We welcome First Impression posts! Please be nice to those posts.

even with all the issues you guys have PoE will always be my to go to game for many years to come

just wanted to drop in and say that.
I'm playing this game since over a week now and i have fun like hell. It reminds me of the good old days, when action rpgs were not so childish, colourfull and bleak of all depth and philosophy. They where grim, dark and threw you in a desperate world, without glowing Laser-Katanas or Characters depicted as childs or Ninja Panda-Bears (Ninja pandas are even worse than Nazi-Zombie-Alien-genemonsters).
My Character met a lot of nice people and i had my first deathmatch since i played Quake 1 (Can you please implement a Nailgun? No game is complete until it has a Nailgun!). I'm still playing my first character and slowly i'm getting the gear i wanted to have to get my build to work. And that's another nice thing: Progress in this game is not fast and loaded with big rewards. I appreciate that.

And i must say your support team is doing a great work! I'm from germany, the land of blocked unlock-emails. Guys named Gary, Rob and Eben where very kind and patient with my problem and helped me great with giving my account a new e-mail adress manually, because even the confirmation mail for changing the E-mail got blocked by Web.de

I now bought 200 points to have nice glitter for my character.

Have much succes in developing the game,
have much fun and few frustrations by doing so!

And please consider the request for a nailgun ;)


Edit: The game asked me for a new unlock code, i clicked Resend E-Mail and almost instantly i recieved the code at my new adress. The day is saved!
Last edited by ByTheBeardOfTheProphet#1487 on Feb 28, 2015, 5:17:28 AM
разработчики есть ли игра на русском я других языков не знаю и не признаю!!!
Even If i never played the game yet (I'm downloading it), my first impression is very positive! Gamers opinion seems to be very good, and it's impressive to see a really good "hard core" free to play game, with no "pay to win", and with a lot of events and activities.

However, I looked at the website, and I am... surprised by the Shop. It's great to support the team, and every player can support with the amount he can afford. But, for now, I don't think I will shop "a lot". (Maybe some premium stash tabs?) Notice: Usually, I don't play "free to play" games, so I don't know the pricing habit.

It's not a criticism at all! If it's the best pricing model for the game, if you have great fans/supporters, it's nice. I hope you earn money with the game, and I wish long live to the team. :-) I was just surprised... because personally, I couldn't pay 15$ for "only" footprints, or for a weapon skin (it's the price for most of indie full games). Even if it's true there is a lot of different prices, for a lot of them, it's not really "micro-transaction".

But It's not my job to fix prices, so maybe I'm totally wrong!
Anyway, congratulations. It's really great you took the energy and the time to make this game!

PS: And... if you think my post is inappropriate, you can delete it, no problem... I don't want to cause any trouble! ;-)
Last edited by chouia#3853 on Mar 7, 2015, 12:49:32 PM
I've been playing this off and on for the last couple of years, threw in twenty dollars, grabbed myself some micros, got tired of it after beating Dominus, and moved on to other games.
Came back, and after a month I started playing just for the mechanics, while pretty much disregarding the story (The story having ended is why I lost interest), and I've had some thoughts while being disconnected from any narrative.

My First Impression turned into an essay... Whoops.
I'll just keep it in spoiler tags so the thread doesn't look a mess.

The Good

I don't really want to lavish over what I find positive in the game, because pretty much everything I don't bring up as a complaint is going to be a positive. The graphics and art direction are the most striking (take that as you will, oceans of blood with corpses writhing in them) I've seen in the ARPG genre, the story is intriguing and told in a way that makes me actually want to discover what it is, and the mechanics of the game are some of the most in depth I've ever seen, bearing in mind that at the beginning I was perfectly able to play the game with my limited knowledge. Additionally, it thankfully hasn't succumbed to the dreaded pay to win virus going around. All in all, in my opinion, this is easily the best ARPG on the market.

The Bad

1. Gameplay

There are some things that strike me as just very odd decisions when I'm playing this game, especially considering how "hardcore" it's supposed to be. For instance, and this is me admitting to my own lethargy, Dominus was easy as hell for me to beat. SURE, I died like 50 or so times before I actually killed him, but as long as I level before I waste that 90% XP bar that I just spent one to two hours building, I'm fine. I could just spam revive and hold down the left mouse button on him and BAM, I WIN!
Seriously, this is my biggest complaint that I have of this game because it almost ruins every mechanic in it for me.
Even if I'm not playing with a hardcore character, why is my experience the only incentive to not die? As long as I level on efficient content, I have no incentive to actually try being good at anything. I can just keep dying and chipping away at their health one notch at a time. I understand there's a bit of personal responsibility and self-respect involved in that, but I'm going to be honest, at this stage in my life, I really just don't care. At all. I want my hand held. I want it held hard and to be yanked around and for a game to slap me in the face and tell me "GET BETTER OR YOU'RE NOT GETTING PAST THIS", because when it comes to a game, of all things, I'm not going to cry in self pity when I have to cheat the mechanics to get past a certain point. It's a game, the most trivial of things, and when there's an exploit I can find to progress, I'm going to exploit it more than a third world country.

