at lvl 85-90.
Currently at lvl 78.



Thank you again for the great build! :)

Some things I have discovered that I did not know before and that could be good to know for noobs:
1. Flesh offering duration is increased by using it on large groups of corpses, incredibly useful to know as it can last for +10sec.
2. 2x Vaal Haste is soooo much fun when leveling in maps.
3. Mountain Ledge map is an awesome map for speed running
4. Crypt map spawns defilers with elemental weakness mods, also map mods with "Inhabited by Undead" = tons of defilers.
5. Flasks that heal your minions can be great while leveling but completely useless at higher levels, your flask will not even heal 1% of your minions HP.
6. Problem with mobs/totems with the "Allies can't be killed" mod since your minons won't attack the mob/totem with the mod? Quartz flasks are great to use to run up to the mob/totem, spam SRS and run away again. Can be risky though.
Maybe the spirits can be controlled to target the totem? I am not sure.

Sorry for the wall of text!


Cheers! Glad to hear man! :)

* +3 or Pledge of Hands obviously for the weapon upgrade but you already know this.
* Much more ES on helmet if possible!
* Pure ES gloves for higher ES gain
* ES Boots, not hybrid with both stats being incorrect!
* I'd suggest finding an Amulet with %ES increase as well as it providing a ton of Dexterity to make it easier on the rest of the gearing. It is rather easy to find a 40-50+ Dexterity Amulet, I usually ignore the ES and go for like 60-70+ Dexterity to make my life easier in gearing on everything else.
* To avoid looking for strength bonuses I'd suggest looking for a Heavy Belt with a Strength roll on it as well to remove the looking for strength rolls or benchcrafts completely.
* Not a big fan of the Quartz flask, I'd much rather take Granite as it will directly mitigate physical damage taken.

Minion Life, Minion & Totem Resist, but yes they tend to die early on. This is sorted by getting them from a map later on and/or adjusting your platstyle as it comes with experience playing the build.
Reg Edit: Nice man, glad to hear!
I love doing maps with Beyond, but it can become rather rippy! :D

Reg Edit: Awesome :)

I recommend higher Chaos res but if you keep a keen eye on your life pool, you should be perfectly fine with that! (Shouldn't be too hard to cap if you sort the mentioned gear upgrades imo).


The Edit Answers:
* Flesh Offering can consume a maximum of 10 corpses which is 3.3 Desecrate casts :) (Desecrate can only summon 10 corpses in total)
* Vaal Hastes are OP :D:D
* Glad you found the nice maps for them!
* When it comes to the Quartz flask tactic, it works but can become dangerous but so is my favoured strategy: Pop Granite and Quicksilver, get in there and fuck it up :P, but no you can't control temp time summoned minions.

And NEVER apoligize for a wall of text, I prefer bigger questions to be posted here or via PM so that i can take the time to answer it properly when i get the time to do it. I do prefer smaller questions via stream instead as i can answer verbally!

ziggcrew wrote:
Heya Ghazzy,

im playing the 6 keystone summ in tempest atm and have a question,

Do you think Mon'tregul's Grasp and Vis Mortis would work for this build?

Heya Ziggcrew,

Both works but has pros & cons. (DUH!)
Monte gruls Grasp is not very effective as our main source of DPS is coming from the spectres, the zombiers are our meatshields and due to the minion agro change in 2.0 having more minions gives you a much better defensive feeling & playstyle over having 50% zombies being more tanky. They are tanky enough without Montegruls which HP gain is utter shit these days anyways.

I literally have never liked Vis Mortis, it gives us nothing but +1 Spectre which is why I've never used it. Probably never will. However, that chest piece is a direct more damage increaser for us and thus increases our clearspeed significantly if you can survive with it equiped.

CrazylikE wrote:
At what lvl minimum would you start farming Atziri? I think my gear is getting there now, actually im not sure I want to upgrade anything until I can afford a shavs (if that ever happens).


lvl 68
2491 life (428 reserved), 3571 es, 103/126/100/63 resists, 104 mana reg, 44 life reg, 785 es re.

This is the first time I play this build, and I have never farmed Atziri, killed her like 3 times total with suicide tactics just to kill her. So I am not sure what it takes to kill her reliably. Any tip appreciated :) Only running Hatred, Clarity(BM) and Disc right now, do I need to get more mana nodes for Haste first maybe?


Make sure you can sustain SRS in a Vaal Haste with Multistrike instead of Culling strike. When you're at that position make sure you have a minimum of 5L +2 staff or better, i see you got 6L PoH (GREAT man!) Then i would suggest waiting to lvl 80-85ish but shouldn't be a problem thanks to your staff being 6L, make sure you have 4-5k + eHP before going in (AT LEAST!). But make sure you have all auras running and 3 vaal hastes ready and the tactics required.

