[2.1 Ghazzy - Summoner Guides] Low Budget Builds

Hey Ghazzy,

For the hybrid SRS build, which classe would be optimal, scion or witch, and why?
I'm having trouble finding what items and gems should I look up for; I'm level 56, just reached Merciless and I mostly leveled using Flame Totem while being protected by Zombies + spamming Raging Spirits when possible.

I tried to follow your passive tree, here's how mine looks like right now:

Passive Tree

As I said, I'm having trouble with the items and the skill gems; here's what I'm running at the moment:


1. I know the items and the linked gems are mostly wrong, but I did that because I'm new to this game and because I've read that it doesn't really matter what you use in the leveling part. What's the best way and the best / required skill gems and items I can get?

2. A 5L Staff is a must, right? If so, is 5L enough for a while or should I look for a 6L insted?

3. Currently I have way more HP than ES, and I think it should be the other way around; why more ES? And which one is better overall?

Thanks a lot for your help!
EDIT: please ignore this post. iam bit retarded. i have found my answer now. :D
Last edited by azraelsvk#3281 on Aug 12, 2015, 4:31:03 AM
Let me begin with apologizing for the delay in answering, been super busy with real life :/

Damiensama wrote:

first of all, nice nice build. I consider you as the "god" of summonner's, due to your huge experience in it. That's why I decided to follow this build blindly, but I've a question :

Why no multitrike gem ? I know minion damage gem has been improve A LOT, but I still wonder, why not speack about this gem at all ?

I go to work, hope to have your response when I'll get back ;)

Thx a lot !


Multistrike simply isn't good enough to fit in the top gems after the nerf to it. :)

godofdun wrote:
I'm sure it's been asked since revenants got rebalanced, but I couldn't find it if it has: are evangelists still good as specters? I still really like the projectile shield bubbles.

Absolutely still viable and suits the zombie focused build the best as they scale from the same type of auras seeing as their ability is a physical damage spell (non-projectile) :)

mohamed94 wrote:
Hey ghazzy how's it going, Im playing the srs atm and lvl 46..i have the 5L pledge rdy and the rest of my items are trash,and wanted to start buying +50lvl items as i have abit much of currency ... first what should i be focusing on?second is it possible to reach high Es or high hp like ur characters in the videos in this build? i think i saw 4-5k hp with +7k ES? so been wondering where all of that comes from ? i know the item stats should be HP/ES and tri res but thats it? i dont think i'll get near 5k hp or high ES and thanks for baring me!


Sadly i riped today on my trapper :'(... hope things are better for you!
Good work on the pledge!
Focus on the stat priorities displayed in the buildthread guide, (Resistances > attribute requirements > eHP > Cast Speed).

Sadly I have been and still am extremely limited in time for the time being so i have been unable to post youtube videos as of yet for these builds. So I believe you are mixing this guide up with another video you've seen!

lazycalm2 wrote:
Hey Ghazzy,

For the hybrid SRS build, which classe would be optimal, scion or witch, and why?

Witch is better because you will spec all the way in to the witch starting tree if you play as a scion anyways. Making you "waste" nodes to get out to the "real" tree when you play as a scion.

Wardalf wrote:
I'm having trouble finding what items and gems should I look up for; I'm level 56, just reached Merciless and I mostly leveled using Flame Totem while being protected by Zombies + spamming Raging Spirits when possible.

I tried to follow your passive tree, here's how mine looks like right now:

Passive Tree

As I said, I'm having trouble with the items and the skill gems; here's what I'm running at the moment:


1. I know the items and the linked gems are mostly wrong, but I did that because I'm new to this game and because I've read that it doesn't really matter what you use in the leveling part. What's the best way and the best / required skill gems and items I can get?

2. A 5L Staff is a must, right? If so, is 5L enough for a while or should I look for a 6L insted?

3. Currently I have way more HP than ES, and I think it should be the other way around; why more ES? And which one is better overall?

Thanks a lot for your help!


1) Leveling is somewhat of a gray-zone, some wants to minmax and do it fast, other takes their time and enjoy it.

However, when it comes to what your required skill gems and items:
You should look at the website: poe.trade in here you can browse for items usable for your level and look for statistics you want, still following the stat priorities displayed in the buildthread guide. (Resistances > attribute requirements > eHP > Cast speed) Keep in mind that you don't need 153 dexterity when purchasing leveling gear, you want as much as possible but I would personally focus a lot around your resistances & eHP to manage til you hit higher levels where you can start looking for the end-game gear you want to use for mapping. (The end game stuffs can obviously be cheaper items as well til you can afford better).

Regarding the skillgems:
It's again within the leveling stage so you chose how you want to level and what feels most comfortable for you. Flesh Offering is a must for your minions, however, I'd absolutely change out faster casting in your SRS links for Echo instead as it will make a HUGE difference for you.
I'd also remove the totem resist gem from Flame Totem and give it the Faster Casting.
Something to think about: SRS can never be main targeted by enemies, making them only take damage vs projectiles and/or ground target effects. This makes Minion Life a complete waste in the links you're using for them. Instead, I'd suggest running with Melee Splash, and Minion Speed is "okish" but SRS are already rather fast, Minion Damage is a HUGE damage increaser that would be my change for that gem.

