1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal

Maraduer skill tree nerf confirmed. About 10-15 points lost. About 60% less life. Reasons: Single 'fat' phys dmg nodes shredded into smaller 10%. Scion wheel of life nerfed and not even accessible without heavy drop of damage nodes. Added hybrid nodes life/armor does not cover % hp loss. At starting point of Marauder 1st node 14% hp removed. Many damage+ias nodes for maces gone. Separate points on ias and damage have to be invested now.

As a reward and 'compensation' 1,3% more hp regen. Yeah it realy matter when 60%hp is lost.

Well done. Life based mace Marauders are amused as hell.
Last edited by el_hombre_loco#3405 on Mar 5, 2014, 5:26:05 PM
I don't know why any of your people are complaining. GGG has now spent over 1 year proving time and again that they don't want to make a fun, playable, popular game. They want to cater to the .001% of "hardcore" fanboys who think GGG can do no wrong.

It should be obvious to anyone who's not an imbecile that GGG only cares about screwing over current players at every opportunity. As soon as you realize that, you can start seeing this game for what it is, and enjoy the game under those known set of circumstances.

Try it. You'll like it! :)
Baloosh wrote:
I don't know why any of your people are complaining. GGG has now spent over 1 year proving time and again that they don't want to make a fun, playable, popular game. They want to cater to the .001% of "hardcore" fanboys who think GGG can do no wrong.

Approach to get bigger audience was done with steam realese. But seems it faild. So now direction change to 0.11.0 way of things which is total nerf and players fighting with own reflect not monsters.

Game is trapped in circle of not examined, lacking of common sesne changes. These are not small understandable and sometimes needed corrections, but 180 degree flips. Furthermore these flips are guaranted every 4 months and sometimes even more often. Developers stance seems to be '' That's the way it should be done. This is our way of doing things. Please participate in our new 4 month leage.''

Last edited by el_hombre_loco#3405 on Mar 5, 2014, 5:58:33 PM
Baloosh wrote:
I don't know why any of your people are complaining. GGG has now spent over 1 year proving time and again that they don't want to make a fun, playable, popular game. They want to cater to the .001% of "hardcore" fanboys who think GGG can do no wrong.

It should be obvious to anyone who's not an imbecile that GGG only cares about screwing over current players at every opportunity. As soon as you realize that, you can start seeing this game for what it is, and enjoy the game under those known set of circumstances.

Try it. You'll like it! :)

el_hombre_loco wrote:

Approach to get bigger audience was done with steam realese. But seems it faild. So now direction change to 0.11.0 way of things which is total nerf and players fighting with own reflect not monsters.

Game is trapped in circle of not examined, lacking of common sesne changes. These are not small understandable and sometimes needed corrections, but 180 degree flips. Furthermore these flips are guaranted every 4 months and sometimes even more often. Developers stance seems to be '' That's the way it should be done. This is our way of doing things. Please participate in our new 4 month leage.''

things are starting to make much more sense to me now...

if that's how GGG plans to go forward, seems like it's headed towards the doldrums...
Fixed a bug in the race prize awarding where multiple characters on the same account could receive points prizes for the same race. Now, the highest level (alive) character that participated counts for points.

In plain speech: Casuals no longer can no longer accumulate the same points per race as before. Say hello to miniscule point winnings casuals.

Nerf hidden in the Bug section.

You guys have screwed the game over again, where did the fun go? Could you please just get to the end part where you nerf everything except a single build called "generic" where we all do the same damage and have the same gear and stop playing at game making like lost little kiddies with pea brains.
2 main characters of mine are mace marauder and pure summoner witch based around the burnt miscreant.

"edit" You slimy rat bastards.
Never come between a man and his goals or ambitions because in all things we made choices, changing that makes the choices pointless as well as futile and is there any thinking/non sheep orientated man willing to accept futility as fun?
Last edited by wadler#6291 on Mar 5, 2014, 6:53:50 PM
Guys I know quite a lot of us are pissed off with all these nerfs in this expansion. But won't it be poetic for us to adapt to all these changes and make GGG work even harder?
This patch looks really awesome, and I'm also liking the new foreground in text windows on the site!

New Four-Month Challenge Leagues:

Feedback: I think these new leagues are very, very cool.


Skill and Support Gem Balance:

Adjusted the PVP scaling of Righteous Fire and Searing Bond. These have only been conservatively adjusted. A more thorough adjustment to PVP scaling of skills will be ongoing throughout 1.1.x.

