[1.2.4] 11 Aura Low Life Support Culler - Steroids Edition Revamp
" Thanks! Would you also be able to include a "Poor Man's" section for gear? Pretty please? ;-) |
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" For normal, I would say yeah, as Spectral Throw is quite nice. After that, it looks like the leveling speed slows down. Either way you slice it, leveling is a bit of a pain IF you're doing it solo. (I'm NOT doing the refund passive route.) Leveling in a Party? Well, each level this build just starts to shine more and more. :-) My scion is 37, running 3 auras (Purity of Fire, Cold and Lightning), *still* has around ~100 mana left, and can't run out of mana. :-) We'll see how the Dominus fight goes but *really* liking this build for partying. I'm playing with a Spork Templar -- he is running Clarity +/- Discipline. Lots of fun clearing everything. :-) " That is true, however consider this legit question: Do those *small* differences really matter end game unless you are an absolute min-maxer ?? I don't believe they are "big" enough to worry about. This isn't a DPS build; this is a purely defensive party build. You are giving up a *tiny* fraction of survivability. It seems to me that with this build being so gear dependent that worrying about 1 skill pt, and a quibble over ES or Mana is not really worth it. :-) Am I missing something? The reason *I* wanted a Scion version was a) Was it feasible, aka a puzzle / challenge, and b) based on cosmetics. :-) I find the Scion nicer to look at then the "sickly" Witch. (No flames intended.) If I'm going to level a "virtual chick" up from level 1 to ~ 80+ I would rather pick the one that looks better to me (with and without gear) IF the differences in the end is "close enough." Like most things in "engineering" there are always trade-offs. I'm not going to sweat the "small stuff" on the Scion -- still trying to get that dam Shav's ! |
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" Yep, I have the builds I ran before I found shavs still saved in text files, but not full guides. I will publish my plan in writing here for the new league and split the guide into sections for "shavs" / "non shavs" / "non shavs + extra poor all blue items omg this sucks". I'll let you spell check it? :- ) | |
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Must be nice to be rich.
I love pie.
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i actually found a shav's and already has a prism, so i'm looking to try this build (on standard though for now).
i had a question though. since i only have a 5l shav's for now (i tried 6linking, didnt go well), im a bit short on sockets. It's also standard, so i'd like an item quantity gem in there, so i'm even shorter on sockets. would you ever consider using flame totem instead of incinerate + spell totem for this build? if not, which gemming would you suggest for the chest? (for now it's RRGBB) |
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" I have 5L RRGBB: Incinerate, Spell Totem, IIQ, IIR, Greater Multiple Projectiles. Works like a charm. The 43% extra quantity of a 20/20 IIQ is huge. However, you MUST use a 20% quality Incinerate (as mitigation for no Faster Projectiles) and you SHOULD use a 20% GMP (as mitigation for no Faster Casting). If you ever 6L, put a Faster Casting in (more important than Faster Projectiles). Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 16, 2014, 9:36:34 AM
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Should I use Wondertrap (+100 IIR) or perfect Goldwyrm (+30 IIQ)?
I have a base 390 IIR and 80 IIQ. Assuming my base quantity is 100%, I play maps with an average IIQ of another 60%, and I already have 80, for a total of 240 quantity, I should get about 13% more items by adding Goldwyrm. Would this outweigh going from 410 IIR (390 of me, and 20 from chiseled maps) to 510 IIR? Opinions are welcome. Analysis is even more welcome. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 16, 2014, 9:44:57 AM
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" I was wondering the same thing, but for Sadima's vs. Aurseize, assuming losing the resists on Aurseize isn't a problem. It seems like at such a high IIR, switching from 50 IIR to 24 IIQ would be favorable. I've been running Aurseize but just finished getting the rest of my IIR gear (rings & flask), so now I think I will try Sadima's for a bit. |
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" Based on your musings, I have now taken out one of my Andvaria and replaced it with: which is quite a nice ring for this build. That gave me enough resists to replace Aurseize with Sadima and now at 120/380 (and lost the hated 5% movement penalty: movement is the best dodge/evasion there is). I think I can keep Wondertrap now, as party members have started to grumble about my loot clutter. The +45 base ES from the ring plus another +49 base ES from Sadima and Wondertrap, gives a nice boost to my ES (now at 6.5K). Probably need to replace my ammy as well, but I fear a better one (which retains rarity and all-res, but adds quantity) will be hideously expensive (EDIT: a small search on poe.xyz.is shows that you get into items that are offered for mirror service) Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 17, 2014, 6:55:24 AM
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