The Custom Avatar Art Gallery (updated 18th May, 2019)
Welcome to the Custom Avatar Art gallery, now with titles and small descriptions. Simply click the spoiler tag to see the art and read a few words from the owner.
I've added titles to some artworks, based on what the owner has said, but for the most part, I'd like avatar owners to provide their own desired title. Some of these also contain hi-res versions and drafts. A few supporters also have more than one avatar. Please PM me here if you don't see yours here, and I'll gladly add it. Happy browsing! Gallery One
Fiveby5: A Simple Job
The_Scourge: Heeding the Call
![]() my avatar relates to my account name, which is one i've used for ages. it's inspired by a lesser demon Ualac that appears in the Hellboy story 'Box Full of Evil' in that tale he's been trapped in a box for what must be centuries: The Countess opens the box, and what looks like a fly flies out of the box and into her mouth. Possessed by the demon, she turns her husband into a monkey. er ... skipping the bit about the monkey, Ualac steals the crown off of Hellboy's head but is eventually recaptured and is miniaturised, entombed in amber and given to Astaroth (along with the crown) to look after in Pandemonium. hence, a (Wraeclast) fly in amber.
![]() My name comes from Stargate, meaning Insane or Crazy. I was using a Replicator avatar for some time on various sites but it was pretty poor quality and blah. I submitted that and a short description of what I was hoping for and certainly wasn't disappointed. Soon after the submission, I received a composite of a few ideas to comment on and then my shiny new avatar appeared in the forum.
![]() My avatar is a pretty easy one to figure out I suppose. It's just the "E" in Elynole. I've used the same gamer tag for everything since like 1996. I'm pretty obsessed with Genealogy - I'm currently working on documenting my entire family tree at the moment, and have been collecting (along with my Uncle) as many of our family documents as possible. My family history is really old, seeming to date back as early as the 9th Century AD originally from the Wales area. In searching for this history I've sort of fell in love with family crests/markings/signets/seals and decided I'd create a seal for my character, so that's how the avatar came about.
![]() My alter ego/ gamer handle is the XvXReaperXvX. I've been known as this for so many years. Long enough so that when I googled my gamer name I found pages and pages of my gaming life. Yet if I search my real name I get nothing. I've been using a picture of a Reaper tattoo that I found on the net. Needless to say, it wasn't good enough. So that's basically why I chose to have the reaper pic made. I put forward what I imagined my avatar to be and they made it. It's exactly what I was after.
Covert: Freedom to Fish
CliveHowlitzer: Danger is like jello. There's always room for more.
![]() ![]() My user name is NuclearRaven so I asked for a nuclear raven. How I came to use the name is slightly more interesting. It is a homage to my favourite boss from another indie game which is excruciatingly difficult. The artwork and theme for the item I helped design are also entirely inspired by her. I wanted the name of it to also be a throw back to her, unfortunately it wasn't allowed in the PoE lore. The game's name is Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism. My favourite character is called Utsuho Reiuji. She is a hell raven who was tricked by a god into devouring another god gaining the power over nuclear fusion which she goes on a rampage with. In the battle against her she literally throws small suns at you. I still have not managed to beat her in normal difficulty, but I might just be a bad player. Somehow she isn't the most overpowered character in the Touhou universe. She's only a pet.
![]() I've a long experience in playing MMOs. Everything from Free 2 Play to Pay 2 Play, I will play any one. Even ones that aren't in my language. (My most recent non-English ones were Phantasy Star Online 2 (JP) and Blade and Soul (KR)) Since I play so many games you would think of my numerous avatars none would really stick in my mind. But au contraire mon ami. There are a few that will forever be close to my heart. One's I've mad friends on, had fantastic (if derpy sometimes) adventures on. Characters that become almost real in the imagination. One of them is Lilith Grimoire, a Miqo'te Keeper of the Moon from FFXIV, Lady.Lilith a High Elf from Tera and LadySinner my newest character in Blade and Soul. My avatar was based off of these three characters and my own personality.
