What Happens When the Domination and Nemesis Leagues End?

Your stance on legacy items is appalling. I have no idea why you are so scared about stepping on a few toes to make all items equal across leagues. If it's worth nerfing for some, it's worth nerfing for all.

Lets pretend for a second that you even cared a single turd about the permanent leagues. What rational is there for some people to be extremely better at something than others who may want to play in that league (like farming because they have better gear that other players can never attain now). As someone with a lot of currency and gear in HC as well as standard (rippin hundreds of exalts worth of loot, oh yea) I'd support you fulling wiping both of those leagues because it's an embarrassment to this amazing game. Every time it comes around that you talk about legacy items I just want to stop supporting you and never again look at what is the best game I've ever played.
Slider13 wrote:
Your stance on legacy items is appalling. I have no idea why you are so scared about stepping on a few toes to make all items equal across leagues. If it's worth nerfing for some, it's worth nerfing for all.

Lets pretend for a second that you even cared a single turd about the permanent leagues. What rational is there for some people to be extremely better at something than others who may want to play in that league (like farming because they have better gear that other players can never attain now). As someone with a lot of currency and gear in HC as well as standard (rippin hundreds of exalts worth of loot, oh yea) I'd support you fulling wiping both of those leagues because it's an embarrassment to this amazing game. Every time it comes around that you talk about legacy items I just want to stop supporting you and never again look at what is the best game I've ever played.

+1 abso-fuckin-loveit.
Ultrakiller wrote:
I think legacy unique is not fair for any new player to this game, cause even they join a new league, they will still be merged to standard league sooner or later. So as more and more new player choose to play this game, they will be harder and harder to catch up with old player. If legacy kaom worths 500ex one day, then new player will never buy one through farming other than using RMT.

2 solutions to solve this problem: 1. mirror can be used on unique item 2. all uniques that drop in standard are legacy.

Although i ve played this game for a long time and got end-game gear, i still wanna this game would be more fair to new players. Thats good for the sustainable development. Plz consider it.

Its a lot more unfair to the old players to nerf the item they spent so long getting. New players would be behind anyway since older players have built up stashes of currency. Not that there really is a way to be behind in pve anyway.

gr00grams wrote:
I_NO wrote:
Ultrakiller wrote:
How can a game attract new player if they learn that they could never get a legacy kaom/shav/soul taker by farming other than RMT?

If there is still a huge difference between legacy and non-legacy, the legacy kaom can be even more than 2 mirror.

It would be so sad if a new player can never be able to get a legacy item by farming. When new player lose hope, the game is over.

You don't need a legacy item to fucking play the game lol

It's the mindset of someone that plays ARPG's.
These games are built in totality on items, and getting the best.

You are quite correct in your statement, but it doesn't change the mind of the player. We want the best.

Legacy 'anything' is a game killer.

If IIQ becomes legacy, that's a massive, massive game killer for me at least. It just spoils everything. No, I don't need it, but I want it. I know others have it. I want it. If it's removed it will just ruin everything. Absolutely everything.

So is life not worth living just because there are people with more money than you could ever possibly have? And I think 'WTF just happened to my item' is more of a game killer. Who wants to grind for items that could be nerfed every patch?
Last edited by Telzen#2427 on Feb 12, 2014, 10:54:59 PM
Item quantity will be revisited in 1.1.0. We are highly likely to prevent the Item Quantity support gem from dropping in 1.1.0 and to prevent the Item Quantity mod from spawning on magic or rare items. Item Quantity will continue to exist on Unique items, but we may review its magnitude.

Must say this is disappointing...

The gem I get and have no issue with, personally I think the IIR and IIQ gems should be combined in some way with a reduction to both stats, but only have IIQ on uniques restricts builds something terribly if you play solo and want to carry some MF stats to compensate for that fact.

Restricting it to only be available on magic/rare jewelery (or just rings), on top of the uniques, would be a better compromise imo as it's rare that your build use all jewelery slots with build enabling uniques.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Last edited by Redblade#3843 on Feb 12, 2014, 10:57:08 PM
Lol Legacy whiners..

Just play 4-Month Leagues, problem solved.

"New players will eventually end up in a Permanent League."
No, they'll just reroll on the next 4-month league, solved.

No one who cares about balance and economy plays on Permanent Leagues, and they're not meant to. So stop whining, and don't step foot in SC/HC.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
I'm going off the Rails on a Crazy Train.
Chris wrote:
Old mods and items will not be removed or changed for players who currently have them. Powerful legacy items are an unintended feature of the permanent leagues.

Fixed that for you :)
Otherwise legacy items would not exist right?

WTB New Permanent Leagues.
IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde
It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle.
You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta.
Fuglen wrote:
I hate shrines..

I don't care for the shrines either. Frost Nova and Invulnerable, you become a god. Firestorm, can't see anything. The rest, meh, who cares. You have a floating icon above your head that does... what?... nothing that matters.

The only nice thing about shrines is the increased monster density around them.

Just my 2 cents.
IIQ tweaks are much needed but some loot filter options would be very welcome. Can't wait to hear more
i <3 minesweeper
Runeword wrote:
IIQ tweaks are much needed but some loot filter options would be very welcome. Can't wait to hear more

"always show all" is a pain in the ass when you are looking for a specific base item type.

Need dat loot filter Plz.

Seriously, it is soooo bad when 99% of the junk on the floor fills 80% of your screen it is NOT fun getting from A to B.

The thought you had when you were at point A was fun and motivates you. The end at B is the dream, and you enjoy that feeling. You want to reach point B.

However, the guts of the road leading from A to B is NOT FUN, and painful. I can really feel a huge difference when I finally turn off "Show all items". I feel the same way with always show full map option.

Therefore, give us a freakin' loot filter.
Last edited by dat1guy#4353 on Feb 12, 2014, 11:12:03 PM

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