We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.
" aah, I see, huge thanks lideran :) ! Just checking it out, looks like a very helpfull and detailed system :) PS. feedback: after more playtime, Got to add to my earlier 1st impressions: found there are quite a few non unique armors that I think look very nice/fit the feminine shape on my chars- like the bone armor,very cool on witch, arena plate, strapped leather, ringmail coat... Still, indeed no need to go all bikini chainmail but I`d love to see you devs adjust the armor models in a similiar manner when making future armors for females- especially cloth or light leather armors, cant even be argued that a cloth robes or shirts should look bulky/non form fitting to be protective, unless maybe it has huge padding inside ;D! With the "underwear"= base clothing for female classes looking very nice too, earlier when forced to a bleak saggy robe for stats, wished it could be made invisible :D And, my opinion, just some of the micro transaction armorskins to be more inviting def should have options with bit more feminine "curves" for gals- even if fully covering body. Again, a great game, thanks, keep up the good work GGG :) And PSS. Bought my mummy skins and black cat as threatened to do in earlier post, and extremely worth it, both purchases :D! |
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My first impression was "Diablo 2 on steroids" with often feeling of glass cannon.
There is a lot of small things which are really nice in hack-n-slash, like almost no pain in starting new char or map patterns so you can find your way even when map is randomized, decent unique drop/trade rate. Interesting passives/skills/synergies system etc, etc. Trading with vendors is somewhat cumbersome since some actions are disabled and there are two separate dialog windows... Trading with other players in-game only is insane, until you use external tools and learn how to use them. Still have no idea howto trade currency itself. Performance smoothness especially with desync isn't that great. Game pace in general could be little bit slower. Best encounter? Vaal Oversoul. |
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hello! here is my "first impressions" though i have played thru the entirety of normal, so it isnt all that "first" anymore
pros: well i played thru the whole normal campaign so the game must be doing something right. decent and respectable action rpg dungeon smashing and looting. it was a little easy in most places, though, but i guess it was only normal mode. partying with other ppl was also easy to do, which is a big plus. poring over item stats and the skill tree got a little confusing, but also exciting. problems: i wish that the graphics options were a little more robust and let me turn the settings down a little more, since sometimes things get chuggy. that loading time on startup is serious too! some game mechanics remain mysterious to me, even after checking thru the wiki. it would be best if things were explained very clearly ingame, or are they already and i simply havent found it? numerical examples for how things like armor and evasion rating work, and how to tell which gems/spells can or can't work together. oh yeah, and maybe its just cause im new, but dang regret orbs seem expensive! quibbles/suggestions: it would be nice if the town areas reflected story progress a little more, especially lioneyes watch. things looked desperate there and even after all you do to help they dont look any better off at all. maybe it would be too tough to make set-dressing changes appear for different characters/players but be invisible to those who hadnt completed things yet, i dunno. its a little unfortunate that each of the towns has totally different casts of characters. an npc who tags along to the next town area after you've cleared the path by completing the act might have given a better sense of continuity and progression, but i get that maybe having npcs be present or absent for different players depending on what theyve completed might get a little complicated to do, so its not that big a deal. EDIT: OH YEAH AND ONE MORE THING! the game plays so fast! i know its an action rpg and not a turnbased one, but hoo boy it is HARD to keep track of whats going on, or react to things in time. Last edited by mistomaxo#6418 on Jul 11, 2015, 4:00:38 PM
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Greetings all. I thought I might give a full run-through before giving my first impressions or posting on forums. I succeeded in completing merciless just this past week in under a month of play.
First Impression on review of game: D2 and final fantasy had a bastard child... First impression of Normal: Huh... Kinda cool. NPC trading is a little clunky, and I'm not sure how I feel about the barter system... But I'll give it a shot... First impression of Cruel: Not too bad. I think maybe I'll run an aura, add some curse on hit, and see if that helps... (Curses are way too expensive for your average casual gamer to make much ue of otherwise, and I like cursing things...) First impression of Merciless: Alright... NOT happy about having to re-roll and work so hard to get a playable character to end game fo something that is supposed to be entertainment. Ended up with an 8 zombie, 2 specter,4 aura, lightning-warping arctic-armoured GMP incinerator (that still has to spam echo cast skellitons to stay alive) and even then I am at best barely breaking even on xp in 67 zones at level... Although I understand the need to challenge your elite crowd which have all the right uniques, lvl 20/20%q gems, and more inventory tabs full of game currency than I could afford on a months living wages... .. . For the rest of us mortal folk down here, survival sucks. If I were trying to play Hardcore, even with friends, I would have flushed this game down the toilet after less than a week of play. "Challenging" should be more of a "hard to break" deal than an "impossible to survive" issue. People who design a demigod of ultimate power around the perfect unique/skill/build combination don't need to be challenged, or nerfed... Isolated and studied maybe, but not nefted or challenged... The cost to the rest of us mere mortal creatures is simply too great. Build them a shrine, entomb them in it, and let the rest of us get back to our happy little kill game please... :D First impression on review of The Awakening release notes... Mana reduced no longer works on auras? Your breaking my arctic armour? Your making my meat shield pets less capable of tearing mobs off of me? You want me to try to get a rare drop-only gem in the wrong colour to reduce the mana cost of my auras? Cool that mind over matter is where it belongs now, but... I was going for Eldritch battery, and now I'm not so sure I even want it... Maybe I can reserve for auras off of it too? I'll play a little longer, to see how things go. You may yet make a fan out of me... But I'll say this much... First impressions were not great. Let your tanks be tanks, let your dps gods wreck everything and move on, or your game is likely on route to player-base stagnation... And that's bad for business. Cheers ~Arimael P.S. Until such time as I find a viable (non-dual-spork-totem-summoner-because-Zzz) hardcore build with no uniques and no more than 4 linked sockets required to make it work I will not be spending real money here. P.P.S. For what it's worth, I do hope to find that build some day soon, because I do have a nostalgic d2 attachment to this game. |
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My first impression is that this game is going to trigger my carpal tunnel syndrome unless I map one of my precious action slots to "move only". Please add "move only" to the hotkey list in the input tab.
