Jack The Axe (2nd Unique Idea)

6. "Your Blood Fuels me Exile!"

Potential blood magic?
I like the story but its to far from my own. Jack in my eyes in not a hunter. he is simply a killer.

he was a evil man but not prone to violence against other people until he was forced to do so.

When he regained control he was just simply to far gone to recover any humanity he had left.

But great read

"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
Xendran wrote:
6. "Your Blood Fuels me Exile!"

Potential blood magic?

Im proposing a decrease in regen of both hp and es. The "Cost" of wielding.
"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
XvXReaperXvX wrote:
I like the story but its to far from my own. Jack in my eyes in not a hunter. he is simply a killer.

he was a evil man but not prone to violence against other people until he was forced to do so.

When he regained control he was just simply to far gone to recover any humanity he had left.

But great read

Well, I had fun writing it anyway :-D. "Chopchop!"
12/12/12 - the day Germany decided boys are not quite human.
XvXReaperXvX wrote:
Lagruell wrote:
Really nice read :)

As for the axe:

"I need MORE!"

"You cannot hide from me!"

"Death is close..."

"There will be pain..."

"Lambs to the slaughter."

I like em, "You cannot hide from me" would fit well

Glad you like it... though I would never had let anyone choose for me had it been my own axe ^^

Seriously now you are really tempting me with that expensive talking Unique of yours lol
Take care out there.
Really nice story.
"Your death will be the only mercy I give you."
Hodari wrote:
"Your death will be the only mercy I give you."

"Bullshit, you get the game for free." - Qarl 2014
"The 5x Diamond Supporter"
Awesome axe! :D
Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
"Playing songs on the strings of lifes,
cutting bones even of helpless wives"

string? = sinew = http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&lang=de&searchLoc=0&cmpType=relaxed&sectHdr=on&spellToler=&search=Sehne

no clue if it makes sense in english ^^

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