Unique Item List - 300 of 419

who stops one from using - bear with me - TWO staves?

my latest build - lightning arrow uses two bows.

and it blows the content out of the water (btw Infractem is a quiet unsung hero of 1.2. this bow is AMAZING if someone cannot afford end game bow and even then..)

use pledge of hands with Arc for packs and this new one for bosses as that light pen makes it an ultimate boss slayer

but ill agree with many - 100% shock duration (while good) lost a lot of its appeal with removal of shock stacking..
Last edited by sidtherat#1310 on Oct 24, 2014, 2:35:48 PM
What is the point of comparing the new staff to the generic typical unique staff that applies to all spell builds? Pledge of Hands is really good..... maybe too good , and is a no-brainer to build around.

The new staff will require more effort to achieve similar effects, or at least good enough to be end-end-endgame viable, but it is end-game viable if you build around it properly. I am actually glad the modifier for lightning penetration is not a gem, which means I can stack it up. With this staff, a non-lit res blue/yellow mobs easily dip in the negatives without a EleWeak/Conduct, and if you add in EW and/or Conduct curse, you will make those mobs be really deep in the negative resistances. I know there is a diminishing return, but you are going to be dealing a lot of damage (possibly one-shotting) either way.

Mobs with lit res will be feeling the pain, and bosses will feel it too because of how penetration work (this has been iterated many times).

If you put no effort into making a build out of the new staff, of course it will be meh, you made a meh effort. I think this applies to most specialized uniques.

Do I expect this new unique staff to one shot an entire map of mobs in under one second? Maybe not, but if I can have a good time with it, that build is working fine.

Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Oct 24, 2014, 3:09:18 PM
JohnNamikaze wrote:
What is the point of comparing the new staff to the generic typical unique staff that applies to all spell builds? Pledge of Hands is really good..... maybe too good , and is a no-brainer to build around.

The new staff will require more effort to achieve similar effects, or at least good enough to be end-end-endgame viable, but it is end-game viable if you build around it properly. I am actually glad the modifier for lightning penetration is not a gem, which means I can stack it up. With this staff, a non-lit res blue/yellow mobs easily dip in the negatives without a EleWeak/Conduct, and if you add in EW and/or Conduct curse, you will make those mobs be really deep in the negative resistances. I know there is a diminishing return, but you are going to be dealing a lot of damage (possibly one-shotting) either way.

Mobs with lit res will be feeling the pain, and bosses will feel it too because of how penetration work (this has been iterated many times).

If you put no effort into making a build out of the new staff, of course it will be meh, you made a meh effort. I think this applies to most specialized uniques.

Do I expect this new unique staff to one shot an entire map of mobs in under one second? Maybe not, but if I can have a good time with it, that build is working fine.

These are just fancy words. What effort? The build will be exactly the same as with any other staff, just with a penetration boost, while losing 3 spell levels or a 7th link. And since crit+multi is king, using this staff is lackluster. Untill crits are changed, anything without them is bad because the game is created around that ridiculous crit dps.
Allnamestaken wrote:
anything without them is bad because the game is created around that ridiculous crit dps.

This is total and utter bullshit. This game isn't made around the crit dps at all. This game has BECOME about crit dps, because everyone and anyone seems to be number obsessed. WHat does it matter if the dps is lower, and the clear speed is slower? NOTHING. People just want to see everything being one shot no matter the content. Looking on the build forums, you literally see the same build time and time again with just small variations. If someone happens to post a non crit build, I have seen it get lambasted saying "This build sucks. Going crit will make it way better" or "Why would you use that? Just do this and you will get 200k+ DPS instead of that shitty 80k you are getting." What does it matter if the DPS is lower if its a build you had fun making or doing, and uses a mechanic that is not always seen being used? I for one really want that staff cause I think I can make a really good build for it.
Darksparkru2 wrote:
Allnamestaken wrote:
anything without them is bad because the game is created around that ridiculous crit dps.