CanuckMonkey wrote:
Hey Ghazzy,

After some time away from PoE (got bored when I didn't have access to the beta) I found your guide when I started up again, and currently have a level 78 Scion in Warbands running a slightly modified form of your low cost Pure SRS build. It's been tons of fun so far, thanks very much!

I have two questions for you at the moment:

1) You have Culling Strike listed as the 5th gem for SRS, but I have been under the impression that CS is only really useful for MF, since it only adds a max of 10% damage. Is this a special choice for Atziri (who I have not fought yet), or is there something else I'm missing here?

2) For spectres you've recommended the Defilers, and I was wondering why you wouldn't go with Ash Prophets (from the Crematorium) or even Death Bishops (from the Catacombs). Both areas are higher level, and with the Crematorium you can waypoint in, Desecrate, get your spectres, and get out again. Since we're dealing mostly fire and cold damage, I assume Flammability or Frostbite would be as good or better than Elemental Weakness--is it just that dropping both resistances is better than a bigger drop in either one would be? If so, is it enough to make up for the reduced survivability of the lower level spectres?

Thanks for your reply, and for your appearance on State of Exile yesterday. I'm going to have to check out your stream to see this low-cost chaos damage build you mentioned!



Hey Canuck,

I believe the culling strike gem question was answered by "CrazylikE"!
As long as the spectre is cursing with either flammability or preferably Elemental Weakness it doesn't matter where you get them tbh. :)

The Chaos DMG Converter should have a youtube vid and forum guide up during the upcoming weekend. It will be launched before next State of Exile episode the 27th which i will be participating in as scheduled as well! Cheers!

dukilupp wrote:
Hi Ghazzy and everyone,

I am trying to watch "World #1 Uber Atziri Kill as a Classic Summoner 2.0 Awakening Patch":


but the video is seems to be removed.

Anyone can upload the video again? Thanks in advance.

Don't know why, heres the link to my highlight!

NeoHien1 wrote:

This is my gear so far @lvl 77. I'm having really difficult time trying to survive. Looking for good advices so I can improve. Thanks !!!

Well... It does not seem like you are following my guide very much at all.
* Get pure ES pieces
* To increase survivability get spell totem with summon skeletons instead of your current SRS IIR/Culling setup this will provide a ton more of decoy targets for the enemies to hit whilst you are summong your SRS for dmg output. SRS Is not meant to be played as a MF char unless you got a ton of currency and dont want to go for the mainstream MF builds.
* Get Fortify in for your zombies so they survive a little better

I think that should cover you! :)

melodia1 wrote:
Here's my current gear, anyone have any suggestions on improving under 1ex budget? Stuff like "getting a 6L" or "getting a PoH" are dead obvious, but I don't really play much nor have much currency, so please don't suggest any of the high-budget stuff.


Currently about 2.5k life and 5k ES, level 78, all resists maxed with chaos resist at 35%.
I'm not running haste yet since BM+discipline is too dangerous to play with how squishy summoners are, so I'm running clarity + discipline + hatred (generosity).


Your gear honestly looks really good within a low budget view. Pretty impressed tbh. The way you should upgrade is to get more chaos resistance to open up the end of the build for you after that its basically "6L PoH + more ES"

Either that or switch up to high budget past this upgrade.

Klied wrote:
Hiya, I saw the post and thought I'd jump on board since my favorite playstyle is as a summoner! :)

I'm currently level 91 in Tempest league with 3,145 HP and 4,576 ES, while my current build works and makes me feel safe it sorta feels a bit underpowered for higher level things. (So i'm definitely open to suggestions!)

My permanent minions are 8 Zombies, 2 Spectres, and my Chaos Golem.

I use Curse on Hit with Ball Lightning linked to Temporal Chains and Vulnerability (Also Elemental Equilibrium keystone), I run Hatred linked to Generosity and an unlinked Vitality. (Vitality + 75% Chaos resistance makes almost all chaos damage barely tickle)
I chose Summon Skeletons over SRS simply for extra targets that aren't me for the enemies to attack, since they seem to ignore SRS more. I also use Vaal Discipline for emergencies (Been considering using Vaal Summon Skeletons instead) in an Unset ring.

Current Build


Current Gear

I can do just about any map up to level 78 (I haven't gotten my hands on any higher than 78 so far)
There are a few bosses I won't do like the Volcano boss, and the Piety with Storm Herald. But for the most part this has held solid so far. :)
Any feedback/improvements would be greatly appreciated too!

Hey hey,

Cheers for posting this here man, appreciate it!
The only thing i can think of like this straight of the bat is;
SRS generates 0 agro. They can only take damage from projectiles, colateral splash damage and ground effects. They are never ever being main targeted by enemies, so using them as decoys is literally impossible!

