1.350 million dps tooltip [2.3] The Dashing Duelist: ~ DW Crit Sword Build - Lacerate / Dual Strike

Bhaisabh wrote:
Why did you end up going for dual strike versus heavy strike I feel like the ability to use a shield would be more beneficial than dual-wielding in PvP.

Heavy strike is also very good, the knockback on it is very handy. DS does more damage however and benefits from the DW nodes and has 15% block on it. Up to preference.
Finally updated for 1.1!
Hello, would you mind telling a level by level distribution plan? Should I go crit nodes early on or just takes the attack passives?
yuda00 wrote:
Hello, would you mind telling a level by level distribution plan? Should I go crit nodes early on or just takes the attack passives?

I will work on a 20 by 20 leveling plan, but yes, crit nodes first, life as you please, don't bother with the antiblock clusters at all til 70+ and you're ready to pvp.
Hey, just wanted to thank you for posting the guide and taking the time to post updates. I started a few days ago and the guide and the various forum posters have been pretty useful to fix my poor build a lot. By the way, since you said taking all the way to the scion's path isn't really all that worthwhile, can you recommend alternatives? I do have some planned but I could surely use the advice since I am starting to suffer (63) and I could use some good advice, though it may just be me having awful gear and still pondering if I should take Iron Reflexes.
I got a beauty up for sale ---- Since I think I will never have the chance to enjoy this good crit-build.

The b/o price is a mirror or 160 ex.

Enjoy this sword from Domination league till now :)
Last edited by Miracle_9#3692 on Mar 19, 2014, 11:36:28 AM
Rauru_sama wrote:
Hey, just wanted to thank you for posting the guide and taking the time to post updates. I started a few days ago and the guide and the various forum posters have been pretty useful to fix my poor build a lot. By the way, since you said taking all the way to the scion's path isn't really all that worthwhile, can you recommend alternatives? I do have some planned but I could surely use the advice since I am starting to suffer (63) and I could use some good advice, though it may just be me having awful gear and still pondering if I should take Iron Reflexes.

What is your health at? DPS on dual strike? Taking IR is a good idea. Some will say it is bad for pvp, since armor doesn't mitigate much, but it is definitely good for pve. The health nodes I put in the tree should be fine, but if you want more than 240%ish increased health, then go for the scion area. Also, make sure your ele resists are maxed. This is a difficult build to take on as your first one. I will advise against Abyssus until much later, like 80+. Until then, get life and resists on everything and stick to party play if you have troubles soloing.
Thanks for the reply. My health sits around 2400 ( I am using a Carnage Heart) and my Dual Strike dps is at 4700. To tell the truth, my problems are molten shield users and mages mostly, I do need to get better gear and resistances, I am still using some low level gear that fits my gems and my resistances are around the 30-40s on merc.

@miracle: That sword is all kinds of bonkers. I doubt I'll see one better than that. Unfortunately that price is a bit too steep for someone with a week or two hahah.
Rauru_sama wrote:
Thanks for the reply. My health sits around 2400 ( I am using a Carnage Heart) and my Dual Strike dps is at 4700. To tell the truth, my problems are molten shield users and mages mostly, I do need to get better gear and resistances, I am still using some low level gear that fits my gems and my resistances are around the 30-40s on merc.

@miracle: That sword is all kinds of bonkers. I doubt I'll see one better than that. Unfortunately that price is a bit too steep for someone with a week or two hahah.

Post your gear and I will have a look. Your dps is super low. Make sure you get max resists (75%) and health on everything you can. Boots, belt, and chest should all have 80+ health on them.
Super Low huh. Not like I did not expect that. I started burning alch orbs and finally got a better sword, still only 5k now heh. But yeah, since I like using what I find around ( I am an scavenger at heart) I can't really complain. Just need to struggle a bit more and find some good gear and I think I can turn this around. I just have the worst luck i guess, for the record, these are my weapons...
the other gear is not even worthy of being posted ( except the heart I guess)

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