Improving Communication: The Development Manifesto (Please Read First!)

wengfrecrixs wrote:
what the point of communication when everything went one sided ?
Does that even count as communication ?
define communication .

Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
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Good Game. but it's disappointing after you understand a simple fact...

If you don't follow, do, or play how they want you to play, you will die.
They will kill you if you don't follow their mechanics or builds...
It's stupid to have such a diverse skill tree when they will still kill you.
You will die and you don't know what why or how!!! because out of the blue massive chaos damage or physical/elemental damage will come out of nowhere and just one shot you!!!
You like playing witch so u focus on Energy Shield nodes and Mana nodes, and you focus your gear on Elemental Res, and Armor Physical Res. you have 1180 life and 3135 Energy Shield...
Your Energy Shield Recharge per second is 3270.9 with a Recharge Occurance modifier of +45%
Shield regeneration per second 145.9
Block chance Modifier 180%
You are lv 68 in Act 9 with
Intelligent 375
Strength 301
Dexterity 113
Your Physical Resistance 67% with lv 20 physical Aegis
Your Elemental resistance is all over 100%
fire 75%/111%
cold 75/132%
lightning 75/106%
chaos 75/128%
You have Elemental of Purity, Discipline, and Determination plus Vitality
You have Bleeding and Curropted Blood Immunity
You both Granite and Basalt flask running
Your damage goes up to 12.7k you find it easy to kill mobs with your slow playstyle.
and yet get killed in one shot and you don't know who or how or what kill you...
Getting one shot it, unbalanced and Unfair!!! it's really disappointed that this is what we have to deal with and what is included in a game to make HC re-playable so players can keep trying explain why I Died........why is there such a mechanic in-game.... especially if channeling skill u have to be stationary to use ....1-5 seconds standing still means death, then why to have a channeling skill that required standing still, excluding cyclone!!!!!
kingshuly wrote:
Good Game. but it's disappointing after you understand a simple fact...

If you don't follow, do, or play how they want you to play, you will die.
They will kill you if you don't follow their mechanics or builds...
It's stupid to have such a diverse skill tree when they will still kill you.
You will die and you don't know what why or how!!! because out of the blue massive chaos damage or physical/elemental damage will come out of nowhere and just one shot you!!!
You like playing witch so u focus on Energy Shield nodes and Mana nodes, and you focus your gear on Elemental Res, and Armor Physical Res. you have 1180 life and 3135 Energy Shield...
Your Energy Shield Recharge per second is 3270.9 with a Recharge Occurance modifier of +45%
Shield regeneration per second 145.9
Block chance Modifier 180%
You are lv 68 in Act 9 with
Intelligent 375
Strength 301
Dexterity 113
Your Physical Resistance 67% with lv 20 physical Aegis
Your Elemental resistance is all over 100%
fire 75%/111%
cold 75/132%
lightning 75/106%
chaos 75/128%
You have Elemental of Purity, Discipline, and Determination plus Vitality
You have Bleeding and Curropted Blood Immunity
You both Granite and Basalt flask running
Your damage goes up to 12.7k you find it easy to kill mobs with your slow playstyle.
and yet get killed in one shot and you don't know who or how or what kill you...

Hey, a few tips if you're gonna play HC.
First of all don't ever scale es in acts only life.
Having only 1180 life chaos damage will kill you if you don't have anti bypass.
75 all res is not crazy, its what you should have permanently post a3.
Tooltip says 63% phys reduction but it's an estimation based on your armor not actual phys reduction. Post your actual armor instead, though 3/5k is enough for acts I think.
Es recharge is a bad mechanic overall imo because it doesn't works when you take sustained damage. Same goes with elemental aegis, looks cool but not rly strong.
Look into regen, recoup or es on block (hello aegis)
Block chance modifier 180% what does that even mean?
kingshuly wrote:
Getting one shot it, unbalanced and Unfair!!! it's really disappointed that this is what we have to deal with and what is included in a game to make HC re-playable so players can keep trying explain why I Died........why is there such a mechanic in-game.... especially if channeling skill u have to be stationary to use ....1-5 seconds standing still means death, then why to have a channeling skill that required standing still, excluding cyclone!!!!!

You play with this shit? hardcore? Lightning Tendrils!!!!!!!!!!!

uninstall, pls.
kingshuly wrote:
Getting one shot it, unbalanced and Unfair!!! it's really disappointed that this is what we have to deal with and what is included in a game to make HC re-playable so players can keep trying explain why I Died........why is there such a mechanic in-game.... especially if channeling skill u have to be stationary to use ....1-5 seconds standing still means death, then why to have a channeling skill that required standing still, excluding cyclone!!!!!

You didn't get oneshot, you died to crystal-skinned crystal explosions.
That's what happens when you stand still in the same spot for too long.
This is mainly due to the fact your single target damage is non-existent.
The skill is probably viable but due to the fact that you are scaling es, you are investing so many passives into it early on that you don't have damage.
Also you should use orb of storms or some totem for single target in those situations.
Id love to see you guys stay true to those words and drop us an expected changes to skill or SOMETHING about balance for 3.19 cuz were 1 month out apparently and we know nothing about anything other that its "bigger scope than sentinel" .

Have a good day
Please GGG! Static Strike MTX! (Try #14)
Please melee version of Minion Wand GGG. Rune Dagger or Scepter.

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