Devs and other GD people - Kripps Death a good thing
" Its is not a flawed mechanic, its is just poor playing mate. And stop insulting other people when dont think the same way as you, ok? I just got a different opinion than yours, but on the same way to many many people here too. There are many solutions 100% efficient here. Even for a melee character. They didin't use them, and they died. Unawaraness of the situation entirely. As I said, they learned a lesson today. Sorry if you dont like it mate. But be polite when people don't think like you. IGN: Gonorreitor
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My posting here should have been enough.
I'll make it clear, then. Keep it civil. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.
Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. |
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Kripp's death was indeed a good thing. It was great television! :P
Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
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Maps are intended to be not for every player character. Blood magic doesnt appeal to everyone eg.
double alira is not an exception. If you melee and dont want to use strategy to fight 2xalira then gtfo Oh kripp died must be games fault then. :P Last edited by Laee#6369 on Feb 2, 2013, 8:06:11 AM
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Should make his fanboys realize that he is an average player who makes beginner mistakes. Even without a threat it's a common strategy to seperate bosses.
Ah FYI DD Totems can explode rare corpses too and additional Life Rares got HP close to bosses. |
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They were not aware it's possible, doesn't exactly mean it's a bug.
Still it's a bit crazy mechanic. And I like it. It does not happen out of the blue, it's avoidable, it happens only in high lvl areas. A lot of ppl wish for some meaningful threats in high lvl areas -> here you go. Reminds me a bit nihlathac in D2Lod, he used to deal some crazy dmg in hell diff with his corpse explosion before he was nerfed. He used to blow up like whole room of high hp corpses. Had they knew it's possible they could have avoid it by various means. Pretty much every char is able to avoid that. Melee guys can explode her with infernal blow, the other boss shouldn't be able to blow her up before player does (unless player misses several swings in a row). Ranged can use regular corpse explosion. There's small cooldown on alira's corpse explosion, in older alpha/beta patches she used to blow up bodies before they even hit the ground. | |
1. this is a beta - all feedback is welcome.
2. For the love of god stop calling people a "fanboy" it's getting to become the D3 forums around here. "the premier Action RPG for hardcore gamers."
-GGG Happy hunting/fishing |
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oh no...a guy who does nothing but play video games all day lost his HC toon to a game mechanic he had no clue existed?! Lets change the game then, so it never happens again. Oh, and lets change loot to be instanced as well while we are at it...
/end sarcasm The item is yours when it is in your bag. Last edited by Ushela#2383 on Feb 2, 2013, 9:44:08 AM
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" Who said it needs to be changed? Kripp even laughed about it, this is what makes the game fun, no one is complaining. Like kripp said himself "It is what it is :)". Also, what is a "toon" ? Last edited by Stroggoz#2475 on Feb 2, 2013, 9:55:56 AM
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Detonate Dead, like righteous fire, probably should only do damage equivalent to "normal" "unscaled" life. I'm not saying that because Kripp died, but because that's how infernal blow works, so, the mechanic for damage from % life should be consistent.
My Keystone Ideas:
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