Why do you hoard? What do you hoard?

I have lots of stash tabs and a growing collection of rares and magics but I have little to no idea what's worth keeping so I'm looking for inspiration. What do you hoard and why?

I'm a hopeless altaholic and have yet to reach end-game. I've not a single character in Merciless yet since OB.

Do you, say, only bother hoarding higher level items and keep a set of leveling gear to get characters of different types of build through to the end game?

The vendor recipe challenge has led me to the conclusion that the main recipes that require a large stash (e.g. 2 to 3 rares of the same name or 5 magics with the same base type) are a waste of time. Do you agree?

I tend to hoard a lot of rings/gems/flasks. Is it only worth keeping the ones with max stats and maybe a few vanilla ones for crafting?

Anyway, hoarders: I'm all ears!
There has to be a low point where some people stop complaining because it's just not worth it, and I have yet to see it. - Squeakypaw, 2013
Last edited by obadonke on Jul 18, 2013, 9:27:34 AM
Wasn't expecting the question you're asking when I saw the topic title :D

Anyway, ever since I got myself a stash tab set, I've been hoarding in this way:

- Possibly good Regal-worthy stuff (jewelry especially)
- Uniques (I'm just a sucker for Uniques, but I'll probably start NPC-ing the crappy ones soon)
- Low level gear (most of which end up being Uniques; anyway, they're mainly for leveling new characters to try builds)
- Stuff to PC
- Sets of 6X UnID rares for 2x Chaos sets
- 2 of every skill gem across 3 tabs (for 3 colors) in case I ever need something for a new trial build
- And like everyone else, a currency tab that isn't as filled as I'd like it to be

EDIT: Oh, and since you mentioned flasks:

- 2x resistance flasks of each kind in case I ever need them, plus Granites with decent mods (usually + EVA or ARM). I would hoard Diamonds but I only have 1 lololol.
Last edited by _avenged_ on Jul 18, 2013, 10:13:52 AM
As a closed beta gold supporter I had lots of points to burn. Since I don't care much about cosmetic effect I spend most of my points on premium stash tabs. Have 56 tabs and running out of room sometimes.
- I hoard all 3 & 4 space weapons for the Alchemy Orb vendor recipe as an experiment.
- I hoard mediocre stuff to use for leveling on alts.
- I do not use the chaos recipe cause I save all amus, rings and belts to vendor back for an unidentified one when I have 5 of the same base type.
- I hoard iron rings to craft all trash coral and Paua Rings into amulets.
- Pick up all Q flasks for the baubles.
- Pick up 15%+ Q weapons and armor for the scraps and stones.
- Use about 10 tabs to sort out the gear I think is worth selling in my forum shop.
- I collect 4 of each type of skill gem.
- All skill gems above 4 go into separate tabs because of the GGG rumor that a gem sync will be implemented somewhere in the next 10 years.
- Pick up and save every unique I find, perhaps for some alt....

Yeah I guess you can call me a massive hoarder... But I like it!
Last edited by AHW0lf on Jul 18, 2013, 10:40:10 AM
Just convert them into alts and make a massive humanitarian aid.

Anarchy/Onslaught T-Shirt Owner.
Trading Guide : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/519890
Killing Vaal merc with (600 life) : http://is.gd/qsgV9P [Open Beta]
Let's be Crazy: http://is.gd/TxxLsS / Old Suggestion: http://is.gd/Jd09W0
<< God blesses those who bless themselves >>
I hoard flasks, skill gems (even the ones you get at the beach) and all kind of useful looking rares, 4L, crafting whites. My stash is a mess...
PoE needs better social features... and more cats!
I hoard intereting blue items names,

examples :

Anarchy/Onslaught T-Shirt Owner.
Trading Guide : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/519890
Killing Vaal merc with (600 life) : http://is.gd/qsgV9P [Open Beta]
Let's be Crazy: http://is.gd/TxxLsS / Old Suggestion: http://is.gd/Jd09W0
<< God blesses those who bless themselves >>
You do know there basically is no endgame? Act 3 is not even finished.
I have an entire tab of flasks but I don't know why
I hoard for in case of massive disaster survival reasons with the intended goal
to survive for at least 2 to 3 months without need of finding food or water via conventional
Such as 'what if' the power grid goes down for a week to a few months due to:
Hurricane, major solar flare, insane N Korean or whatever sets off air burst nuke to induce
massive EMF (same as major solar flare effect). Of those, Hurricane is most likely, I've had
to do without power due to those for up to 6 weeks in my lifetime (several times)

Things I hoard:
Canned goods that can be consumed without need of heating and preferably in single portion size. Such as beef ravioli, sardines and other similar canned fish (herring,etc) for example.

Water, more important than the food, something I to date do not stock properly and need to
work on, I need more storage slots.....

Ammo: I have plenty on hand and if shit really hits the fan (see above) I can use that
to take care of the first two things on my list or at least remove ill minded crooks from
the hood.

Rum: Comes in handy for trade good and for things that ail you.
Toilet paper as useful as the rum, if not more so. (Google Toilet Paper and Soviet Russia if you are less than 40 years of age and are ignorant of history to know why that is).
Iodine and Bleach. If you don't know why, hit the Google or Bing....
Salt too....
Ammo, did I say ammo?
Not just for the guns I have, but some for ones I don't. Can come in handy for trade.
This is not a complete list but it is the things I try to focus on.

There are other items but I do not consider worthy of listing as they really are not hoarded; things like a quality machete or two on hand, etc...

Well, that's not everything but it was what came to mind .

Edit, yes I do realize if a massive solar flare event hits the power grid in
some regions of USA (or elsewhere on Earth) could be down for YEARS. I can't stock
that much food, that is what ammo is for as a last recourse, that and a Bible but
I only need one of those.

CliffH raved: maybe if half the mods Werent neckbearded, introverted middle aged men covered in a layer of cheeto dust, they would review the reports before smacking their over protruding forehead on the mute button. FUNNY!
Last edited by Buzi on Jul 18, 2013, 12:27:30 PM
EomMage wrote:
I have an entire tab of flasks but I don't know why

Same, makes it easy to grab upgrades while leveling.

I hoard all semi-decent items. I have a few stash tabs each for all slot items. Its all trash gear but you never know when you will need it.

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