[Official] WINE info thread

Thank you !
discoveed the game thanks to you.
Very happy ;)
If one cares about dx11 it is working right now with wine 2.7 staging. Unfortunetly i have about a half of dx9 fps but i haven't seen any rendering issues. I tested it with nvidia gpu and the latest drivers.

Later on i'll give it a try with amd gpu.
How do I launch the game using wine-staging from the command line? When I use
env WINEPREFIX=~/.wine wine "C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\PathOfExile.exe" -gc 100

The patcher window launches, but attempts to install the game every time. If I launch the game using the file on my desktop (Path of Exile.lnk) it launches fine, but I'm unsure if that's using staging, nor can I add launch flags.
GamingRendo wrote:
Chaos156 wrote:
Is there any way to run the 64Bit/DX11 version on wine?

I doubt there ever will be a way for us Linux users to DX11 client.

Not that long to make it possible:


I couldn't make it with the amdgpu driver, maybe amdgpu-pro will have a better chance for succes.

kneeki wrote:
I'm having some issues getting PoE to run at a playable state. Currently the game will run, and look fine, but the FPS will dip, especially often while in combat. Here is a list of the flags I've tried when launching the game. I've tried them all alone, and in combination with each other using different variations with the same results:

Have you tried the game with disabled glsl? It is the first option to try so i guess you did but anyway
winetricks glsl=disabled (enabled to change it back) or you can change it with regedit:


Also are you sure that you have two versions of wine? Prefix that you used will not change the version of wine. I use just one wine on my system so i realy don't know how to manage various versions of wine. Very helpful to do that is playonlinux.

err:module:load_builtin_dll failed to load .so lib for builtin L"winepulse.drv": libpulse.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:254:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so
ALSA lib dlmisc.c:254:(snd1_dlobj_cache_get) Cannot open shared library /usr/lib32/alsa-lib/libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so

Are you sure that you have all libraries installed with 32 bit including?
lib32-alsa-plugin, lib32-alsa-lib?
Last edited by CichyCien#6791 on May 18, 2017, 1:58:34 AM
I had glsl disabled in the video that I posted earlier, but I didn't re-enable it after installing wine-staging. The game appears to be running much better now that I'm on wine-staging, CMST enabled, and glsl disabled.
CichyCien wrote:

Not that long to make it possible:


How did you manage to get DX11 working? Do you get any better performance than running DX9/DX9ex?

Every time I start Wine with DX11 it crashes with an error that my device isn't DX11 ready. I've installed the dlls d3dx11_42 and d3dx11_43 and am currently using Wine staging 2.8 which should be new enough for it to work?

kneeki wrote:
I had glsl disabled in the video that I posted earlier, but I didn't re-enable it after installing wine-staging. The game appears to be running much better now that I'm on wine-staging, CMST enabled, and glsl disabled.

Good to know - thanks!
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-GGG, 2015
Wicla wrote:
CichyCien wrote:

Not that long to make it possible:


How did you manage to get DX11 working? Do you get any better performance than running DX9/DX9ex?

Every time I start Wine with DX11 it crashes with an error that my device isn't DX11 ready. I've installed the dlls d3dx11_42 and d3dx11_43 and am currently using Wine staging 2.8 which should be new enough for it to work?


The trick is:

MaxVersionGL 30002 via regedit (30002 means GL version 3.2, you can use 40005 as well)


As far i could understand there is a problem with wine that can't report the correct GL version (or maybe it is CL). You can give it a try but as i told earlier the performance is a lot better via dx9. Also you have to enable glsl so dx11 stutter a bit as the shader compilation happens.
CichyCien wrote:
Wicla wrote:
CichyCien wrote:

Not that long to make it possible:


How did you manage to get DX11 working? Do you get any better performance than running DX9/DX9ex?

Every time I start Wine with DX11 it crashes with an error that my device isn't DX11 ready. I've installed the dlls d3dx11_42 and d3dx11_43 and am currently using Wine staging 2.8 which should be new enough for it to work?


The trick is:

MaxVersionGL 30002 via regedit (30002 means GL version 3.2, you can use 40005 as well)


As far i could understand there is a problem with wine that can't report the correct GL version (or maybe it is CL). You can give it a try but as i told earlier the performance is a lot better via dx9. Also you have to enable glsl so dx11 stutter a bit as the shader compilation happens.

Thanks man, seeing PoE start in DX11 on Wine makes me want to play again :)

It does only start however, Char selection works then " WINCODEC_ERR_COMPONENTNOTFOUND .. WIC component not found".
Trying with Wine 2.8 staging W7
What is your GPU? I was able to start the game only with the nvidia gpu (gtx 960m).
No luck so far with the AMD rx 580, hd 7850 nor integrated intel gpu.

as it comes to wine settings i have installed via winetricks:
from d3dx9_24 all to d3dx9_43

It is a little bit of mess, i doubt it is even needed as i found that d3dx11_43 is disabled in winecfg.
Unfortunetly i can't run poe with the new fresh prefix so i can't verify it.
The old one is working very well but i'd recommend to set WINEDEBUG=fixme-all

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