I'm also left scratching my head at how inconsistent the difficulty seems to be at certain stages. On equal footings, I think I've had more frustration from Catarina's mummy revive, kill and revive missions than I've ever had from Dominus, Piety, or Merveil. It may just be that it's a counter to my build, but those Mummies can really take a beating (at least when put in comparison to other mobs of their level). What seems to be a minor sidequest winds up being a bigger challenge than major bosses, which again, just seems inconsistent. I don't care about the game being unfair at points. To an extent, I feel like most players, including myself, should attempt to study their opponents, prepare accordingly, and strike, instead of running in wildly while spamming multi-strike double-strike on a mob with Corrupting Blood and then cry when they die 30 times in a row because they didn't have a staunching flask. The problem, as I see it, is that it cheapens the experience. It makes major content seem trivial and unsatisfying when I can get my faced wrecked in half the time by a rare mob with a nemesis mod or a minor sidequest, which has happened countless times, in too many ways with too many mobs that I could possibly list.

2. Currency

The vendor recipe system is easily the worst mechanic in this game when it comes to transparency. If I hadn't looked at the wiki and youtube guides, I seriously think I would have played the entire game through without knowing how valuable 5 or 6 link items are, how valuable 6 slot items can be, how worthwhile it is to pick up tri-color 3 linked items, or the chaos for a set of rares recipe. I don't think to actually experiment with what items give more bang for their buck because I don't assume there's secret underlying rules to turn all of the assumed garbage you're picking up into something worthwhile. How am I supposed to figure out that a vaal map fragment and 6 vaal skill gems are going to get me a vaal orb? I wouldn't even think to sell stuff like that to a vendor because I'm going to immediately assume he's just going to offer me a couple scraps of scroll.

3. The Bane of ARPGs...

I hate replaying old content over and over. I seriously do. It's acceptable in most RPGs because I'm typically fully leveled and ready to retire the character. By that point, I can replay in a different mindset with new skills and a new plan of attack... Having to play the same story through and through with the same build, the same character... I stop caring. I stopped caring. It's why I don't play Torchlight 2 anymore. It's why I stopped playing this game for about a year. I only picked it back up again because I saw the Forsaken Masters content, and now I play exclusively for the mechanics. They're what separate this game from its competition. I could give less of a toss about the story because I know there's really not much to be had.

In a way this is great, because it means the gameplay is so good I don't need anything but, however, it's not enough to keep me interested for more than a half an hour to an hour at a time at most. This isn't the sort of game I sit back with on a weekend for about four hours and really enjoy and immerse myself in. I know most ARPGs aren't, because typically they're so mind numbingly repetitive and basic that it's hard to find yourself immersed in anything. Yet this game totally did. I remember my first five to ten hours of gameplay were some of the best I've ever had. This is such a beautifully realized and horrific world, it's hard to not pay attention. The caverns of Merveil were so well done I almost had chills up my spine when I first saw her ghost. That was an amazing feat of in-game story telling. And it fell flat the second and third times and just became background noise. That makes me sad beyond reason.

4. Microtransactions

I know it's been said and I won't be the last, but it is a criticism I have of this game, so I'm going to make it.

I'm putting this in spoilers because I know how volatile this subject is around here, and I'm not looking to get people whining, this is just my outlook. I'm not discussing it beyond this initial post.

The stuff's too expensive. Even the low end, cheap effects, are far too pricey. I'm not going to fork out 6 to 10$ for 'classic' headgear, let alone over 40$ for one set of armor, even if it is new. I'm not going to go at length with price comparisons, just look at pricing models with successful MOBAs or FPSs (Awesomenauts or Hawken for example). They don't charge a AAA title for a skin or fully customized mech.

I understand that I'm not exactly getting a gun held to my head to buy this stuff, but that's not my point. I want to spend money, but I'm not going to if you don't make me feel satisfaction in doing so. Unfortunately, what you have on offer is not satisfying for what you're charging, so my money is staying in my wallet. The average user (me) is not going to buy a supporter pack and be content with one or two sets of armor for 50$. This is marketing, it sucks, but it is what it is. If your goal is to make grandmasters feel awesome in their super sweet armor, well done, but you're leaving the rest of us out in the cold.

