Hyper/PC PowerPlay Game of the Year Awards

hi! Congratz!

When will be SFL ready?
Last edited by DnAngel#3205 on Feb 10, 2014, 7:01:52 PM
Congratulations! It's well deserved. :)
Grats GGG!
Very cool. <3 this game so much. Can't wait to see what March has in store.
i <3 minesweeper
Awesome :)
ING @Wost ONS shop: thread/439416
They're catching up to what we already know, well deserved GGG
Congrats GGG team, this deserves the awards.
On a side note, are you guys based in Auckland, and what bar are you going to be celebrating at? I would like to buy you a round :)
Great to see more awards, congratulations to the team. Looking forward to the many awards to come ;)
so how much fellatio occurred backstage for this
Keep up the good work guys!
Much love.
IGN: Victory_Or_Sovngarde
It's not a 13 week development cycle, it's a 13 week supporter-pack cycle.
You can play any build you want, as long as it's the current meta.

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