This is total and utter bullshit. This game isn't made around the crit dps at all. This game has BECOME about crit dps, because everyone and anyone seems to be number obsessed. WHat does it matter if the dps is lower, and the clear speed is slower? NOTHING. People just want to see everything being one shot no matter the content. Looking on the build forums, you literally see the same build time and time again with just small variations. If someone happens to post a non crit build, I have seen it get lambasted saying "This build sucks. Going crit will make it way better" or "Why would you use that? Just do this and you will get 200k+ DPS instead of that shitty 80k you are getting." What does it matter if the DPS is lower if its a build you had fun making or doing, and uses a mechanic that is not always seen being used? I for one really want that staff cause I think I can make a really good build for it.

You definitely don't have to have crit to have a decent build, its just that crit usually makes the builds better so most every one uses it.

My arc witch could care less about crit. She solo clears the hardest maps by herself so why would she need crit?
Standard Forever
Allnamestaken wrote:

These are just fancy words. What effort? The build will be exactly the same as with any other staff, just with a penetration boost, while losing 3 spell levels or a 7th link. And since crit+multi is king, using this staff is lackluster. Untill crits are changed, anything without them is bad because the game is created around that ridiculous crit dps.

Do you want every item to be the same? Might as well make all the uniques just have crit, and nothing else. Crit is king.....but not god. It is one of the most popular stats in all of the ARPG kingdom, but you can live without it.

If this argument is about this staff being feasible for Atziri/Uber Atziri, I am not even thinking about it since that is the worst content ever created by GGG from my view. Most players have that mentality of Atziri being all that. That content is only like 0.000001% of the total content. While she may be the end-game boss, it is just a temporarily one. Not even worth going after the pieces to have a chance of fighting Atziri.

Other than that, this staff still has potential to be very good.

Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Oct 24, 2014, 4:24:27 PM
You can try and justify this item all you want, but the fact is that untill crits are changed it is lackluster. And making weapons that are not about crit will produce weak items. And none of your weak attemts of defending will change that.

Block+crit, that is what poe is about. Everything else is miles behind and weak conmparatively. Once it is changed then maybe this item will be somewhat good.
Last edited by Allnamestaken#7661 on Oct 25, 2014, 2:50:18 AM
Allnamestaken wrote:
You can try and justify this item all you want, but the fact is that untill crits are changed it is lackluster. And making weapons that are not about crit will produce weak items. And none of your weak attemts of defending will change that.

Block+crit, that is what poe is about. Everything else is miles behind and weak conmparatively. Once it is changed then maybe this item will be somewhat good.

I do not think GGG can do much about crit. Even if they cap it somehow, crit will still out DPS non-crit DPS builds. Crit also has the advantage of causing status ailments as well. You either keep crit as it is or remove it completely. I may be narrowed-minded on this, but I been in games that has had crit capped, and they can still somehow dominate the ones that do not crit.

Also, another thing, this staff has semi-decent base crit, so you can still make a crit build out of it. May not be the best one, but it is better than nothing.

Again, I do not care how dominant crit builds are, as long this unique staff can make me viable in maps, then I am happy. While I prefer it to be optimized, as long I am having fun with the item, the rest.........I do not care.
Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game.
- raics, 06.08.2016

most of the time you'll use ele weakness (either selfcursed or on hit on gloves), thats how much ele res? -40%?

most of the time you'll also use light pen, thats another -35% so you are at -75% and you already full minus capped non resistant enemies. congratz the 20% light pen do -nothing-.

you'll get a mindblowing amount of 20% more dps on a full lightning res monster. while this is okay, its the same as another link or maybe even less valuable than another link (e.g. the 7l of pledge). yes, you have +1 lightning skills, but then again you can get +3 on a normal staff and about 80-100% spell damage more (which already equals the 20% pen) and im not even counting in spell crit or cast speed.

this staff is not horrible, its pretty good for the beginning of a league, but thats it.
Last edited by Therealshotzz#7199 on Oct 25, 2014, 3:03:05 AM
^penetration works differently then resistance reductions.

For example if you curse with ele weakness + conductivity you can reduce an enemy's resistance to a maximum of 0% if i am not mistaken (not sure where the cap is atm)

However, lightning penetration allows it to drop below that %.

It's why atziri is able to damage 106% max fire resistance builds in the last patch, it penetrates the max value of resistance not the cap.


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