1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal
" Behaving like a d*** just makes u look stupid man seriously... I ask because people still saying "new life leech" and i cant find anything like that in patch notes besides the vaal pact changes so im curious about it specially when they mention incinerate since my main build is based on that skill... Can someone with better manners answer my question please? |
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" thank u Edit: Im doing 7500 incinerate dps , how does that affect me? Last edited by BIGLITRO#5705 on Mar 5, 2014, 2:17:36 PM
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You will lose a lot of leech that occurs after the last hit, during the fight where you facetank him and cast no effect (unless you have VP which is nerfed in terms of leech), but the usual queue of lifeleech you get from residual dmg will cease. e.g. if someone poisons you, you're fkd, but you have potions now.
Last edited by anachelli#1917 on Mar 5, 2014, 2:19:55 PM
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" I guess that makes battles like shock and horror harder for example the only way i can kill that boss is facetanking him , atm with flask i get 99% lightning res but when facing double boss basically the only chance i got agains them (since they like to stick together) is outhealing their dps with life leech... So if thats hard to me taking on count the resist i got then i just cant figure how hard would be for melee characters who cant allow getting that much resistence... i guess vaal pact will do the trick i hope Last edited by BIGLITRO#5705 on Mar 5, 2014, 2:23:44 PM
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" Ahm a char is more than just the skills - it is also the gear. I optimized everything for this, and this is not viable anymore. Fool. "The way leech applies to the player has changed. If you leech additional life while currently leeching, it no longer queues after the current leech. Technically, where multiple leeches are stacked, the largest one is used." Also have in mind this: " Life Leech The regeneration rate of life gained from life leech is a set rate equal to 20% of maximum life per second. If you have 1000 maximum life, and leech 600 life with a single attack, it will take three seconds for that life to be applied to your current life; if you leech 100 life with a single attack, it will take half a second. You earn the full amount of life leeched upon dealing damage, it is only the rate (as a function of your maximum life) that determines how long it takes to be applied to your current life - if you leech a large amount of life during a battle, you may find that the regeneration continues long after the battle is over." And I interpret this like this: When I am leeching life more than it can be returned once the rest is shifted lateron. If I hit again during this time the leeching is not done anymore but lost. This heavily affects groundslammer ( for your information: This is AOE!) and also Heavy Strike attacks since they are much higher than my life ( in my case >6k per Strike). So for this skill this is an enormous loss. Only possibility now is to move to 1h+Shield, 2h groundslammer is much more fun. Imho only done to narrow the difference between casters and physical dds due to the lack of casters possiblity to leech life aside of gems. In the end they gave Marauders now more easy access to VP, but we dont need this! Especially not in the new version of 40% lol version and losing life regeneration! If you use this you make Warriors blood, Golems blood and then 1% noe at Duellist start obsolete. Thank you for nothing! I need life regenration because I use blood rage. GGG you dont see the build options you killed with this! Last edited by Tlaloc4#4153 on Mar 5, 2014, 2:35:52 PM
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IGN: IlluminatiConfirmed_
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"Did you mean like. The mace? Cause sure as hell stun works well for all other weapons. " Max life has always determined how effective leech is, yes it no longer queues but it should be that way. Leech was overpowered, every build had leech and from what I see, it is deterring people away from leech, in particular glass cannon builds. As a caster I also suffer from this, so it is not limited to physical/melee. Forces me to get vaal pact but the change is for the better, less cookie cutter builds = more diversity = less people wanting legacy koams and ST for the cookie cutter BOR ST cyclone builds |
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I totally understand why you'd harmonize gear and passive defenses together. Doesn't really account for getting cursed, but that is to be expected. I totally do not understand why you'd not also keep gear for other future/current characters and for game changes. I'll go ahead and assume that you planned and bought an expensive mix of items and perfected on that.
Your best excuse for being unable to cope with game changes is "I own this here set of items and that's all, I'm doomed and it's GGG's fault". This here, is a strange disability to make do with less. Some lesser backup gear, perhaps? Last edited by Netsky#4097 on Mar 5, 2014, 2:50:07 PM
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" About elemental adaptation... it's true it's being moved but in the sneak reddit skill tree, you also have +1 and +1 max resis on marauder, look closely. This is INCREDIBLE for me, as i will go for both and get passive 79 all res! IGN: PipeBender
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Well then looks like moving unwavering stance just ruined my build thanks alot GGG time to stop playing this trash game cya.
Last edited by lixbox#1743 on Mar 5, 2014, 2:54:23 PM
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