All in all, this is pretty minor, I already threw 20$ at you guys, although I think the game is easily worth a AAA price tag. I just don't like being fleeced, and that's what these prices make me feel like. I'm sorry, but as good as this game is, it isn't worth over 100$ to me, and that's what I'd have to spend to get a couple of characters looking the way I'd like.

The Solutions!
These are ordered progressively from easiest to fix, to what I feel would be the most expensive, and therefore hardest to fix.

Let me start out by saying that these are just ideas. I feel like they would work, but I have no evidence, so if it turns out I'm just stupid, by all means, see me as such.

1. Block progress by resetting an area when an Exile dies.

We don't need to wipe a character when someone screws up and underestimates an area. It's okay, we all make mistakes, and people shouldn't be penalized hundreds of hours of game time for one mistake. However, I should not be able to brute force my way through Dominus with infinite lives! I completely and irrevocably ruined the end of this game for myself by doing that. It was completely unsatisfying because of my way of doing it. Is that my fault? Hell yes! But it's also the games fault for being so easy to manipulate. I shouldn't be able to cheese my way through a game without opening up a console command or entering up down left right A B A B. At least then I get a sense of my cheating. I shouldn't be able to get through content by exploiting game mechanics. It's a simple solution that's been implemented in countless games, and I think it would make fights in Path of Exile SO much more satisfying to have them reset should I screw up. If I get Dominus down to a sliver of life and he kills me at the end of it, guess what? I should have to do that entire fight over again. If people get stuck, tough cookies, look at your build, fix what you need to, level past the content, get better gear, do what you need to, if you want that victory, then earn it, otherwise it just feels like grinding in an MMORPG, and I HATE that feeling.

2. Keep working on balance.

I understand this is just going to be part of the game for the rest of it's foreseeable life. It's just the way of it. All I can say is that the sweet spot hasn't quite been hit and to keep tweaking. Particularly on the Forsaken Masters Content. A lot of that feels overly difficult when put in comparison to the primary storyline (Except Haku, his content feels laughably easy).

3. Offer better visuals for Nemesis mod spawned mobs

This is more of a minor complaint than anything else. I just feel like if a monster is going to possibly smash my face in, there should be something a little more threatening besides some highlighted text under their name when I hover over them. Immersion and all that.

Or you can take satisfaction in the pain it brings me to die almost instantly due to my carelessness, you sadists.

4. Clearly elaborate on currency and other gaming mechanics in an intuitive, yet interactive way that does not involve going to a wiki page.

Pretty self explanatory. Tutorials. In-game manuals. Forbidden Knowledge side-quests where one must go and seek the knowledge. Anything would be better than the current trial and error or visit the wiki system. This goes for all game mechanics. There really shouldn't be any secrets to the game that people aren't made aware of in-game. It doesn't make the game mysterious. It just makes it frustrating when I have to alt-tab to look something up.

Speaking of which, I know it's the nature of the F2P beast, but an offline mode so that I can play when a storm knocks out the cable... Just saying. Brownie points.


I want to be immersed as I'm leveling the way I was when I first picked this game up. The way I pick it up with each new character. Plain and simple.
This would be one of the only ARPGs that I know of to do such a thing.
There's so much good in this games storyline, but it gets so lost in each replay and I hate that because I respect this games story telling more than 90% of every game I've ever played.

I can't help but feel like in some way each replay belittles the storytelling of this game and that, to me, is a crying shame.

In Conclusion

I love this game. I love what it represents. It's a testament to how ARPGs should be done. How F2P should be done. How storytelling in gaming should be done. It does so many things right in an industry that more often than not does a hell of a lot wrong.

I've had my complaints, yes, but I make them out of the love I have for this game. These are such small problems in what I see as a giant heap of hard work, dedication, and respect for consumers. If you took these issues out of the way, I seriously think I'd need to stop playing this game completely out of fear of getting sucked into it enough for it to become a personal problem.
Last edited by Joehtosis#2105 on Mar 7, 2015, 6:15:58 PM
Roccondil73 wrote:
Brilliant game when you can actually Login.

The constant "You are logging in from a different location" error forces me to have to login to my emails to retreive an unlock code. every. single. time.


This is a deal breaker for me. POE is an absolute fantastic creation( and hopefully continues to patch into more wondrous things) but the tiresome login circus is enough for me to stop playing till this is resolved.

