Unique Item List - 300 of 419

Three so fine, one divine, and one a matching bruise,
Two that burn, two in hand, and one that sits unused,
Two that spark confusion, one that gives, one that takes,
And one that weeps when all alone... an oath fulfilled makes.

The first line could be Divine+Mirror (Three objects, the mirror is a "matching bruise" and also "copies" the divine)

The second line has something to do with the original sword, possibly with added fire/chance to ignite?

Third line I'm even less sure about. Sparking confusion is strange, possibly referencing unique rings?

Final line could be Moonsorrow. It weeps alone.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir
You think this needs a mirror? LOL

Last edited by RabidMonk#6216 on Aug 20, 2013, 9:31:46 PM
One that gives one that takes? Perhaps the desecrated and consecrated ground from the Lightbane rainment and Zahndethus' Cassock?
Redblade wrote:

Actually the original comments clearly stated that these items should drop where they are level appropriate and useful, hence you would not see the items I mentioned as they are for all intents and purposes low level items when talking end game maps.

Ya, Common uniques are lvl appropriate at the low lvls. Uniques like dream fragments might be low lvl but they are APPROPRIATE at the end game. Its not that hard a concept.
Standard Forever
I tell you what. Since you hate the low level uniques, because they are so common, just pass them all this way. Everyone talks about how they have all these uniques.

I've got 29 uniques in inventory.

3 I purchased.
I sold 4.

So, 30 Unique Items. PLaying since the weekend after OB opened. 3 map level chars, probably 8 more deleted, plus the current crop of 3 extra "alts".

I wish that I had all of these "crap uniques that ALWAYS drop" for people in worthless ways.
pengant wrote:
You think this needs a mirror? LOL
It technically fits.
IGN - PlutoChthon, Talvathir

Last edited by RabidMonk#6216 on Aug 20, 2013, 9:32:16 PM
iamstryker wrote:
Redblade wrote:

Actually the original comments clearly stated that these items should drop where they are level appropriate and useful, hence you would not see the items I mentioned as they are for all intents and purposes low level items when talking end game maps.

Ya, Common uniques are lvl appropriate at the low lvls. Uniques like dream fragments might be low lvl but they are APPROPRIATE at the end game. Its not that hard a concept.

OK, who will decide what's worthy of an end game item? You, popular vote, the Pope...

Or perhaps we should just leave it the way it is and realize that it works quite well, with the horrible exception of you having to go to the vendor every now and then to get some extra alch shards.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Redblade wrote:

OK, who will decide what's worthy of an end game item? You, popular vote, the Pope...

The devs already did, hence why dream fragments, wake of destruction, astramentis, maligros etc etc are NOT common.
Standard Forever

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