If you really want to minmax the flame totem I'd change the added lightning for Faster Projectiles as well but thats in the end a matter of taste.

2) 5L staff can make the build kill Atziri so there is no "must" to get a 6L, a 5L will do just fine til the absolute end stage of the game for you :)

3) We use HP as our effective HP pool till we reach the end game stage of mapping, at that stage we have enough skillpoints in our tree to get all the stuffs we want to reserve auras on our life pool. Once you've reached this stage as displayed in the buildtree links in the guide; we remove the HP nodes and go for ES nodes instead. It's a transition within the build.

I hope this helped, if not, fire away anything that was confusing.
Would like to apologize for the messy display I am writing this post as i have 6hours left before waking up for work again tomorrow... GG stream schedule ftw.

azraelsvk wrote:
EDIT: please ignore this post. iam bit retarded. i have found my answer now. :D

You know... I promise, i did my utmost best to ignore the post. Honestly, I really tried. I tried hard. But... it was too much to handle, I simply couldn't resist commenting.. SORRY!
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Hey Ghazzy,

I have followed one of your other builds previously and it was life/armor based. I am currently following your pure SRS hybrid build.

All of the builds that I have done previously have been Life+Armor/evasion. So the ES is new to me. I was just wondering where our defenses came from? Sorry for sounding noobish but again this is my first character that has dealt ES. Thanks for the guide and tips.
Sup Ghazzy, ty for the build, but i want know, why Pledge, is BiS now? Better than a +3 Staff?!

Ty !! =D
Newsomlol wrote:
Hey Ghazzy,

I have followed one of your other builds previously and it was life/armor based. I am currently following your pure SRS hybrid build.

All of the builds that I have done previously have been Life+Armor/evasion. So the ES is new to me. I was just wondering where our defenses came from? Sorry for sounding noobish but again this is my first character that has dealt ES. Thanks for the guide and tips.

The build is not suppose to be hit frequently due to decoy targets such as Zombies, Skeletons, Spectres and our SRS are there to kill enemies blazingly fast.
Pure ES has always been a focus around my summoner builds :)

ubberalles wrote:
Sup Ghazzy, ty for the build, but i want know, why Pledge, is BiS now? Better than a +3 Staff?!

Ty !! =D

Pledge is better as it allows us to remove mana/mana regen and/or mana cost reduction nodes from the tree which allows us to spec in to more minion damage jewels, which brings the dps done via Pledge of Hands a tad bit higher than that of a +3 staff.
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Hi all, I've started new witch in Warbands intending to make her a pure summoner, Spectre centered build, but in after a while changed to SRS. During respeccing, I've noticed that it is possible to "Snapshot" minion numbers using skill tree. I have no idea if this is intended by GGG r not, and if it was discussed before, but right now it is possible to run - for example - 7 zombies, with no +Zombies nodes or gear whatsoever.

I did not run any tests, but it seems that +Minion Life Nodes are affected too. This effect persist through restarting the game, deaths of character, or gem lvl ups - only thing that is resetting minion number availble to summon, is changing gear, and lets be honest - once we aquire +2 minion helm we wear it till kingdom come.
I feel that in late game, when couple of regrets are affordable, this may be powerful addition to biuld defences - I mean, free meat shields right?

On the side, thank you for this build Ghazzy - Malachai cruel died at first attempt 0 deaths lol, wonder if Merc will be same - I'm still in middle of a2...
DO NOT farm for ONI!
paruwa wrote:
Hi all, I've started new witch in Warbands intending to make her a pure summoner, Spectre centered build, but in after a while changed to SRS. During respeccing, I've noticed that it is possible to "Snapshot" minion numbers using skill tree. I have no idea if this is intended by GGG r not, and if it was discussed before, but right now it is possible to run - for example - 7 zombies, with no +Zombies nodes or gear whatsoever.

I did not run any tests, but it seems that +Minion Life Nodes are affected too. This effect persist through restarting the game, deaths of character, or gem lvl ups - only thing that is resetting minion number availble to summon, is changing gear, and lets be honest - once we aquire +2 minion helm we wear it till kingdom come.
I feel that in late game, when couple of regrets are affordable, this may be powerful addition to biuld defences - I mean, free meat shields right?

On the side, thank you for this build Ghazzy - Malachai cruel died at first attempt 0 deaths lol, wonder if Merc will be same - I'm still in middle of a2...

I posted this to Rory_GGG, so after removing the + zombie ammount you can literally remove the node and still resummon zombies with that ammount? Does sound wierd indeed.

Glad to hear you're doing Malachai just fine :)
Be weary of Merciless Malachai, i would not recommend that fight at all til you got a lot more levels!
Guides: https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/ghazzy-guide-hub
YT: https://www.youtube.com/GhazzyTV
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/ghazzytv
Quick question: What's best instead of a Level 4 Empower? I know, they're cheap, that's why it's in the budget builds. Just wanna know.
Last edited by Cr4v3n#1308 on Aug 13, 2015, 7:06:39 AM

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