[1.2.4] 11 Aura Low Life Support Culler - Steroids Edition Revamp
Firsts of all many thx for that guide, love it much.
But after reading ALL 17 sites i still have two questions for being actually: 1. At the moment you prefer Incinerate + Spell totem over Flame totem (i tried one time flame totem and thought that gmp dont work there?!?)? 2. What is the exactly Gems at SOLO play with EK? (still only have 5L but also would love to know 6L): EK + Spelltotem + IIR + Faster Casting? + ??? (EK i have 20% Quali LVL 20 gem) I also have a LVL 89 Reaver, but i also would love to do sometimes a solo map or anything with IIR. Hope you can help me. Thanks |
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" I like flame totem and incinerate, I think flame totem culls better but it costs more mana. Incinerate is also nice because of the spell effect as others have mentioned makes it easy to see where the culler is attacking. All and all I am running spell totem because I like RBBBGG more then RRBBGG on other characters of mine. Use whichever you want. Forget about solo play, I need to remove any trace of that from my guide because this build sucks for solo play at this point. As for your last question, not sure what you are asking.. you need to look at reave guides I guess? This guide is for MF/Culler using dual totem, nothing else :p | |
" Absolutely agree. The build starts to really shine when you give up all thoughts of solo-ing. Once you have invested in all the aura passives, each and every additional passive must be invested in more defense (mainly ES) and you will still be weakish in defense. Shav, Heartbreaker and hopefully your helmet are the only pieces of gear with decent ES. " He means that even though he has another toon which can solo, he also would like to solo with this MF/cull build. Short answer: you shouldn't. Adding dps will make the build a LOT weaker. Solo with the reaver. BTW: A small drawback with this build is that you really have to warn your team-mates that ele-reflect has become "slightly" more dangerous with the turbo-auras. The kill-counter for me stands at 11 at the moment. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 8, 2014, 7:20:16 AM
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After a large amount of VERY uncooperative chromatic orbs, I was forced to run Grace instead of Vitality+Clarity. This turned out to be a huge blessing in disguise.
I CAN STRONGLY RECOMMEND THIS A level 3 Clarity is totally useless to me, as my mana regenerates fast enough already. With Grace, I get hit less often. This more than compensates for the loss of ES regeneration: - if you evade hits, you don't need to regenerate - if you do get hit, you should definitely skedaddle as you don't belong in the frontline. WB (see below) is a great gem for escaping tough situations. Grace also gets 36% EV bonus from the Shadow ES cluster which you are taking anyway, resulting in about 6000 EV. Not imba by any means, but it will evade quite a few hits. I need to experiment to see if enhancing this with a Jade Flask is worth it. All other level 70+ players I have seen have no problems with life and/or mana regeneration (it is hard to get up to 70+ if you don't), so I am not really helping my party with Clarity/Vitality anyway. The only exception is Chaos Damage maps, where I swap out Anger for Vitality (because your ES does not naturally restore on Chaos Damage maps). So I replaced the relatively ineffective Vitality and Clarity gems by a quite effective Grace at the price of having to swap at some maps. A clear gain in my book. ------ If you are very altruistic, you may want to use Determination instead of Grace. Your party members will thank you, as they often use armor and b enefit hugely from Determination, but, as you have almost no armor yourself, you will not benefit very much from an extra % to armor (unless you have Granite Flasks, but Grace is always on and Granite is not) ----- Extra bonus: you now have room for an extra gem. My suggestion is level 1 Whirling Blades (heartbreaker is a dagger) for extra movement speed and escape possibilities. Leveling the gem will just increase its cost, as Ancestral Bond will set your damage to 0. If you are a perfectionist get a 20% quality Whirling Blades for 10% extra AS, so you cast WB a few milliseconds faster (WB is an attack). The extra movement generated by WB is quite nice, since I am often the slowest in the party: - Wondertrap is only 10% MS - I have Haste, but so has everyone in my aura range Cautionary note: not all my Reduced Mana gems are at level 20, and I am slightly short on mana, so I'm currently casting: - Summon Skeletons at L17: not a problem, they will probably be oneshot at L20 as well - Lightning Warp at L14: not a problem, it is already Q20, so fast enough anyway - Elemental Weakness at L8: it is at Q20, but obviously it could be 12% better I expect this to improve once the RMs improve (especially once I can link a 20/20 RM to these gems). Skellies and Warp will go up to 20 (I think), but Elemental Weakness may not. However, I will miss a few % at most, which is fully acceptable to me. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 8, 2014, 9:46:57 AM
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" Glad to see you take the build and derive something that works well for you. This has been brought up before and I think my answer is the same. I personally can't advocate getting rid of vitality and clarity for grace, mostly because it's such a common aura for a lot of melee builds that run IR so your groups usually have it anyways. Also Vitality is less common so brings more to the group.. and degen/no regen/chaos damage mods are common enough that losing the dps from anger is not really worth it in my opinion. The extra 20% mana must leave you with a small mana pool? I like having 75 or so mana so I can spam curse to keep distillate up. Vitality lets me run clarity, which brings mana regen from 34 to 56, spell totem costs 33, so it goes from 1 spell totem per second, to being able to cast two in a row holding right click. I like that. That said again I think it's great that you found a combo that works good for you and the groups you run in, but I think this setup is the best general setup! | |
How does this build scale with two player groups?
I'm contemplating about going with this build. Also how hard is it to level? Probably not gonna find many groups in low and mid level range. |
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" Two man groups are wonderful if the other person does enough DPS. Finding groups isn't hard, they usually love having tons of auras and MF. I used facebreakers and meginords to level up above 50ish then swapped over to low-life culling and leeching off groups :D IGN: Sin
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" My rough estimate is that you provide about 50% support to each player. So a 2 man group is 75% effective (150% for 2 people), a 3 man group is about even (300% for three people), and from then on you rock and roll to 750% for 6 people (its like having 1.5 extra party members). " The current build would level rather poorly as you cannot solo AT ALL: 7dps from your totems and unaugmented skellies will not cut it. An earlier version of the build (now sadly deleted), showed how to start out with Ethereal Knives, then move to EK totems, and finally transition to the no-DPS build. I followed this path and it worked very well (especially when I used a Soul Mantle for while for 3 EK totems). The best way would now be to create a totally different Witch build, and make sure that you do not spend any of your free respec points. Then wait for a patch to come along that announces changes to the tree. Spend your free respecs to get to that part of the tree. The patch will then give you a free complete respec :) Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 9, 2014, 9:44:46 AM
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" Just to add to this... The downside I've found is that it's very easy to miss culls in 2 man groups as some simply do too much uncontrolled damage. Like critting for 20% of the mobs health which means the mob dies before I get a chance to cull. This is however not really a problem in larger groups though as the mobs' health increases. |
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" As your gems level up, this culling effect increases significantly, almost forcing you to higher maps as well. I can no longer play 66/67 maps in a party because of this effect, whereas in 78 maps. I also tend to die much more often in two man groups, unless I am very careful (especially to bleeding if I am slightly slow in noticing it). The build is still somewhat squishy, and there are 4 less targets for the mobs to focus on. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jan 10, 2014, 6:40:44 AM
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