Open Beta Supporter Packs

Chris wrote:
elegance92 wrote:
Is it possible to purchase more than one pack?
I'd like to get all the effects/rhoas, but 12k is a bit of a stretch for me, I could pretty safely do one each of the others over time though!

Yes, you can definitely purchase all of the others. Thanks!

Cool, thank you!
Though.. what will I do with all them baby rhoas!
Ign: Elestrasza(Anarchy)/YoloSparkler(Standard)
Last edited by Elestrasza#3811 on Jun 7, 2013, 4:08:48 AM
I've paid $30 already into this game... do I get the open beta supporter pack retroactively or do I have to pay another $30 if I want it?
Last edited by Crevox#7597 on Jun 7, 2013, 4:06:53 AM
burgundy wrote:
Redblade wrote:
Assuming I could upgrade to a larger package down the line if I get a smaller now?

yes you can buy a smaller pack, then upgrade to another, you will get the differential amount of points between the packs so if one gives 200 and the next gives 300, you get 100.

rince and repeat i guess.

figured as much as they are willing to do payment plans, just thought I'd confirm before dropping $50 for now.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Chris wrote:
Tornspirit wrote:
For people who have purchased points standalone when open beta released, or spent them on items such as the $1000 custom unique without the knowledge that these packs were going to release, is there going to be any reimbursement for them?

I personally haven't spent anything since closed beta, but I am very tempted to now. It'd just be slightly off if those who have supported the game without these benefits to be left behind.

The $1000 custom unique purchasers get a free Exalted pack and are able to upgrade to an Eternal pack for $500.

In a few days we will hopefully have support for upgrading from "Point Packs" to these new packs.

Can we upgrade the current Open Beta support packs like we used to in CB?
For example i just bought Regal and thought that i can actually get the 110$ one by paying the 60 difference.
Maybe Im blind for not seeing the option or it will come with the change you mentioned above.

the Q
burgundy wrote:
elegance92 wrote:
Is it possible to purchase more than one pack?
I'd like to get all the effects/rhoas, but 12k is a bit of a stretch for me, I could pretty safely do one each of the others over time though!

yes you should be able to buy the smallest pack and then go up in the packs and get each specific effect or pet but it may also be that the new effect replaces the other too.

hopefully not replacing but adding.

If it didnt replace but add instead, there would be no point in buying say Divine pack immediately. Ot would always be more rewarding to buy them from the start (assuming the upgrade costs is exactly the difference between packs).

Therefore it either
a) costs more to upgrade from one pack to another than the difference between their costs
b) the new effect replaces the old one
c) the higher pack contains all the lower effects as well (doubtful)
d) none of the above in which case no one smart will ever buy the higher packs directly.
Bhaya wrote:
Greed is not the way to, GGG.

And here we finally come to the word that I have been politely ignoring these past few months. I avoid saying it, because as a start-up company, you don't want people badmouthing you. But, here it is, and so - greed.

Let's start with purchasing credit. $5 gets you 46 points. Credit card fee penalties are deferred onto your customers. Same deal with $10; 96 points. This only stops once you reach the $20 level and finally get $1:10 points. This is just backward - you eat the fees, and provide incentives for people to give you more money (say, 10 extra points for a $30 contribution, 25 points for a $50 payment, etc.), and possibly increase the cost of some of the microtransactions if you absolutely have to. You never, ever defer these onto people who are giving you money.

Secondly - tab bundles. You are against the concept of pay-to-win. Tabs individually cost $3 - quite a lot, considering what you get - and can go as low as $2. A bundle of 6 tabs is $15, so you get one for free. There are no higher collections of tabs - it's a bundle of 6 at most, there are no discounts for buying more since there are no bigger bundles than that. 6 tabs on sale is $12, and your proposed tab bundle sale for 6 tabs is... also $12. I don't feel any incentive to get a good deal there, because it's the same as buying 6 tabs on sale, except I'm not forced to buy in multiples of 6. Tabs are still expensive, especially when one can make more accounts for free space.

Finally, since my tightly-bottled vitriol is running out - sales in general. These are miserly. I have this thread documenting every daily sale since May 1st. Take a leaf out of Valve's book and don't be afraid to put some of the more expensive stuff on sale for ~60% off. From an interview with Gabe Newell:

"When you're selling a product directly online, though, and you drop the price by 75 percent, you'll actually increase your total gross revenue by a factor of 40. You're actually generating 40 times as much gross revenue. After you return to the sort of baseline price, sales will actually be higher ... You're actually somehow increasing the demand for your product by running the sale."

Enough with the stinginess. Your goal is to encourage impulse buying. I have the full FEAR and Alan Wake series on Steam from last Christmas, and the THQ Humble Indie Bundle, and I haven't played any of those games - but they still have my money. Your method - the GGG method - has been to provide fractional, miserly discounts that encourage me to carefully mind my wallet and realise that I'm being screwed if I make a purchase. And I don't like being screwed.
qvaza wrote:
Can we upgrade the current Open Beta support packs like we used to in CB?
For example i just bought Regal and thought that i can actually get the 110$ one by paying the 60 difference.
Maybe Im blind for not seeing the option or it will come with the change you mentioned above.

the Q

This is what I was looking to do, a confirmation from Chris would be nice.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
You forgot to mention that baby rhoas are crazy about genital piercings.

Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


Awesome new packs :) Looking forward to getting back into the game now with these new leagues.

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