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This game just feels and looks like it's still on beta. Graphics are from 1996 as is the mini map thats just awfull to look at and pain to try and use. The ui cant be modified enough to be personalized to give comfort on gaming. The lore of the game is ridiculous. No cutscenes to let you know who you are and why are you here or even what the f is vaal or what is the purpose of this story / game. Narrative is all text that you have to try and find to get a grasp of the world instead of bits falling in your lap making you more dedicated to find out more. The inventory is like playing freaking tetris ofmg it's 2015 ffs. Why not try to do something new and improved instead of this horrible system from old games that was intensionally resting in peace and not put on to use on any bigger rpg out there (d3 for example). Then theres the trading. Why not make a freaking currency that makes sense? What with this deal about people shouting in the chat ill give 3 of these for 1 of those xD For real what is this crap. Why not just make gold in the game so theres 1 currency thats allways the same prize instead of this players paying 2 mutch or 2 little for items. This current system just punishes people that dont know the value of all the items.
Atleast Blizz was smart enough to kill the trading coz it just makes the game boring as hell not having to work for your gear. This game is something i rly wanted to play but just cant get my self to play it for this horrible design of the ui minimap chat trading and the endless grinding with out cause on the same maps and the butt ugly character design and the fact theres no customization on characters. Why is this released as a full game instead of beta that it actually is. An unfinished non polished game that has money sink holes. (if you want to make you character even distanlty look cool you need rl money) GIVE ME MONEY!!!! After playing i actually had to go and see is this a project greenlight game or early access. Never been so disappointed in a game. Just making a d2 clone with some reskin dont make it d2 nor even close to d2. End of ranting. Ps.I did sacrifice over 50 hours on this crap so no point whining "you played the first act you know nothing" I played enough to see how poorly the game has been designed and how unfinished it still is after so mutch time. Cant say i had good time with this game but i wish all the good for the devs and please dont make another game. |
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Hey ;-) i still like this game and i really like the idea to get it more difficult ... i really understand the necessity in nerfs in many points, but i dont get the sense in basicly destryoing complete builds.
i.e. Blood-Rage + Flickerstrike ... loosing ~15% Crit-Chance =/+ Reducing the damage + reducing the chance to get a frenzy charge on kill to 25% simply destroys the build... and this build wasnt a all mighty shooting everything build as a Mjölner / CoC - Discharge I am not talking about killspeed, just about the mechanics ... sorry,but imho its disappointing |
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Just finished Cruel Malathail and it is the most over-tuned fight I've ever experienced in ANY game. Straight up ruined my day. Chris should fire himself for thinking this fight is tuned correctly.
Last edited by Darkith1546#6161 on Jul 11, 2015, 3:41:38 PM
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Horrible act 4 bosses. I don't think I enjoyed any of the fights even though I never died to the likes of Kaom and Shavronne. If there was an option to skip act 4 altogether and just transfer myself on the next difficulty I'd take it. It will be way easier for me anyway cause as it stands cruel piety is a chump in comparison to normal malachai.
Last edited by Johny_Snow#4778 on Jul 11, 2015, 8:11:09 PM
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I am not really a newcomer to this game and already got one character on lvl 90 and several over lvl 70.
The new ideas you included in the awakening update are pretty nice and I like the idea of jewels for the skilltree as well as the cards you can collect. The 4th act looks pretty nice so far as well. What I just don't understand is why you seem to be incapable to release any Update without nerfing stuff and wrecking players' builds. Before you had the Master of Arena update I had a fine working Dual-Strike Crit build which was pretty much destroyed by your ridiculous crit nerf with all the gems and the skilltree. Then I build myself a Tornado Shot/GMP/Evasion Ranger which I managed to get to lvl 90 and with which I was finally able to kill piety on a lvl 75 Temple map without dying if I wasn't too reckless though I still couldn't manage Atziri (due to the ridiculously low drop rate of good equipment and everything). And now after the Awakening Update that build got pretty much destroyed as well. How the hell did you get the *BRILLIANT* idea of nerfing Oondars Guile in the skill tree, thus making the new node there damn worthless for a high evasion ranger, and also nerfing every life/mana leach node even on items, which now makes my attacking of single targets near impossible cause I am running out of mana all the time??!! And to even IMPROVE the whole experience you decided to take out the shotgun effect of projectile attacks, which is a smack in the face too, cause my build fires 5 tornado shots, leading to 25 projectiles each of which pierces nearly 100% (which by the way they did before the update, now reduced to 98%, thx again)!!! And all of that not being enough your absolutely RIDICULOUS Reduced Mana rework, which now doesn't effect auras at all, thus leading to me being unable to run all the buffs i did run before, another GREAT IMPROVEMENT!!! I can imagine that this change might have wrecked quite a number of end game builds, despite the fact that some auras got reduced in their mana consumption a little. And even my Dual Strike Crit build got even less playable, due to the whole life leech reduction and your screwed up rework of the Blood Rage gem. How on Earth did you get the idea of changing the chaos dmg taken to physical dmg taken. The whole idea of creating a dual-strike crit build with chaos inocculation and ghost reaver was so you can use blood rage to profit from the life leech. Now that got torpedoed as well. SO THANKS FOR NOTHING GGG!!! |
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