_Lokken: Childe Roland to Dark Wraeclast came
Nickoladze: Bandit Tea Party
鬼殺し: The Goddess Fulfilled
Wittgenstein: This is an actual picture of Wittgenstein, if half of him were some kind of demon thing.
MonopolyLegend: Kiwi's Hoard
![]() Kiwi's Hoard was originally based on the idea of a dragon standing guard over his hoard of loot. I chose the Golden Kiwi because it has been my preferred companion since early in Closed Beta even though I do own other kiwis. The Templar was added afterwards as homage to my favorite character and my prior, basic avatar - the Templar.
Ocylix: Ungil's Assassin
Zand: The Dark Wanderer
dlrr: Mother of Dragons
Thyrandor: The Magnificent Cyber-Kiwi
![]() When I first saw the kiwis with gear (especially Gold and Diamond), I instantly thought about giving them powerful weapons and armour to make them ready to fight and earn epic loot in Wraeclast. I liked the idea of a cute little animal in comparison to its battle-hardened appearance. This then turned into the idea of a not lore-friendly but badass-looking Cyber Kiwi. I think George did a pretty good job on it.
Morsexier: Berserker Rage
Xenest: Guardian Angel
![]() This image is similar to one of the few angel tattoos on my arm. I believe that there comes a point in everyone's life where they discover their own Guardian Angel. The feeling of having someone or something watching over you, protecting you, is so great I can't even describe it. You must feel it for yourself, then you will know. Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on May 17, 2019, 7:29:34 PM Last bumped on Jul 22, 2018, 9:10:12 PM
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Gallery Two
Lyralei: Sonia
Hrishi: Dark Ritual
Ephetat: The Dead Witch
![]() The woman in the avatar is a Witch, but not specifically Alira. The circlet is intended to give that away, of course. Her assassin is intended to be a Shadow, who actually specializes in Damage over Time -- the copious amount of blood is a reference to Puncture, and the facial expression on the Witch is supposed to be the effects of a Poison.
NotACuckroach: The Kawaii Bird-Lover
![]() The Eternal Supporter Pack was a birthday present from my wife - Rosemarie. Hence the forum avatar is Rose in incognito picture, as a tribute to her for the surprise gift. Soon, she shares the same account to occasionally play and browse the forum when I am busy at work. As her and my interest grew for PoE, the Conqueror Pack came as another lovely gift to celebrate Christmas 2013.
Sneakypaw: The Last Stand
Taylorfest: The Perfect Organism
Praf: Not Alone
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on May 17, 2019, 7:25:17 PM
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Gallery Three
Oudeis: [Insert Lute Pun Here]
![]() I love renaissance lute music (and baroque, for that matter) and often listen to some while playing PoE. I imagine the Templar would be the most musical of the classes (well, I guess the Scion had lessons), and can picture him, after a hard day of righteous heresy, kicking back to knock out a few pavans and galliards.
godsmackfan1002: The Wraeclast Chainsaw Massacre
![]() A couple of years back I won Reaper's unique item contest, which also came with an avatar. I had it made as if POE was a scary movie. The unique map that won the contest will have some elements of a horror movie as well, so I wanted my avatar to fit the same theme. The picture is a marauder chasing a distressed Nessa, with a bloody chainsaw.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on May 17, 2019, 7:26:38 PM
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Reserved for future expansion.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on May 28, 2014, 8:06:48 PM
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Reserved for future expansion.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on May 28, 2014, 8:06:54 PM
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Reserved for future expansion.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on May 28, 2014, 8:07:02 PM
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Reserved for future expansion.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on May 28, 2014, 8:07:08 PM
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Reserved for future expansion.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on May 28, 2014, 8:07:15 PM
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Reserved for future expansion.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on May 28, 2014, 8:07:20 PM
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Reserved for future expansion.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires. Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here. Last edited by Foreverhappychan#4626 on May 28, 2014, 8:07:26 PM
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