Oro's Righteous Fire Marauder [1.2.0]
Should i get unwavering stance? or no because i will have so much life?
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is this Build able to beat Atziri on normal? |
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Want to ask, just hit 65 lvl put my rotp and replaced basicly all my gear to get better resistances and some bonus life regen points from items but when i activate rf i still lose my hp, even i lose it kind very slow but still i loosing hp not regenerating, when ruby flask is used its ok hp regens but after that i loose it, grabed most of life regen nodes in tree but still. . . so question is did i done something wrong :\, maybe any pro rf's builders can help?
my current pasive tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAxthYY1BQLv-iD18_458nL-8OvJ-krPIvqBhqHtIhVw2ezdlhGS4n7fxLbBaHGcT2PC1M_69sxYrwH6IAFE0EswJxgzjvfMauHKcMX1Oltz5Bh_no_grYvYLHKPrr7riTpwja3Z2uGmwWbySqNunjavrSpzAUIFBHGJEUcQ48OlKGYGFS705AoAUtxFgn1SFgdPEY21uvTioppWh02mKUoA== Last edited by diabloxxx400#6433 on Sep 8, 2014, 6:29:06 AM
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no elemental equilibrium skilled? that's not good.
you missed the 4 nodes at arsonist on the bottom left (near blood magic)- arsonist gives you +1% life regen. i would respec amplifiy and the int node leading to this plus the one 5 % max life node. further the int node leading to souvereignty and one 0.4 life regen node near scion starting point. with these points: take EE and the upper way to arsonist. you'll lose some life but gain more regen and more dmg. tree will look like this. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAxthYY1BQLv-iD18_458nL-8OvJ-krPIvqBhqHtIhVw2ezdlhGS4n7fxLbBaHGcT2PC1M_69sxYrwH6IABLMCccauHKcMX1Oltz5Bh_no_grYvYLHKPrr7riTpwja3Z2uGmwWbySqNunjaqcwFCBQRxiRFHEOPDpShmBhUu9OQKAFLcRYJ9UhYHTxGNtbr04qKaVodNpimK0Dxv0LJa0J9g== " if you are using cyclone to put EE onto the mobs you don't need unwavering stance because when you use cyclone you can't be stunned. simple but effective. " my red. mana is lvl 18 and this is enough to run vitality, p of fire and grace. but i have souvereignty skilled. so there's 6 % red. mana from passive tree. my auras are in my gloves, just fyi. " I'm not 100 % sure. theoretically it will improve your dmg while not inflicting more dmg to you. more burning dmg to you can only be applied when you have "increased buffs on you" from your passive tree or standing near to someone who uses the discipline aura (more energy shield) since RF burns you for 90 % life and 70 % ES per sec. but in my opinion getting doryani's belt is not so good. there are way better belts which will improve both your dmg and survivability at the same time than doryani would do. something like this Last edited by MizoShirayuki#6628 on Sep 8, 2014, 9:38:37 AM
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wondering if this is worth some divine orbs?
perfect stats nice 40 life on top. thoughts its ilvl 73 |
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i didnt grabbed EE atm just because i still dont have all necessary support gems to use it with, but this node is necessary, also about burning dmg, as i understand burning dmg increase will increase rf dmg output also will increase dmg done to me, well it will increase hp degeneration, also to mention does increasing max HP pool as i asked will also increase hp regen?
at lvl 82 my build would look like this http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAxthYY1BQLv-iD18_458nL-8OvJ-krPIvqBhqHtIhVw2ezdlhGS4n7fxLbBaHGcT2PC1M_69sxYrwH6IABLMCccauHKcMX1Oltz5Bh_no_grYvYLHKPrr7riTpwidrhpsFm8kqjbp42qnMBQgUEcYkRRxDjw6UoZgYVLvTkCgBS3EWCfVIWB08RjbW69OKimlaHTaYpitFE2DOO98muBFnVNS-tIXL4bRJLCApAPG_QslrQn2PfyMz_ZIlKASaRcccXlgS3rvdO0= for late end game iam thinking about grabbing some nice +1 endurance charges with +0,2 life regen per endurance charge, |
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" 40 life is nice, but te remaining rolls are crap / half-okay. 2 strengh = 1 life so 10 strengh roll is like nothing... can roll up to 42 strengh ("of the leviathan" suffix) 47 life roll is minimum ok. at ilvl 73 it can roll up to 109 life! ("vigorous" prefix) resistance rolls are ok. 40+ is always nice. this belt can still be exalted and master-rolled good. " my RF marauder is currently 82, but my build looks kinda different to yours. but your build looks ok to me.^^ http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAxthYY1BQLv-iD18_wQTjn1W1eWgnL57NC2HvDqcweA28nxRxFCCpbr6KA8ZQR7XyAdz9CxiRNZKkGeLqJa3YvRv6YSEJ9v4KJd-E77c-hNleE3TtQYfGrmVNG8h67_noHKc8LRRSQzFgS2h0gscMX8T2TP-2QQUtKPpTpSftr2xOKloaxFjr7pit_EvFiimlJ9Wa4LiTbBbwH0WdpwiHGQSzogBTUp2uFE0CcRpsgzgWb-98JKo26eNq-tIXL4bRJLCApEd-FVASadpilKA= the difference is that it has slightly more base life, more %max life, more regen, but i still miss the 3 burning nodes near souvereignty (PURE dmg). but because i use the blood dance shoes i took more frenzy charges (can have 5 atm) which helps in life regeneration. that +30 strengh node is there for more life and dmg. I want to respec it later. Last edited by MizoShirayuki#6628 on Sep 8, 2014, 1:09:35 PM
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Inspired by this build and thanks to the great explanations about the mechanics involved i managed to put together a nice little RF build too! Mine is a Scion and has quite some different little things about her (for example i managed to get a mean 5k crit double strike out of her for those pesky totems without investing anything into any weapon system of any kind).
Great job on the write-up!! One thing i have 'discovered' that is h#lla lot of fun is; Split that cyclone and vaal cyclone up. Regular cyclone+LoH+BM to stay alive and get nice and close, and hook that vaal cyclone up to Increased area of effect, increased duration and LoH and you will be pulling monsters from three away over into your burning ring of private 'personal space' especially if you 20q em all. Give it a shot i think you might like it. |
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sounds nice an fun. but that statement alone is dull. whereis the passive tree at all? ;) or some gear choices... would love to see that.
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Does anyone have a gameplay video from that build from 1.2? it would be helpful if the gear used would not be uber high end gear.
I played RF marauder 2 seasons ago when snapshotting with redbeaks and belly of the beast still worked, but since 1.2 this doesn't work anymore, so I'm fearing that the damage might be kinda low if you only have mediocre gear for that. Thanks in advance! edit: or asked differently... how's the overall damage if you just hit 65 and equipped the most crucial stuff, but nothing really outstanding... Last edited by xebtria#7747 on Sep 9, 2014, 1:20:16 AM
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