[Official] WINE info thread
Maybe someone smarter than me can turn this into helpful information, but I get those same error messages when trying Poe in steam/proton, but not with lutris w/dxvk and esync, kubuntu 19.04 dev.
Last edited by buzzmandt#0505 on Apr 10, 2019, 8:14:42 AM
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I get errors as soon as I load into town both with Steam and Lutris (and vanilla wine). 2 weeks without PoE, I guess it's the end of the road for me...
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To me this seems to be quite obvious. Even back on bare metal Windows or Qemu/VFIO IGD passthrough Windows the game has always been extremely IO hungry.
At least with native Wine DX11 the game works fine for me. I suspect, that DXVK requires Vulkan 1.1, but that assumption might be flawed, because warnings indicate, that Mesa Vulkan support is incomplete on Haswell (IGD from 2014). However at least with Wine DX11 the memory requirements exceed 8GB. After a long session I had 3.5GB swapped out and the OS was at its limits (e.g. mouse stuttering etc.). Loading town with 8GB always “disconnected unexpectedly” for the first time and loaded on a second try, because the effects had been cached. These crashes got more frequent once the OS started to swap constantly. With 16GB it is now almost okay. The missing effect preloading or instance pausing during lags problem remains of course, but that is a software design error. I’d recommend using something like Act2 (Part1) town as a starting point, because you won’t get a lot of player effects there. Also put the game on SSD, if you have one. If you can afford 64GB of memory (at least 33.5), you could also copy the game prefix to /dev/shm/ before you start it to speed things even more up. I can’t provide a config/preparation script for that, because I couldn’t test it. All in all, sufficient memory (at least 9.5GB with Wine DX11) seems to be a hard requirement for PoE. The engine itself has improved since I last played it a year ago. They introduced an option for particles. Reducing them should help IGDs a lot. Even last year I likey the dynamic resolution, which is always at minimum for me, but I really don’t care. Performance has definitely improved since last year, which may be due to both engine and wine improvements. Last edited by SimonsOnkel#2681 on Apr 11, 2019, 4:11:43 PM
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Hi all
Basically i wanted to dump my case here as i too had been fighting the stuttering issues but they disappeared and my game runs smooth around 100fps w/vsync both in 1920 and 2560. In towns it still stutters somewhat but everything else is going great. Im playing Aziire's Purifying Flame Inquisitor build (currently playing act8) Except Flame, the build uses totems plus i got Vaal Arc,Vaal det. corpse so plenty of load for the gpu aside from mobs. I recently wiped ~/.nv/ which seems to also generate caches, not sure if that helped. I'm not sure if wiping my PoE cache before every start helps but it sure doesnt make it worse. For some reason i have a feeling that disabling audio reverb helps my fps... Anyhow.. i want to go finish act8 so here is my setup. System NFO OS: Pop!_OS 19.04 x86_64 Host: Asus FX503VM Kernel: 5.0.0-13-generic Resolution: 2560x1440 (external) CPU: Intel i5-7300HQ (4) @ 3.500GHz (Power profile: Performance) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 Mobile 6Gb (v418.56) Audio: Intel ALC295 Memory: 16GiB Lutris settings (PoE-standalone-w-dxvk)
arch: win64 args: --waitforpreload --nologo --nodx9ex --gc2 exe: /home/username/Games/path-of-exile/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Grinding Gear Games/Path of Exile/PathOfExile_x64.exe prefix: ~/Games/path-of-exile working_dir: '' system: display: HDMI-0 env: DXVK_ASYNC: '1' DXVK_HUD: '0' DXVK_STATE_CACHE: '0' prelaunch_command: /home/username/Games/PoEcacheclean.sh
cd PoE rm -rf CachedHLSLShaders/* rm -rf ShaderCacheD3D11/* rm *-cache 2>/dev/null prelaunch_wait: true pulse_latency: true reset_pulse: true resolution: 1920x1080 sdl_video_fullscreen: '1' wine: Audio: pulse Desktop: false SampleCount: 0 (disabled) dxvk: true dxvk_version: 1.1.1 esync: true overrides: d3dcompiler_47: native xaudio2_7: native,builtin version: tkg-4.6-x86_64 WineTricks
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D\VideoMemorySize="6144" Windows DLL/Components: * dbghelp * dxvk * msxml6 * riched30 * usp10 * vcrun2015 * xact PoE Settings
## Display Settings:
Mode: Windowed Fullscreen Resolution: 1920x1080 VSync: Enabled (100fps) AA: Off (default) Light: Shadows (default) SHadow Q: Low (default) Sun Shadow Q: Low # Lights: Medium (default) Post Proc: Enabled (default) Water: High (default) Texture Q: High (default) Texture F: 2x Ani Dynamic Res: Enabled (default) Target FPS: 40 Engine Multi: Enabled (default) ## Sound Settings: Dev: Pulseaudio Chans: Medium Reverb: Disabled (this seems to help me for some reason) ## UI Settings: Network: Auto Screen shake: Disabled |
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i'm having a bit of a weird issue...
i updated wine today to wine-staging-4.8, and suddenly poe doesn't recognize the Content.ggpk file anymore (which is a symlink) |
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" I've been getting same errors with new proton patch 4.2-4 the whole day. Sometimes i get the errors and game closes, sometimes it closes without any errors. I started playing PoE on linux about a month ago. Never had any of these crashes with steam play. Now it crashes every 15-30 minutes. Did you find a solution? Last edited by Klimon#7972 on May 16, 2019, 1:43:43 PM
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" Before starting the game you need to "cd" into the directory with the content.ggpk file. The simple 2-line startup shellscript i use: #!/bin/sh cd "/home/wh/.wine-poe-dxvk/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Grinding Gear Games/Path of Exile" env WINEPREFIX="/home/wh/.wine-poe-dxvk" DXVK_HUD=0 /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine64 /home/wh/.wine-poe-dxvk/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Grinding\ Gear\ Games/Path\ of\ Exile/PathOfExile_x64.exe - self-compiled WINE 4.8 staging 64bit in (obviously) /opt/wine-staging - self compiled DXVK in WINE enviroment (obviously) /home/wh/.wine-poe-dxvk - Fedora 29, stock Kernel, Gnome, mesa and vulcan - rock solid, no crashes whatsoever - Intel i3, 16 GB, 1050ti graphics, latest Nvidia driver, 70-80 fps at 1680x1050 native fullscreen resolution, everything on "high" without any stutter, even if i play a necro with ~20 minions, no noticeable lag even in Intervention encounters I don't like integrated enviroments like Lutris. ;) UPDATE: Fedora 30, no other changes, now 90-110 fps. Last edited by Gronf#0126 on Jun 4, 2019, 9:13:32 AM
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anyone else is getting a lot of page faults with the new league? especially after interacting with the monolith?
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" All the time. Windows users have this problem from time to time, but on linux... all the time. Apart from that `monolit` bug... nice fps, no other crashes. --- software: arch linux | wine 3.9 | nvidia official drivers | dxvk aka vulcan | _x64 hardware: gt1050 | ryzem 5 1600 | 16gb ram | m2/ssd Last edited by HardyHard#7767 on Jun 8, 2019, 12:36:00 PM
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" thats unfortunate. sometimes I can go for 2 hours without any error, sometimes only 25-30 minutes. I guess it has to do with which kind of legion or rather legion boss spawns? I didn't have any issues with betrayal and synthesis at all, but the new content is ... and yeah, outside of the legion content the game is superb. Last edited by sirdond#1468 on Jun 8, 2019, 1:03:19 PM
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