Jack The Axe (2nd Unique Idea)
I just picked up Jack, the Axe on my shield block character.
The new bloodlust gem makes this into a marvel of a weapon (I use the counter-attacks and shieldcharge splash to trigger the bleed). Also the new duelist-gladiator ascendancy class is what Jack demanded me to select. Bleeding targets explode. He likes that. Really cool weapon design, backstory and mechanics for a weapon that you can use to get into the lategame. Listening to Jack is so much fun I will try my best to make this weapon into endgame viable. I use Cleave with the Demon Hand skin effect and extra gore. Suits the lore oh so perfectly. |
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I feel that your vision of the mods that belong on this item has been really oppressed during the creation process
I mean, the art is awesome but the mods that come with it seem to be way undertuned, like if GGG was scare of making it good. A level 64 Axe with the Dps of a decent lvl 38 rare 1h axe. When i say this, people always say "Its a decent Offhand", but nah, this axe doesnt belong Offhand, its a savage bloodthirsty axe, it has to do great damage in order to stench its thirsts, it has to be in the front line to hack itself in blood. ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
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I'd like if the voices could work when used as a skin transfer.
Would definitely listen more to Jack. |
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So... Apparently this has voice-acting. Who knew.
I've always wanted to make a Physical build that focuses on Bleed, but the only viable option is Atziri's Disfavour... I wish there was more support, or if this Weapon was better. I wonder if the Slayer would help in that regard. EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home
*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.* |
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Finally found this (thank you Cadiro). Pretty fun unique.
Thank you Reaper for getting talking uniques into the game. Jack and TGU are the uniques I have been most looking forward to using. |
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"Yeah, always wondered how much GGG pushed to make this unique crap it has potential but its obvious that it has been toned down a shit tonne the theme of this unique is to be a Main weapon, but nobody uses it for that because of the shitty DPS, even lvl 38 1h have been dps. i trully find this sad, its a nice unique. I heard that Reaper had problems with GGG at some point, maybe this lead to releasing that shitty version ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it Last edited by Sexcalibure#7575 on Apr 27, 2016, 3:43:55 PM
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" This unique works for me. It is comparable in DPS to the rare I was using, but the bleed function allowed me to push my single target damage to 30k so bosses got easier. Plus, I just like it. Not everything needs to be game breaking and for an SSF player, this may be the best weapon I find. |
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"No need to defend shitty uniques just to defend your own uniques Charan... your unique has a lore, a superinjectec flavour in it Jack is suppose to be a great damage axe my point stands untill Reaper comes in and tell me im wrong but according to how it went bad with GGG when Jack got released and from the fact he has been inactive for more than a month proves that something went wrong with that axe ZiggyD is the Labyrinth of streamers, some like it, some dont, but GGG will make sure to push it down ur throat to make you like it
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Damn thats some serious necromancy or something?
Also, people please. Uniques should not be straight up well rolled rares. Imo jack is in a fine place, as it still has something uniques about it. If you would pump up its dmg more, then it would end up being just a replacement for rare 1h axes. I hope GGG will start pushing unique aspects more. Or start designing more uniques that can be scaled well, but start as a rather weak base. |
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I gotta stop posting on this. I swear this will be the last time...
I was just reading though my old post to see whats been happening on em and i came across this bad boy. Id like to address to a few of the comments by talking how the processes went from my perspective. So, Jack the Axe was my biggest unique idea. After having made The Blood Reaper and going though the process that is GGG unique creation, i did not want to do that 3 more times to use up my purchased diamond unique quota. So that's why i thought up Jack. He was to be a creation worth my remaining diamond purchases. My idea was to have a good physical axe that had bleeding just like the Blood reaper. I wanted it to compete with the likes of soul taker. (sigh, lower level weapons beat it..) The additional gimmick that would justify the investment would be the voice acting. I wrote up around 20 lines of dialog and linked some to being a random trigger and others having a chance to be triggered at set areas or fighting set mobs. I dont know if they did this, as i haven't tested it myself. I hope they did.. The communication from GGG along the process (which i remember correct took well over a year) was very spread out. At a few points i would not hear from anyone for months at a time. As you would imagine, having spent so much on the purchase and not hearing anything for months was concerning. The unknown is a bad place to be when purchases are involved. In my first unique creation, it was pointed out to me that i contacted ggg to much and its seemed to be perceived as annoying. So this time around i held back and waited. I think this tainted my experience as each patch and expansion would roll around and i would wonder if Jack would added in. Each time being disappointed and frustrated, i got less and less interested in the game itself. I started not playing as much as i normally would. At one point along the way i got contacted in regards to collecting a gift that was promised to me by the devs way back in the beginning, when i bought all the diamonds. They made me a unique pet and put my name on the party board (the party board was a nice idea that Chris had). This, as you would expect, made me quite happy. I started playing more again and showing off my new pet. Closer to the end of the process i was not playing as much again. However the emails where flowing once or twice a week which was nice. I was advised that the unique would be in the next patch. I posted this info on this thread and got a email soon after advising it had been pushed back and would be in the next expansion. I felt kinda defeated by that point. But as advised, Jack made it in to the game in the next expansion. Unfortunately somewhere along the way i feel it changed from the unique i first imagined. The end product is a great unique and im glad i was part of the process. Although it has my flavor of imagination, its not the quite the unique i in-visioned. I haven't really played much since its release. Being such a long ordeal, after spending so much and having it not turn out 100% the way i imagined was crushing. I may be being picky or even ungrateful. But this is just how i feel. This is the problem with mixing passion with a purchase i guess. Lesson learnt. On a nicer note. Im very happy some of you like it for what it is. Thank you for posting such nice comments. Thats all i have to say about that. This is XvXReaperXvX, One of the first Multi-Diamond Members, Signing out. "Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter" |
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