Further Update to Map-only Uniques

Agree with Fightgarr

I'm one of those people who play mostly solo and <10hr/week. In Beta I was working on a low-life build and got to lvl84 hoping to eventually get a Shav's to let me do maps.

With Shav's only dropping in high lvl maps I'd never get one or be able to afford to trade for one. And that's ok. Given the limitations of my play style, I don't expect to be able to get the same gear as people who are much more dedicated to playing the game. Yeah, it means I have to start over with some other build that doesn't rely on those items, and it will take me quite a while to get back up to the level I was at before, but whatever. There's lots of potential builds that will still work.

Don't really have a problem with the initial change or the new update that takes back some of the changes. I just find it weird that people feel entitled to the best items regardless of how they play. Especially in a game that's explicitly designed for more hardcore gamers.

Great decision on GGG's part to make this change...
zalsrevenge wrote:
Great news. Now if only it were actually possible to get to lvl 100 outside of map areas.

Id settle for 90 even, that would be a start.

I like the changes, tbh I never had a problem with the items being locked into maps, seemed cool, but I understand why a lot of people would be annoyed. I actually really like maps, but maps cant be enjoyed as an rng rollercoaster as long as they are essential for playing the game, and for those who really love hunting those big items I guess them being map only crosses a line.

This thinking does need to be a bit wider in the game design imo, maps are a lottery, a lottery is only fun when you dont care about the entry fee and you are fine with losing. Having everything riding on a lottery ticket is not fun, its a completely hopeless, horrible situation. If maps are going to be a lottery you cant require people to win that lottery over and over and over again just to be allowed to play the game for core arpg motivations like finding op items to use and getting xp. You are forced into a degenerate gambler mindset, not a 'Im having fun' carefree gambler outlook, this isnt blowing your load in vegas, its betting your benefits cheque on a horse and you cant feed your family this week if it doesnt win.

Im glad to see some items are still map only, Im a strong believer in the vision that maps are like a carrot and we want the best items, the most xp, the hardest challenge to be only found in the highest maps and they should be impossible to sustain for prolonged periods. But there has to be a balance, there has to be something in the game for people who dont win the lottery or dont even want to take part.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
Had I known the list of map only uniques was so extensive to begin with, I likely would have quit the game.

Glad I didn't learn about it until they decided to change it!
"Witty remark."

Talisman SC
IGN: HerbalD
jay_petroleum wrote:
Agree with Fightgarr

I'm one of those people who play mostly solo and <10hr/week. In Beta I was working on a low-life build and got to lvl84 hoping to eventually get a Shav's to let me do maps.

With Shav's only dropping in high lvl maps I'd never get one or be able to afford to trade for one. And that's ok. Given the limitations of my play style, I don't expect to be able to get the same gear as people who are much more dedicated to playing the game. Yeah, it means I have to start over with some other build that doesn't rely on those items, and it will take me quite a while to get back up to the level I was at before, but whatever. There's lots of potential builds that will still work.

Don't really have a problem with the initial change or the new update that takes back some of the changes. I just find it weird that people feel entitled to the best items regardless of how they play. Especially in a game that's explicitly designed for more hardcore gamers.

I only half-agree. first of all I don't believe path of exile should be designed primarily for hardcore players. I think it should have aspects or play styles that are very much geared for the no-life players, but it should be rewarding and fully enjoyable for regular players also (not that this balance is easy to achieve :).

I never expected that I'd find a kaoms or shavronnes in the limited time I can play, but the possibility that I just might, was still cool and motivating. so I am glad that GGG is taking some of the drastic changes back, while still hopefully making it desirable to run end game maps.
how long we should wait to get a new complete list?
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
With the HUGE nerf to Shavs, why would you have it drop in any maps? Let alone ilvl78? That is just, just, just...
People really shouldn't be thanking and praising them. This all is very disturbing to think that they actually thought this was good for the game.

This whole thing just shows how much they have to learn. Things of this magnitude will happen again.
Fightgarr wrote:
I do not approve.

It seemed perfectly reasonable that to get the best/coolest stuff, you had to beat the hardest content.

People that only play <=10 hours a week could have lived without Kaoms and Shavronnes.
But now if, say, Piety (AKA the gal who puts out more than a plastered groupie) can drop Kaoms, they're going to become vendor trash 6 hours after this patch comes out. (Note: this may be a slight exaggeration.)

Anyway, I guess I'm back to the "run nothing but 68 maps forever" plan.

Friend, I completed every challenge in the Anarchy/Onslaught leagues, and yet never had a map drop higher than a 74. I had to farm up and buy them after blowing mega exalts rolling 73/74s. It has absolutely nothing to do with amount of time played. I am far from the other person who completed the challenges that had this experience.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt
nikoon wrote:



you are acting like Koams will drop for everyone. It won't. It will still be very rare and expensive.
Rampage IGN: RIP_Stannis_Baratheon

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