[1.2.4] 11 Aura Low Life Support Culler - Steroids Edition Revamp
Guys, which is better for cull?
Dual totem (This build) or Power Siphon (GMP / Fast Atacks / Chain) Right now, I'm using power siphon but I wanna know if dual totem is better. Thanks. |
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Thinking about rolling a support for the upcoming hc-league. Would a budget edition of this work (Auras, curses, culling, probly conduit?) Also, I'm not able to run 10 auras and stuff for a long time, should I pick up conduit for some extra supporting before hitting those 10 auras and all the luxuries? And no, I'm not gonna solo even the first level. E: How should I generate frenzy and power charges with this build? Last edited by Yfae#2757 on Jan 30, 2014, 5:21:55 AM
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" I'd say totems. Afaik you need accuracy to actually hit with your wand, and at high lvls that can be pain without the proper nodes (which you will miss if you follow this build ^^) | |
" I'm using Resolute Technique and I have no problems with accuracy, but still want to know which one is better. GMP + chain is cool, I can cull almost everything, but it's a pain to keep spaming PS |
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you could put it on a ranged attack totem
Dogs Summoner - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/885199
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The new unique Solaris Lorica just made this build much more acc essable, pretty much anyone can run it now. Awesome :-)
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" ya was thinking exactly the same thing! pretty much makes this build viable for budget build now too |
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im making this build atm(tho the scion veriaiotion) and i like the playstyle as i have to be in a party a lot to lvl(my dps sucks) and i die a lot :D but a lot of partys like me there just for the better drop rate(atm i have 161 IIR) i can tell the drops are a lot better.
so i like the support role playstile tho have to see why im so damn weak and die to fast :) [edit] getting better and better now with 2 totems and 5 linked item for the totems..its not much but it gets me there so i can get some groups going and get loot this is my gear atm it works and i have 80% resist on merciless(just not the chaos yet :D ) nice ring dropped :P..i like mf culling also question...title say low life and you wear wondertraps ill guess for that but i dont see CI node used....am i missing something? Last edited by tntkiller#7569 on Feb 3, 2014, 6:12:56 PM
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" 1) you die because the build is meant to be an ES build, but you have very little ES on your items. 2) some clarification here: CI is not low-life. CI brings your max hp to 1, so you will always be 1/1 life untill you die, this means that you're always on 100% life, and never on low life (below 35%). Low life makes use of an (expensive) unique called shavronne's wrapping, which has the following effect: "Chaos damage does not bypass energy shield". This means that you can run energy shield without running CI (if you don't have the unique AND don't have CI, chaos damage will bypass your energy shield and kill you very quickly if you don't have any life). In the last patch, shavs got a little brother unique called Solaris Lorica, which has the same 'Chaos Damage does not bypass Energy Shield' effect. this chest should be -much- cheaper than shav's, but it has no energy shield, so you'll likely need high es (expensive) items in other slots. this build then further uses a prism guardian unique shield, which has the effect that "Gems in this item have Blood Magic" (amongst other aura-boosting effects and a ton of resistances). This allows us to put a couple of auras on life instead of mana, allowing us to always be on low life (this is okay since energy shield is our defense, and not hp). The requirements of this build (to fully utilize it, so high mf + 10 auras) are quite high. You need a lot of level 20 gems, and pretty much need shav's and prism guardian. If you don't mind dying/don't intend to cull endgame maps you can probably make do with the cheap version of shavs, and build low life around that. |
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" thx for that wonderfull explanation how it works. yes gear isnt by a long shot where it needs to be most i took becuase of the sockets/resists. i almost finished merciless with grupng and i survive much better now(i can run like hell :P) and i can really tell the culling has effect so better gear should be getting better soon. |
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