The Custom Avatar Art Gallery (updated 18th May, 2019)

鬼殺し wrote:

Must? No one. But it can be. And they'd be opening a whole other can of worms if they tailored the price based on individual avatars. So that's the package.

Sorry, I should have said "Who said it have to be artwork?". Anyways, I think there exist a lot of good pictures what you can use in your avatar logo without professional artist. That's what I'm trying to say.
People who hit already FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS barrier, deserves to own their own custom avatar. Why 500$, would you ask. Because GGG. (🌸=◡=)
RAW5TEEL wrote:
People who hit already FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS barrier, deserves to own their own custom avatar. Why 500$, would you ask. Because GGG. (🌸=◡=)
I would say 1000$
ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
Sexcalibure wrote:
RAW5TEEL wrote:
People who hit already FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS barrier, deserves to own their own custom avatar. Why 500$, would you ask. Because GGG. (🌸=◡=)
I would say 1000$

GGG wrote:

If you prefer, we can arrange for you to purchase a standalone custom avatar for $500 USD. This cost would only include the custom avatar an no additional points.
Hm, fixed a few broken links. I'd forgotten how good some of these are. Lots of memories in this thread.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
鬼殺し wrote:
cipher_nemo wrote: was a little too rich for my blood. For $500 I'd hope to get a lot more than just an avie. ;-) For $50 or even $100 I might spring for it.

Given the work that goes into a custom avatar (I'd know), $50 to $100 is really unrealistic dude. It's not some farmed-out job via deviantart or something. It's all done in-house by a professional like George. Multiple drafts are usually involved. Several hours work.

IT doesn't have to be custom work. Why couldn't I just give them the image I want? See, that's why $500 seems overkill to me and more of a privilege thing. If it was custom artwork done by one of their graphic artists, then yes, I'd agree $500 is fine.
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HeWhoAnswersTheCall wrote:
Hm, fixed a few broken links. I'd forgotten how good some of these are. Lots of memories in this thread.

Oh my got its a genuine charan doppelganger sighting!
I dont see any any key!
Hu I did not see mine on the list.
IGN RighteousRom LvL-100 Juggernaut
Mirror Drop T-14 Shrine
鬼殺し wrote:
It'd be like going into a restaurant and asking for a discount because you brought your own ingredients. Let the damn restaurant cook the dish they want to cook and charge whatever they want to charge for it. Don't like it? Fine -- go cook your own, but don't bring it into the restaurant. :P

Reminded me of the one about a Scotsman phoning a hooker.
- Good evenin', lass, I'd like to drop in for a peedy tussle. How much for half on hour?
- That would be 50 quid, sir.
- By jings! And how much if I lug my own mattress?
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

I_NO wrote:
Hagitsu wrote:
Helo Brothers and Sisters :) I was like hmm...absent for few years ;) and after returning around October, I was soo amazed how this game changed, I've stayed here :P

Still learning new things, and even here lol! Tell me, mates, is there still any possibility to have a chance for a custom avatar? I just realized I was late about hmm...few years for sure :D

Thx for reply in advanced :)


Oh yeah it's a straight 500$ or buy a divinity card creation use that as your avatar which is I believe 500$ as well.

So all I need to do is email GGG and tell them I want to buy a custom profile picture for $500 and once I pay they would actually be able to do it? :O

If that is true, how long does it take to receive the picture..does it take more than 1 month? I would be totally down to pay the $500 for the picture (just need to save up for it in the future)
“He who fights for nothing, dies for nothing”

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