This game is encouraging unacceptable behaviour. [Story spoilers]

Do we have to be politically correct in a game where we are killing every bloody thing that moves.Christ!
"If they actually showed gameplay with it zoomed out and then zoomed it in for the real one I think there would be actual riots in the street. I think that people would burn the building down."
Thanks for all the replies, I read them all.

I agree very much with the Carmageddon and Postal case. I was one of those lucky people who could play them uncensored although I didn't have the game myself. It was so wrong.

Raezzor, it is very kind of you but I am afraid it's too late for that. Also no such thing exists...

Once more about trolling: Not every ironic text you find on the internet is trolling. And if you read the whole OP you can't really think I am trying to deceive anyone. But sure, call it however you want, this is just for clarification...

✠ ✠
It's a shame to see so many confuse a very witty post for trolling. Very well done Wiggin keep up the good work or play whichever you prefer to call it.
Heheh, what an excellent post from the OP.
Great pics too!
This person either has no sense of humor and way too much time on their hands.....
either that, or what exactly?

Love the pictures. Great finds and very nicely captured! :)
CliveHowlitzer wrote:

I am now too addicted to that feeling of being kicked in the nuts when you die.
reviving this one
I can tell a lot of effort went into making this post, the edited images really sells it.
glad this got necro'd, gave me another chuckle.

Maybe you should update the thread for act 3 and 3x?
"Minions of your minions are your minion's minions, not your minions." - Mark
Last edited by ciknay#1000 on Nov 9, 2013, 8:34:36 PM

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