Minion Instability and fire/burning damage
so if i add lightning dmg to skel and crit, the explosion crit from mi will triger the lightning dmg = shock?
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" nice idea but too obvious, should be unique shield: increases max hp by 50% shield wielder takes 75% more damage 20% increased radius of skills reflects 100 damage back to attacker it should be a lowish level shield, maybe in the 30's or 40's with a very low block chance. that way it would be an ideal shield for necromantic aegis without forcing it and it could still be used for some other niche builds that want a bigger HP pool but don't get hit very much to avoid status effects and such. It also has reflect damage which is pretty crappy unless you want to get hit (for necromantic aegis) IGN: OldManBalls (Warbands)
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Question about interaction of burning damage and minion instability.
Burning damage stacks from several sources: - crit/ignite from any fire spell - one fire trap dot (multiple fire trap dots doesnt stack) - righteous fire - searing bond Info from here - BUT. if we have zombies with supports - added fire dmg, increased chance to ignite, elemental proliferation. So they will deal fire dmg, causing burning, AND explode through minion instability, causing even MORE burning. so burning from zombie melee fire attacks will stack with other sources? and minion instability explosion, causing burning too - will it stack even more? or in terms of burning dmg - zombies will just count as one more fire spell, and "only the one with the highest damage per second will cause damage at any given moment"? And that detailed question, can be asked shorter - if we stack fire and burning dmg nodes and dual curse monsters with ele weakness and flammability, and already have such sources of burning dmg as fire traps, and fireball totems - will fire zombies also help, or their burning will interfere with our sources of burning? You have forgotten your place, Karui slaaave! Last edited by BlackCorsair#4684 on Aug 19, 2013, 9:03:52 AM
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" "Fire Damage", not "Fire Spell". Huge difference. " They don't cause "Burning", they deal Burning damage by inflicting the Ignite status ailment. As mentioned, Ignite does not stack with itself. The strongest Ignite will always deal damage, so multiple sources of Ignite will never 'interfere' with the strongest Ignite. All sources tick down simultaneously. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Aug 19, 2013, 9:09:07 AM
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Oh i see!
that was pretty quick answer, and very clear - monsters can have only one Ignite status, and if i cause it with fireballs, when zombies inflicting Ignite too will interfere with my fireballs. But its possible to change fireballs to searing bond totem, though it deals burning dmg, but without Ignite status. So i think with fireball setup - its useless for me to bring also fire zombies, when i already have fire traps and fireball totems. Maybe only because mosnters after dual curses will have low fire res, and zombies will provide additional meat shield... hmhhmhmhm... You have forgotten your place, Karui slaaave! Last edited by BlackCorsair#4684 on Aug 19, 2013, 9:14:34 AM
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I'm very interested in reflect damage from shield with Necro Aegis on summons. Does it work with Life Leech support? Can it be improved by minion damage, added fire and remote mine? It could be a huge asset to suiciding minions.
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minions dont have elemental dmg do they dont proc status ailments. but they do get effected by auras, so if u run anger aura they will get the dmg converted to fire dmg? if so, if i then put chance to ignite linked with minions they will be able to ignite enemys with basic atks and explosion? |
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" Not 'converted', anger aura adds flat damage so ignite from that will be pretty minor, insignificant compared to amounts of fire damage Added fire gem can grant their attacks. Wrath and Anger are best suited for fast attacks and summons generally attack hella slow. Well, if you want to turn your zombies into Burning Dead, and you have the slots this setup is very nice: Raise Zombie Minion Life (increases instability damage) Minion damage (increases instability and attack damage) Added fire Chance to Ignite Increased Burning Damage And use Necromatnic aegis with Chernobog's Pillar, it converts physical to fire and grants all your minions chance to enfeeble, which is nice too. Now all you need is a Burning Dead skin for them. Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs. ◄[]► ◄[]► Last edited by raics#7540 on Sep 17, 2013, 3:02:46 AM
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" I would like to know this as other gems affect MI such as lightning / cold / chaos damage? |
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Added lightning and cold will add damage as normal, but instability has 0% chance to crit, it can crit only if target is cursed with crit weakness.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.
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