Your ISP is responsible for that, not GGG. Just play using Steam, no such problem there.
This cannot be resolved by GGG. And will not be. Ask your ISP about that.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
wovanich wrote:
есть ли игра на русском
Announcing Path of Exile Russia
wovanich wrote:
я других языков не знаю и не признаю!!!
как же ты сумел тут зарегистрироваться? xD
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
rly good pl patient and fast clearing !
It's a great game.

TBH this game has been my "DOTA2" experience. A friend of mine has been wanting to get into MOBA's and is currently playing HOTS (might stick with it too), but his end-goal has always been DOTA 2. For me, this game is my DOTA 2. I started multiple characters, but never really progressed. This character now is the highest I've gotten and the most interaction with the game I've actually done. So while my views will not be end-endgame,they will touch on game mechanics from a newbie's PoV coming into endgame.

- The whole economy system is really fun. Currency is an amazing idea (which diablo 3 has now borrowed from, almost all items in that game can be converted into a sort of "mat" or currency used to fuel your progression). It's overwhelming at first, but the wiki is really nice for vendor recipes, and once you get a handle on things, you enjoy everything much more.

- Things start off slow. I don't know whether this is good or bad. As a new player, everything is overwhelming, and you don't really get a sense of the game until cruel. This might be a little slow to get someone into the mechanics of the game? Reason being that normal is basically you just playing the game but not really learning anything because you don't really have to learn anything. Probably good in the end, but because of the slow start you don't really get a good feel for how the game actually is. Probably different for different people, but I really didn't have much fun playing through normal. Things change a lot coming into the end of cruel and then into merciless.

- Repeating story 3 times. Not that fun, can be cleared fast enough, but as someone new coming into the game it's not fun. With a new act coming, I'm guessing things will change here for the better so not a big issue.

- Public party chat...I'm still a newbie, but even I can see that once you a certain point in merciless, that public party is basically people posting up their WTS/WTB. I recently used it myself to great success, but maybe there should be a separate place for that? I like the idea of a bulletin-marketplace/bazaar type system, but what if people are actually looking for a public party?

- Map Progression/Other endgame progression. Ok, I'm going to list a game that most people playing PoE will spit upon and call an utter failure of a game, but one thing I really liked from Diablo 3 RoS is their greater rift leaderboard season system. It gives you a reason to progress. Honestly, there's no reason to play their seasons or to gather gear in that game besides that reason. In PoE, you have multiple builds, you can do whatever you want, and progress on maps/advance your level. In Diablo it's very different. You hit max level, and the goal is basically just to progress the items you get. Legendaries are very easy to get, but that's not really the point. The progression of your items for the perfect rolls for continued progression to rank on solo or group leaderboard for greater rifts is really satisfying. People not into that game think the community is dead because there's no trading, but the community is actually pretty good. Setting up lootshare groups/grift parties. It works for that game. But to get back on point, I think a progression system like greater rifts would be awesome in Path of Exile. Maybe not maps but another system, where you progress on harder and harder content pushing your character to the limit to complete harder and harder random maps to place on a leaderboard that isn't so much connected to just straight up leveling your character. In the end it would give another leaderboard based on progressing through increasingly difficult maps and progressing character/build/gear.

- Races/Leagues. I'm looking to get into this one month race, and I'm going to be terrible compared to everyone else starting it, but I LOVE the idea of challenges in place. The reward looks awesome as well! But the whole idea of leagues/races is really cool.

- Hardcore. I know this character I'm posting on is SC, but I love the idea of HC in this game especially. HC definitively changes how you play. Things are more exciting, you can die and lose everything for the league you're playing. But it works so well with this game because you think up what kind of character you're going to play next. Really awesome.

- Skill gems/passive tree/equipment system. Not much to say here. Really awesome. Innovative, and all kinds of things I see from different games incorporated to make a really awesome system.
Finishing act 3 on cruel atm

-no predefined classes
-easy grouping system
-high replayability
-vendor recipe system (not the actual recipes)
-complex and customizable combat mechanics (skill gems and sockets)
-combat system
-crafting system

-too much screen clutter to see what or who you're actually attacking
-loot/drop system interrupts the tempo and flow of the actual combat (i'm neurotic when it comes to leaving anything of value behind...)
-too much inventory management again interrupting the actual gameplay
-no incentives to use workbenches due to the tedious nature of collecting orbs, i guess the workbenches are meant for endgame gear
-vague passive skills and stats for new players (i hate HAVING to google in the middle of a game)
-no decent wiki?

I couldn't help going into rant-mode, it's an awesome game but i won't be able to enjoy it without purchasing extra stash tabs and my guess is that's exactly how they want it
Not using any vendor recipes seems like a huge loss when it comes to crafting or the overall gaming experience

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