This game is encouraging unacceptable behaviour. [Story spoilers]

I noticed in some recent events that this community cares about children in here a lot. It is great thing but there is still a lot to be done. There are some issues in game itself GGG should solve before going open beta. Here is a list of things I noticed, if you guys find more, make sure you post them.


♦ Right at start you are being called a prisoner. It is usually OK but families of real prisoners could be offended by this. I suggest changing it to 'heroes' or something less explicit.

♦ After you are washed out on the shore you have this little talk with a dying guy. He calls the third person 'a friend' but the 'friend' kills him right away. This creates unhealthy impression of friends killing each other. I think it would be better to change the word 'friend' to 'enemy'.

♦ Then you finally reach the town and you can see some people standing idle while wounded men are obviously struggling in pain, probably dying, and nobody helps them. It would be more or less acceptable if everyone was an exile, criminal in there, but Nessa is not. She talks about caring but does nothing. The impression you get from this scene is that not helping sick people is OK. It is not! Let's move Nessa closer to the old man, perhaps she could sit by him with hand on his wounds or something like that to simulate medical care.

♦ When you continue your adventure killing some aggressive homeless people and animals until you reach Mud Flats. It appears to be an unique area with some rare biological species. Namely Rhoas, some kind of bird which lost its ability to fly. These birds are apparently nesting, which makes them naturally overprotective, especially when you try to search through their nests. It is natural! The game shouldn't require us to kill them just because they behave as nature tells them, let alone robbing their nests.

♦ After the bird incident you enter a cave. Caves like this are really uncommon nature phenomenon and anyone entering them should know how to behave inside to preserve such a creation. The game does everything to make us behave exactly in the opposite way than one is supposed to. You are definitely not supposed to yell and swing weapons, let alone using explosives or fighting local animals. This should be tweaked, I suggest removing all monsters and encouraging the player to be quiet.

♦ After fighting your way through some undead and other local species living on the surface you enter prison. Apparently the prison is holding one last prisoner, former warden. This warden was just an employee there who became a victim of unspeakable crime which damaged not only his body but also clouded his mind badly. The right way to solve such a situation would be providing proper medical care, it is very likely that he had his insurance paid but even if just for the sake of human solidarity... I suggest tweaking the quest a bit, so instead of "kill Brutus" it would say "heal Brutus".

♦ Then you meet a strange rude girl and have to go to so called ship graveyard. You find a captain there who was robbed in the past but after fulfilling his wish instead of reward you get attacked. This is really bad design. It teaches the player that helping other people gets you hurt. This is very serious thing, we need to encourage the players to help others! I think this quest could simply end at Fairgraves where he would reward you for bringing him the Allflame.

♦ And after a short walk across the coves you get to another cave. At the bottom of this cave lives a broken-heart lady. Many people playing this game don't know about love and how are things when you lose one. It would be definitely better to have a talk with Merveil on this topic than killing her. And for the love of god, she did nothing wrong, she is just a very sad woman who decided to live in seclusion after certain unpleasant love experience.

♦ Then you enter a forest. It is quite similar to our tropical rain forests, something worth protecting not only for it's scientific value but also natural beauty and ecological function. But instead of some quests on this topic the player gets to kill some apes. Apes that are so very rare and some at the very edge of extinction. Definitely something should be done about this.

♦ There are 4 tribes living in the forest. You always happen to enter particular one first and suddenly it becomes 'your' camp. It would be ok if they didn't encourage you to kill the other 3 tribes. This is something so out of date I can't even... Anyway you have to kill at least two of them to progress the game. This is such a bad example, imagine that some future politicians are playing this game and what they learn is that trying to solve problems peacefully gets you nowhere.

♦ You can also enter Chambers of sins. It is quite OK zone except for the end. First there is the lady you save, which is 100% good and I appreciate this part but then there is Fidelitas. Fidelitas is fidelity or faithfulness in Latin. But when you look at the monster it is really ugly and also very hostile. This creates an impression of fidelity being something ugly or even worse - that being faithful means being hostile. This part still needs some adjustments. Perhaps make the monster beautiful and friendly.

♦ Church is one big blasphemy, I don't even know where to start. I don't know, make the bishop have service or something. With current form of this part of the game people will learn to fear churches and will never be able to truly believe and serve God.

♦ Vaal ruins and Vaal pyramid part is quite OK. I get it the similarity with Egyptian pyramids is just an inspiration, and at least we are not forced to rob the actual tombs in there, I appreciate it. Of course the problem with broken vacuum cleaner on the top of the pyramid requires some extreme approach but I actually like this part. Technology is everywhere around us today and when it goes wrong actions to repair it must be taken without any hesitation.

I hope some of these problems will be solved before open beta. As I heard in another thread, GGG doesn't want this game to be just about fun, which is cool. And since games are usually about enjoyment and education, the educational part should be cultivated here.
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Last edited by wiggin#5896 on Oct 28, 2012, 5:47:14 AM
Didn't read all of it as it seems like pointless complaints atleast imho, all these things promote the environment GGG is trying to go for in their game and should stay as is.

This is a joke thread, people...
Closed Beta/Alpha Tester back after a 10-year hiatus.
First in the credits!
Why dont we all just hold hands and sing Kum-Bye-Ya?
~ There are spectacular moments.
Until rhoas, I thought you were serious xD
Build of the week #2 :
My god, you're right wiggin! GGG is encouraging unacceptable behaviour. Time to call the boys in blue and give Chris a spanking!
gz wiggin, in 3weeks 2days and 6minutes and 4seconds noone will take you serious anymore.
I say NOONE ! :P
Best approach to get some balancesuggestions towards GGG ^^
This thread is very humerus.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

This thread is trolling so much that you won my post.Congrats sir.
Bye bye desync!
Y U NO MENTION DEAD BABIES????????? щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
POE is a constantly evolving game, so expect balance changes, buffs and nerfs STILL!

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