1.350 million dps tooltip [2.3] The Dashing Duelist: ~ DW Crit Sword Build - Lacerate / Dual Strike
I think it's better to drop leather and steel for sentinel. Like you mentioned previously, the move speed isn't really needed. So you are trading 8% armor and 4% ms for 10 strength and 10 to all resistances. The resistances makes gearing a lot easier since so many of the uniques have none.
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Also, is Unwavering Stance needed? Since you have quiet a bit of evasion rating. I know people have Resolute Technique, but since those people can't crit, you are less likely to get stunned anyway. Would the added dodge be better overall?
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Here's my gear.
![]() Defense with Grace on
![]() I can only get to 83K dps right now swapping out melee splash and equipping Abyssus. I don't have Diamond Flesh, the 10 dex node, and Blood Drinker either since I have all those stats on my gear already. Also have not yet taken the 2 sword blocking nodes and Bloodless, since I want to level some more first. Debating on what last gem I should link to Dual Strike, right now I'm using either Life on Hit or Blood Magic. No clue on how else to increase my DPS except buying ridiculously expensive swords. Last edited by bob1134#4365 on Jan 8, 2014, 9:57:39 PM
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Hey all, sorry I haven't updated in awhile. Bob, 83k dps is great, not sure why you're so unsatisfied with that. People often assume that I must have that 551 dps sword, and then are flabbergasted when they see mine are half the damage. Your swords are only slightly less dps than mine, mine are 280 and 260. But your swords don't have crit on them, which is huge for damage. I am at 38% and 43% crit on mine. If I had a 6 link, I would make the last link blue for increased critical damage. That's awesome you don't need bloodless or the res node, I have tried to make that happen, but with Lightning Coil, it severely limits my gear choices. But the less damage taken is great with Abyssus. What level are you? If you have started pvping, then you probably know that 55% antiblock would come in handy. As far as unwavering stance, there are some slow but really hard hitting mace users that can smash through my 3862 health. Just one hit would then keep me stunlocked to death.
I can't see your screenshots, not sure if it's my internet or what. Post up your current passive tree and try again on the screen shots. |
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Trying the pictures again.
![]() My passives atm
I do plan on taking anti block nodes once I level a bit more. Since I'm still mostly doing maps right now. As far as the PVP I've done so far. It's always completely one sided. Either I get stumped on or I'm one shotting the other guy in less than a second all 5 rounds. Haven't had any really close ones. I'll look into swords with more crit. They probably add more dps for me right now than pdps alone. Last edited by bob1134#4365 on Jan 9, 2014, 6:20:06 PM
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" Looks good. You opted for the Cruelty and more crit multi rather than the Finesse node. Finesse was about 5k dps upgrade for me, but my chance to hit was really low. You're already at 89% which is good. What builds are you getting stomped by? Anything with a shield will go down much faster once you get those last antiblock nodes. |
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I'm mainly losing the ones I did because of the missing block nodes, No warding flask, and no dream fragments, which are all easily fixable later
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Hello, a couple of questions:
1) How do you deal with Blind (bringer of rain)? 2) How do you manage mana? is the lone 1-2% on gear really enough in PvP? Thanks |
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" Believe it or not, blind is of no consequence. I don't notice it at all. There is a BoR facebreaker who uses it on dom who I had some good matches a month or so ago, but the only problem there was their inc duration immortal call. I have a friend I duel every night who tested a blind gem on me and it made no difference. I use only 1% mana leech and do fine. Some extra regen might help though. The only mana problems I have is when I stupidly blow it all on whirling blades to catch someone. But since I can crit for up to 25k damage per hit, the leech cap is met. 2% would help for leech with other skills I suppose, but not a concern. |
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Do you just move when blind to wait for it to wear off? As standing toe to toe with a melee with a -75% hit chance seems not an option (at best we will land 1 hit out of 5).
How much mana left do you have after activating both 60% auras? Thanks |
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