Feedback: I really do hope more and more skills get adjusted for PvP only.


Bug Fixes:

Fixed bugs with font keming.

Feedback: I think you meant ‘Font Kerning.’


Major Features/Conent:

Free-for-all PvP is available in the Sarn Arena (at the top of the steps in the Sarn Encampment). Normal and Cruel difficulty Arenas have level caps of 40 and 60 respectively.

Feedback: Somehow I KNEW this area had something planned. Can we actually go through the door now once we’re upstairs in which there’s some NPCs in there, etc. hanging out?



Minor Features/Conent:

Dozens of Unique items have been updated with their own 3d art.

Feedback: This is great! I hope in future patches, soon (I’ve been bringing up) the UI is worked on as well. The UI really needs optimization via combining windows by tabs you can alternate between, notably the Character Window and the Inventory Window.

This patch is looking really good!

Passive Skill Balance:

Improvements have been made to early cast speed passives in the Witch and Shadow sections and to early attack speed and life passives in the Shadow section. We're investigating more detailed revamps of the caster classes (Witch, Templar and Shadow) in the future.

Feedback: Indeed, all these classes need these Skill Tree improvements, but the Shadow especially needs more Life passives within better vicinity since it’s really hard to squeeze life in with most Shadow builds.

Most spell damage, elemental damage and specific elemental damage passives have been improved.

Feedback I’m really glad this is happening! I think elemental damage has really been lacking vs. other damage types, especially end-game.


Item Balance:

Unique items that were exclusive to Domination and Nemesis can no longer drop.

BIG Question / Feedback: I wonder… Will these special Four-Month leagues circulate after you guys are done making all the special leagues you’re going to make in which we can play them again?
When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails.
Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism
does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect.
This patch looks really good! I also liking the new background color in text boxes on the site!

New Four-Month Challenge Leagues:

Feedback: I think these new leagues are very, very cool.


Skill and Support Gem Balance:

Adjusted the PVP scaling of Righteous Fire and Searing Bond. These have only been conservatively adjusted. A more thorough adjustment to PVP scaling of skills will be ongoing throughout 1.1.x.

Feedback: I really do hope more and more skills get adjusted for PvP only.


Bug Fixes:

Fixed bugs with font keming.

Feedback: I think you meant ‘Font Kerning.’


Major Features/Conent:

Free-for-all PvP is available in the Sarn Arena (at the top of the steps in the Sarn Encampment). Normal and Cruel difficulty Arenas have level caps of 40 and 60 respectively.

Feedback: Somehow I KNEW this area had something planned. Can we actually go through the door now once we’re upstairs in which there’s some NPCs in there, etc. hanging out?

Can we also get a boat behind the WP in Act 3 to hang out on? http://imageshack.com/a/img196/7787/7dow.png


Minor Features/Conent:

Dozens of Unique items have been updated with their own 3d art.

Feedback: This is great!

I also hope in future patches (soon) the UI is worked on as well. The UI really needs optimization via combining windows by tabs you can alternate between, notably the Character Window and the Inventory Window.

This patch is looking really good!


Passive Skill Balance:

Improvements have been made to early cast speed passives in the Witch and Shadow sections and to early attack speed and life passives in the Shadow section. We're investigating more detailed revamps of the caster classes (Witch, Templar and Shadow) in the future.

Feedback: Indeed, all these classes need these Skill Tree improvements, but the Shadow especially needs more Life passives within better vicinity since it’s really hard to squeeze life in with most Shadow builds.

Most spell damage, elemental damage and specific elemental damage passives have been improved.

Feedback I’m really glad this is happening! I think elemental damage has really been lacking vs. other damage types, especially end-game.


Item Balance:

Unique items that were exclusive to Domination and Nemesis can no longer drop.

BIG Question / Feedback: I wonder… Will these special Four-Month Leagues circulate after you guys are done making all the special leagues you’re going to make in which we can play them again?
When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails.
Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism
does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect.
Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Mar 6, 2014, 12:01:48 AM
This update destroyed my character. I was playing a spectral throw life leech shadow. I am using LMP on spectral throw combined with life leech. Because my ST was already taking a damage penalty because it was LMP'd now he is down right unplayable. Because now damage is nerfed which lowers the amount of health i can leech, and leech no longer queues. You know how much time I spent on this character? How much real money I put into him? Ugh. Anyone have any good shadow builds since I am basically about to swipe this ones passive tree? So frustrating. They couldn't have picked worse nerfs for him.

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