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pls buff spectres and minions... pls!
Phrecia master craft service Phrecia My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
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Settlers SC master craft service Settlers SC craft mod!
Veiled crafting Service Settlers craft PM: TreeOfDead
Last edited by Cor_Blimey#4232 on Sep 8, 2019, 4:01:39 AM
i had an idea and wanted to share.

move the portals of blights! lemme explain: portals spawn, say 100 paces from the pump. and, say you have a tower 50 distance from the pump. as time progresses, tower moves 50 paces. so your tower moves closer too, its 25 paces away from pump now. and if the portal catches on, then just make it stop till mobs are cleared or manage to move forward. effect: less mobs (make towers move slower than mobs), more action, less lag, less problems with proximity shields, easier looting etc etc. how about that?
Wishlist to spells:
1) So i saw one day in Alva missions, an architector who launches swarm of chaos damage meteors, and i got wonder would it be someday inmplemented as a spell? Also similar spell granted by Unyielding Flame shield, but fire element.
2) We have fire and lightning brands, reasonable question is: where is other 2 elements?


Last edited by Denied2017#7198 on Sep 25, 2019, 12:33:10 AM
Ps. @ Charan quietly watches behind the scenes for 4.0.0. I hope his comeback is glorious and @GGG will listen to their hearts and hear Charans and ours cry for better balanced game, with 3 new classes and no more meta clear builds. Slower paced game with more control over everything with further improved graphics, animations, no more stupid speed mods, rework on most skill animations and effects, even less over all screen effects that cover everything, that you cant see where the danger is.

More grim art and MTX and epic music...moree moree, new sounds effects, improved default non MTX sets.
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
Last edited by Farystar#1705 on Oct 24, 2019, 5:20:31 AM
YoYo balance again, was amazing to discover and to play summoner ? Nerfed !

Each new league the same trick, each new league a small part of players are screwed in their hopes to play next league.

Remember when discharge was good for several years in a row ?

No mtx, no tab, no nothing, i want nothing !
Universalis wrote:
YoYo balance again, was amazing to discover and to play summoner ? Nerfed !

Each new league the same trick, each new league a small part of players are screwed in their hopes to play next league.

Remember when discharge was good for several years in a row ?

No mtx, no tab, no nothing, i want nothing !

So bashing the manifesto in the post itself is not enough, now you come here to bash it?

Even though my planned league starter is getting nerfed quite a bit (non-meta even), I look at patchnotes unbiased and can say that the manifesto itself looks very promising as it's adressing a lot of issues that have become mandatory in their respective builds. As a player, I enjoy being given choices and if there is an automatic must-have option available, that takes the fun out experimentation. So them shaking things up every now and then is what makes new leagues exciting to discover.

If I wanted to play the same boring thing with buffs upon buffs every new league, I'd play Diablo 3 with boring premade sets that burst through all endcontent within a couple of hours. If you enjoy that style of game, then PoE is going to frustrate you more than you could ever enjoy it.

Besides, even if they nerf some stuff (which is mostly needed, especially in this manifesto), those builds are usually still highly viable, just not mainstream pewpew oneshot material anymore. I honestly one day wish to see the patchnotes of a league say "It is now impossible to oneshot bosses" or something along those lines, because all you damage hungry freaks make me sick. I prefer enjoying the mechanics of a game that devs have spent a lot of time and love on.
Arian Synthesis of G3
Pelagoth wrote:
Universalis wrote:
YoYo balance again, was amazing to discover and to play summoner ? Nerfed !

Each new league the same trick, each new league a small part of players are screwed in their hopes to play next league.

Remember when discharge was good for several years in a row ?

No mtx, no tab, no nothing, i want nothing !

So bashing the manifesto in the post itself is not enough, now you come here to bash it?

This is the same repetitive scheme again and again: Perfectly correct to point it out here.
And if still strong enough it will be nerfed a second time next league, i think we all know this song now.
Universalis wrote:
Pelagoth wrote:
Universalis wrote:
YoYo balance again, was amazing to discover and to play summoner ? Nerfed !

Each new league the same trick, each new league a small part of players are screwed in their hopes to play next league.

Remember when discharge was good for several years in a row ?

No mtx, no tab, no nothing, i want nothing !

So bashing the manifesto in the post itself is not enough, now you come here to bash it?

This is the same schematic process again and again. Makes no sense to point it out here though.
And if skill X is still out of line with other skills, it will be nerfed a second time next league. I think some of us have common sense to understand why.

I corrected your reply for you. You're welcome.

Also, don't act like you speak for the majority or anyone at all. That's usually not very convincing at all and provides no information as to why you believe your statement is correct.
Arian Synthesis of G3
Pelagoth wrote:
Also, don't act like you speak for the majority or anyone at all. That's usually not very convincing at all and provides no information as to why you believe your statement is correct.

Almost anyone with a few leagues experience of the game is aware of the "archetype" Yo-Yo balance. There is no "speak for the majority" here. This is just fact.

All my points are corrects. Fix yourself first and refrain your hate speech.

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