Oro's Righteous Fire Marauder [1.2.0]

Well your build is same as i wanted to start with, but because it is kind hard for me to stack those resistances i decided to grab build that i use atm, just becouse it gives some bonus resistance in build itself

and here is late endgame build that iam thinking i would go for and if i will get some nice res stats i defenately will go for it

Last edited by diabloxxx400#6433 on Sep 9, 2014, 3:06:32 AM
you are sure that you want to take that athleticism node? (5 % increased buffs on you = 5 % more dmg to you) I don't think that 8 % max life and 20 str would outheal that buff. but if you can pull it off... nah its not my marauder^^

second, I don't know why you want to take path of the warrior (scion life wheel). 10 armor and 20 str isn't that much. 5 % max life node would do better.

(and still no EE... XD) don't forget that.
lol cant believe i always miss EE, well build is still under construction and optimizing it always comes in first place. path of warrior might be not good choice better would grab hp nodes, and why athleticism would increase dmg i take, could you explain it a little to me, because as i understand this point will increase effect that i get from buffs for 5 percent, how this will increase dmg i take, does rf works like a buff, if that is case than yea not good idea to grad this one :\

old video but the content hasn't changed. so it's still viable.
I copied exactly all of the nodes, and gears except I'm using Carcass Jack and I dont have the doryani's sceptre, and the boots. I actually have better gear all are +90ish HP except for the belt (89hp) rings and pendants (59,71,68) boots which is +59hp (coz it has +30movement speed and i believe speed is a must for RF's) but my HP is only 5,600+ and some of my guildmates HP are around 8k. And we're almost at the same level..
Last edited by pickupstick#6281 on Sep 10, 2014, 1:47:14 PM
so what do you want us to say?

did you checked your gear and the gear from your buddies? what are they wearing? and when you use leap slam you don't actually need 30 faster run. you would leap to your victims (and proc EE at the same time (convinient!)).
Last edited by MizoShirayuki#6628 on Sep 10, 2014, 3:59:55 PM
We figured it out, the guide that they followed was Niffler's RF guide, I checked the guide and noticed that it has more HP nodes but doesn't have the mana reserve node, but it has the dual curse node on the witch tree
isnt taking EE will give enemy more resistance to our fire damage?
wuxian4poe wrote:
isnt taking EE will give enemy more resistance to our fire damage?

nah you proc EE with any other skill, mostly like cyclone (with an added cold/lightning damage mod in your ammy or weapon etc) or ice nova, meaning mobs will have -50% resist to fire.

RF doesnt proc EE cause its not an action skill that you cast or use a trap etc.
IGN: HardyHard_FireFly

Big thx GGG for this great game :)

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