[1.2.4] 11 Aura Low Life Support Culler - Steroids Edition Revamp
Squishy with similar gear that OP posted? I don't even have the full build set up because half my crap is on standard and half is on domination, but I don't think I will die too often.
My setup minus good ammy/helm:
Guess it depends what level too... this is for my 92 Witch: IGN: Sin Last edited by Make_A_Witch_Foundation#5843 on Jan 10, 2014, 5:59:39 AM
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" I have the same gear, except for a non-legacy Shav. I now have 5K ES, but will get a better helmet and some more ES nodes, which is squishy in my book. With all the resists, ele is safe, but with only 250 armor, all physical damage goes straight through. Specific combos are dangerous (Canyon Boss on Vulnerability maps, Rare vomiting Seagulls on high Multiple Projectile maps, groups of Evangelists). I have the same tree as yours minus 3 flask and 4 ES nodes as I am level 85. I run Grace (unlike the OP), giving me about 6000 Evasion, with about 34% of evading (for what that number is worth): how the OP does it I don't know. Two small tips for your build BTW: - you do not have the 6% ES/8% armor near Faith and Steel - you do not have the 30 Intelligence node below Zealots Oath, (30 Int = 6% ES and 15 mana) You should take both nodes and remove two 6% ES nodes from the big circle. Not big changes but everything helps. BTW: do the Flask Nodes work on the Divine Distillate? Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 10, 2014, 7:44:12 AM
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hey guys, someone maybe tried - Spell totem > Arc lvl 1-20%Q > IIR > IIQ for cull ?
This build is really nice but without Shav you die alot late game, the grp love you for MF Cull and the Auras but in my case i stuck at lvl 72 cuz everytime i run grp´s its hart to survive. you have to avoid every single incoming chaos dmg, moving moving moving and run around is my job after i set my totems. CI wouldnot help cuz you lose some auras, its a pain in the ass if ou cant afford Shav. However its really nice to see some Support only Builds around. Last edited by ExiledEUW#4195 on Jan 10, 2014, 7:26:26 AM
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" Yes. Arc has longer range than the Incinerate, but the Incinerate fires something like 6 times per second, and Arc fires MUCH slower. Therefore Incinerate is more likely to hit in the short interval that a mob is between 0% and 10%, and cull, whereas Arc is often too late. For bosses this does not matter, but for rares on lower maps, and for blues and whites it does. Culling almost everything with Incinerate gives more loot, whereas Arc has range (and therefore keeps both its own totems and you safer). I prefer the loot. Others may prefer otherwise (especially those without Shavs). But, while I was typing the above, I realised: - what about maps with +ele damage and lots of spellcasters, where my totems melt almost instantly? - what about maps with dangerous mob types (piercers, Alchemists, evangelists) or bosses (Dominus) For those maps Arc is better (and I will stick a copy in my switch setup). And kudos to your for playing this build without Shavs. Don't ever expect to see level 80 as a non-Shav low-life. My suggestion would be to go CI and perhaps wear a Leer Cast (to add extrra support now some of your auras have gone) until you can afford a Shav. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 10, 2014, 7:45:09 AM
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So I am pretty much am a newbie(bought a long time ago and never really played) and love to play support type roles, this seemed great to play as it fit my play-style but playing something like this really isn't going to work for a first time player I guess?
Last edited by divinehope#4351 on Jan 10, 2014, 7:47:23 AM
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" The biggest problem is the gear. You need a fair bunch of high-end gear: - Shavronnes Wrapping (30ex for a 5L) or you will get killed by chaos damage - Prism Guardian (8 ex) to fit all the auras in - Heartbreaker (2ex) to cull-otherwise you need a 6L Shavroinne, which are about 70ex) - 2 Andvariusses (2.5 ex each) to get high magic find for a total of 45 Exalted Orbs. Or, in other terms: 900 chaos, or 1800 fusing, or about 15.000 alteration orbs. It is unlikely that you can afford the gear. For a newbie even the barest absolute minimum to run this build (Prism Guardian: 8 exalted/160 chaos/320 fuse) is a huge barrier. When I started it took me a LONG time to get 5 exalted to buy a 5L Lioneyes bow. If you can afford the gear, it is not so hard to play. Cast all auras, and run around plunking down totems near critters while staying out of their way. It is vastly easier to play than many melee builds. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 10, 2014, 8:21:20 AM
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I run the exact same gear as the creator of this build with a much "better" helm (much more ES 430 to be exact) , I don't have any problems with dying, I can't even remember the last time I died in a map and I run quite a bit of high level maps.
I'm currently at 6.3k ES and I imagine I will stay there until I get a Mirror type neck / helm but don't see a reason to go for that since my survivability is more than enough, there are rare occasion where you really have to be on the look out like for dangerous borrowers for example. edit: I run a bit of a different flask set-up.
Flasks (for those that are interested
Last edited by zappaa#5771 on Jan 10, 2014, 9:39:34 AM
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I have been trying to meet up with a 400ES helmet seller for a few days now (use a 76ES MF helmet now), will need a few more ES passives and my Discipline gem is still at 17. Hopefully I will be around 6.5K ES then as well.
It is not that I get slaughtered every five mins. Yesterday I died twice in 6 maps while duoing, while I almost never die in a full party. I run when I get hit and try to keep out of harms way in general. Maybe I am too used to wearing my trusted legacy Kaom and heaps of armor with my other toons. It will pass as I get more experienced with this one. At 85 I am still young. After all, a level 98 is about halfway to level 100. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 10, 2014, 10:03:31 AM
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How does the math on this build check out for health reservation?
41% reduced reservation nodes with the 25% from the shield are additive together (tested). That's 66% reduction. If you have 1k hp, three auras in Prism will leave you with 370 health. Blood Magic (and Red Mana) with any Aura after that requires 49% reservation, which is more than the 370. The online Mana Calculator must be wrong... Edit: Nvm. Didn't see the Core Ready with an additional 5% reduction. Last edited by Terrornoid#4502 on Jan 10, 2014, 5:38:46 PM
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Thanks a lot for the guide.
This inspired me to play a 10 auras melee summoner. I am currently running 10 auras, which is all except clarity, purity of elements and purity of ice. I took all the mana reservation nodes and using an alpha's howl and prism guardian. Is there any way to add purity of ice to make it 11 auras? ign: thirsty_guy
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