Buying chaos orbs from shop - Discussion

VaultzInex wrote:
Its not P2W because you can achieve the same thing by just following an appropriate build and doing the chaos recipe, its P2ST -Pay to Save Time. If anything.

pay to save time is the same as pay to win. if i spend real money on a guy who levels my character i save time, if i buy a whole account i save time, if i buy orbs or orb effects i save time. there is no difference.
stash tabs save time as well but they have been in the game forever and the game wouldn't exist without them being purchaseable.

VaultzInex wrote:

What would be good is to ONLY SELL the chaos orb effect. Doing this, no new chaos orbs would enter economy and players who want to pay to save time could, while others would just do the chaos recipe to make chaos orbs(You can make as many chaos orbs as you want!!!).

selling the orb effect is no different from selling the orb directly when it comes to the pay to win effect.

and what's next? eternal orb effect? exalted orb effect? 6 socket/linking effect?

VaultzInex wrote:

not nessesary. you're suggesting this game to get pay to win. i think you're just t......g here. this thread should be locked.
age and treachery will triumph over youth and skill!
Mivo wrote:
TwistedTrip wrote:
No, I would most likely quit. I hate P2W, and however you manage to rangle it with words it's still PAY 2 WIN.

How many stash tabs do you have?

Does the leading competitor offer players double the size of each tab, and 4 of them? I believe the answer is no. As mentioned shortly after my post, there is nothing stopping you from creating mule characters.

There is plenty of options if you choose not to buy stash tabs, this doesn't directly affect your gameplay, just your item management skills. Extra stash tabs are convenience when compared to games who are charging players up front and for half the size of tabs.

I don't believe stash tabs are pay to win, you want pay to win?! Then just agree with the opening post or better yet agree with paying for experience.

TwistedTrip wrote:
I don't believe stash tabs are pay to win, you want pay to win?! Then just agree with the opening post or better yet agree with paying for experience.

You're rationalizing it. If they sold paid respecs, it would be for convenience, too. And why not chaos orbs? You can find them in the game, you'd just save time if you bought them, but they wouldn't do anything that the normal chaos orbs don't do.

Stash tabs (I have about fifty) provide a distinctive advantage over someone who doesn't have them. You save time (in this game, time translates to wealth or more XP), you can keep more items for selling without spending time, you can keep more items for the chaos recipe, you can keep more items for other and future characters. You can even store more currency. All of these are advantages, all of them save time.

Stash tabs aren't as outright P2W as selling gear would be, but they are not in the "vanity items" category, either. You stressed how much you "hate" P2W and how you'd quit, and I felt that was a hypocritical statement if you have bought extra stash tabs. When I bought mine, I did so knowing that they would give me an advantage in the game; one that does affect the gameplay.
There is rational between a line and crossing it.
TwistedTrip wrote:
There is rational between a line and crossing it.

I don't know if selling chaos orb effects would be "game-breakingly harmful" expect for high level players and few crafters, which are two minorities.
About "game-breakingly harmful" :
Good vaal orbs :
Bad ones :
Why? got an answer)
Last edited by VaultzInex#4933 on Jun 6, 2014, 6:17:31 AM
TwistedTrip wrote:
There is rational between a line and crossing it.

I agree with that, and that's just the thing: the exact location of the line is subjective.

There are two absolutes: cosmetic items (not P2W) and gear that cannot be reasonably obtained by playing the game at all (P2W). Everything in between those two extremes is always a matter of perspective, at least to a degree.

I'd not be fine with chaos orbs in the store, but I would be okay with skill tree resets. I'd also be fine with more inventory space, though not with an auto-pick-up feature only for paying players. But none of them are really very clear-cut in regard to the P2W question, in my opinion.
VaultzInex wrote:
TwistedTrip wrote:
There is rational between a line and crossing it.

I don't know if selling chaos orb effects would be "game-breakingly harmful" expect for high level players and few crafters, which are two minorities.
About "game-breakingly harmful" :

Yes I remember seeing that post and wasn't impressed. I wanted to add a comment about Mivo mentioning paid respecs for convenience, but couldn't remember GGG's PoE partner Garena.

Thanks for linking, for me and I can only speak for myself. I would find that game breaking. It devalues Regret Orbs within the game. It's a direct purchase that imitates what a game item was intended to do. I'm thankful it's not a part of the GGG lead servers.

I'm pretty sure, Regret Orbs and Chaos Orbs wouldn't trade 1:1 on those servers. Now I know that's subjective on what leagues you play in on the GGG servers. Mine happens to be invasion where that is the current value. Would it stay the same if it was introduced? I highly doubt it.

Thus, I would expect an equal example of Chaos Orbs if this was possible too. While it's not the actual Chaos Orb purchase, it does offer the effect of a Chaos Orb purchase. Which in turn would decrease their trade value. Since essentially you are still able to achieve the same result just with different methods.

We only have one method to obtain Chaos Orbs at the moment (outside of rwt), which keeps their value at a constant rate as it's always in demand for the effect or as a desirable trade commodity which is often exchanged in favour of Exalted Orbs and vice versa.

Both Chaos Orbs and Exalted Orbs are crucial parts of crafting and trading. To undo that system and let people directly buy, even chaos orb effects basicly halves the value of the Chaos Orb and not only that but the follow on effects for other currency such as Alch and Scouring Orbs which can to an extent do the same crafting process.
I chaos spammed multiple good to great swords in under 1000 chaos.

I'm sure people would live if invasion league was flooded with swords like these by RMT chaos spammers via the in game shop


360 pDPS 1H and highest 1H ele dmg sword on Invasion (for sale) chaos spammed in under 1k chaos.

Would it be game breaking if every single player had one of these swords and they only cost a few chaos due to the sheer volume of them in every league? Maybeeeee
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Last edited by Manocean#0852 on Jun 6, 2014, 9:25:18 AM
Swagtrain wrote:
I chaos spammed multiple good to great swords in under 1000 chaos.

I'm sure people would live if invasion league was flooded with swords like these by RMT chaos spammers via the in game shop


360 pDPS 1H and highest 1H ele dmg sword on Invasion (for sale) chaos spammed in under 1k chaos.

Would it be game breaking if every single player had one of these swords and they only cost a few chaos due to the sheer volume of them in every league? Maybeeeee

This looks like a valid argument.
I will write the next comments to make it fast.

Me : Yeah but an OP ele 1H is not enough to bring you "winning".
You : You can chaos spam a whole set and you are done with your char.
Me : It's not enough, you also need to find the maps, and the high ilvl base items. You also need to have a good build and great ability to focus if you are doing the HC challenges.

I would agree it would be game breaking a little. We must find a middle ground.

You : You have to think about the impact on economy..
Me : I just got this idea:
Maybe put chaos orb effect for sale, only for items of ILVL < 60. What do you think?

-Not game breaking.
-People can still get their chaos orbs from their other leveled chars who are doing chaos recipes. While other can Pay to Save Time.
-It would help support GGG.

Good vaal orbs :
Bad ones :
Why? got an answer)
Swagtrain wrote:
I chaos spammed multiple good to great swords in under 1000 chaos.

I'm sure people would live if invasion league was flooded with swords like these by RMT chaos spammers via the in game shop


360 pDPS 1H and highest 1H ele dmg sword on Invasion (for sale) chaos spammed in under 1k chaos.

Would it be game breaking if every single player had one of these swords and they only cost a few chaos due to the sheer volume of them in every league? Maybeeeee

It almost sounds like youre suggesting that the market isnt flooded with the byproducts of RMT, dont be silly.
"just for try, for see and for know"

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