But the rest sounds like you got a nice build going on! :)

Yazilliclick wrote:
Just a quick question for someone leveling a summoner as a summoner but how do people deal with Kaom's raging spirits that don't seem to have a duration but need to be killed (if you can't kill him before they summon)? Minions won't target them and I've found them to be a pain as a result. Thanks.

Hey hey,

Kaom is a tricky fight when leveling as a summoner. SRS can never be main targeted by the PoE AI. So to avoid the summoned ones make sure you have spell totem + skeletons out (preferably with MI) but honestly, make sure you can drop kaoms so fast you dont want to worry about taking damage. Now that is obviously easier said than done. I have lvld as a summoner several times the last 1.5 years which of course includes post 2.0 patch. I still suggest checking my youtube video "Beginners LvLing guide for Witch & Scion" @ www.youtube.com/Ghazzy it is what I am using for effecient lvling. And you don't have to think about the skilltree and just spec for the build you're going to play and use those skills for lvling. (Could change Flame Totem for Spell Totem + Incinerate if you want to go pro-style! ;) )

WeaponizedSP wrote:
Hey Ghazzy! Or whoever else wants to give input... Could you take a quick look at what I have and tell me what you would recommend as the next step as far as upgrading to be an even more brutal killing machine? Love it so far, and I'm saving for a 6L pledge and maybe a lvl 3 or 4 empower. Would a level 3 empower beat the 20/20 Multistrike?

My resists are 75/74/75/60, life is 3k shield is 4.2k. Thanks in advance!!!

Edit: I actually usually wear Meginords but still have the Blazon on from some MF experimentation, so I usually have a bit more life. I still cannot figure out how people maintain good resists with MF gear setups, but wish I knew :P

Edit2: I actually just picked up a level 3 Empower for 1EX for the hell of it and replaced Multistrike and it feels stronger I think, can't really tell if my mind is just playing tricks though hahaha


Well besides the obvious: "GET MORE ES" i would recommend changing that belt for a strength rolled Heavy Belt to make other stats easier for you and also effective HP gain.
The Dram Fragment ring is really bad compared to what rare rings can provide.

Empower is only to be added for the 6th link.

I hope my short answers helped you enough! been writing a wall of text tonight and i need to sleep >.<
Let me know if you need more help!

Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Last edited by Ghazzy#0404 on Sep 16, 2015, 3:47:53 PM
I'm super confused. I can't seem to be able to run Haste and Wrath with arctic armor. Am I missing something to be able to do that? I sat and thought about every way I could do it. I'm playing the 6 keystone.
TheVikingStory wrote:
I'm super confused. I can't seem to be able to run Haste and Wrath with arctic armor. Am I missing something to be able to do that? I sat and thought about every way I could do it. I'm playing the 6 keystone.

When you've reached the final stage of the build you will have 22% reduced mana reserved via your skilltree, this will make Haste, Wrath and Arctic Armour reserve 98% of your mana pool, and you'll be using your Energy Shield as your source of casting spells via EB/ZO :)

I recommend waiting with the Haste aura til you got all the aura nodes the guide is telling you to get!
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
At what level do you suggest to start SRSing ?
TwitchTV: http://www.twitch.tv/akumanotsubasa
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/AkumaNoTsubasa
Please use http://pobb.in for your guides instead of pastebin!
Exportforce wrote:
At what level do you suggest to start SRSing ?

i'm wondering the same.

great build outline, but you don't actually say when to start using SRS. at what stage in skill tree/gems/mana/gear should we do it?
do we only want to use auras once we have the raging spirits running, since we don't use minions for damage until then?

do you recommend using flame totem and firestorm all the way up to when we use SRS?

boxsalesman has a very similar build to yours and doesnt recommend switching until something like level 70, just before the aura reservation nodes.
Last edited by monosama#1184 on Sep 21, 2015, 6:38:56 AM
monosama wrote:
Exportforce wrote:
At what level do you suggest to start SRSing ?

i'm wondering the same.

great build outline, but you don't actually say when to start using SRS. at what stage in skill tree/gems/mana/gear should we do it?
do we only want to use auras once we have the raging spirits running, since we don't use minions for damage until then?

do you recommend using flame totem and firestorm all the way up to when we use SRS?

boxsalesman has a very similar build to yours and doesnt recommend switching until something like level 70, just before the aura reservation nodes.


You are absolutely correct, it is missing.
To clearify, you can do this build effeciently from lvl 50-55+

To help with lvling I will simply forward you to this super awesome, extremely helpful amazing godlikely created leveling guide which everyone should watch, just because I've described it as godly...


When it comes to summoner questions or builds, there are plenty of builds or versions of builds out on the forums, however, I have exclusively played & streamed Summoners for 1.5 almost 2 years in this game, and my focus has been towards end game content as well as Atziri & Uber Atziri. If you need any help I am always up for helping! :)
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
thanks ghazzy
this is my first summoner, and i'm really enjoying it so far

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